Thursday, September 20, 2018

When Life Throws You A Curve, Don't Pay Attention And Strike Out

     It's funny how life works some times. For the past week or so, a person that I knew a long time ago has been popping into my head. I knew her for maybe a couple of years or so, back in my surf days. We would surf together from time to time, and we even tried dating briefly. She was always very nice, but there we never really connected. I figured it out and asked her about it. It came to me that she was a lesbian, but she denied it, and it wasn't my place to force her to come out or anything like that, so I just left it, but after that conversation, we didn't talk much anymore. I'm not sure if it was me, or she was embarrassed by the conversation, or maybe it was just that never really connecting thing.

     Anyway, I had to take my mom to get her prescriptions filled yesterday. The pharmacist were all busy when we got to the counter, so we waited. I had to get a few things in order to be able to pay so I wasn't really paying attention to anyone or anything. The woman who was working the drive thru window finished first and came up to us to help. I mentioned the prescription and the name and was still tending to debit cards and what not. The woman asked a few questions, to verify that the right person was getting the prescription, and I was still dealing with cards, and simply answering the questions without looking up. The amount was tendered, and I punched in the numbers, and was handed the bag of medication. I still hadn't really looked up. I was now putting debit card away and handing the bag off to my mom to see if she wanted to carry it. The woman said something a bit odd to me. "Thank you, have a nice day, and it was good to see you again." The first two weren't odd to me, but that last part, that struck me, and as I was walking away, I turned to say that it was good to see you again as well, just out of habit, and then I saw who it was. It was that woman I knew so long ago. She had changed quite a bit, but it was definitely her.

     I did know that she was a pharmacist, but last I had heard, she had moved to somewhere in the middle of the country with her new wife. Yes, she had finally accepted who she was and had gotten married, and I would assume is much happier for it. I had wondered why she had popped into my head again, and then that happened. Maybe it was some weird cosmic outreach that was telling me that I would see her again, and it just wanted me to notice her when I did see her. I did, but it was too late in the interaction to say anything to her of substance. It was a pleasure to see her again, even in it's awkwardness on my part, but that was generally our relationship before. It was just awkward in many ways.

     I think I may finally be getting over this cough. It came back with a vengeance over the last couple of days, and really did me in. I have felt miserable yesterday and most of today. It was like a second wave of what ever this is, hit me again. I took a nap earlier in the day, and since then, my coughing has been much less. It's still there, but I can manage it a little bit more. I hope it is done, I'm tired of being in the house and not having my wits about me. This has really thrown me off track this week. I haven't written anything other then the very small blog piece that goes with the latest video for the TPR, and that want something that really need a brain to do. It was basically an intro and a wrap up with some links thrown in for good measure. I have gotten some really good feedback personally on the video, so I'm calling it a success even though it is not putting up great numbers so far. It's doing pretty good though, better than most actually, but after riding the high of the last release, this one is a let down. I won't know the real numbers on retention of viewers until tomorrow. YouTube puts those numbers up on a daily basis. Well, the adjust them on a daily basis, so I can't get real time numbers. This video is longer than all of our other ones, so if people are watching the whole thing, which I hope they are, then the retention numbers will state that. If you haven't watched the video yet, now is your chance, and I'm still begging, so please watch the video. I truly think you will enjoy it.

     I will now, say no more about the video. It is now in my past, with the exception that I will post the blog link on Facebook tomorrow at noon.

      Not speaking of the video, but related to video creation. GoPro just released their latest camera. The GoPro Hero 7 Black. Well they have three models, the black, silver, and white. Then Black is the top of the line with incredible video stabilization. I went on the site to check out the specs, and it is quite remarkable. I also looked at the price, which is surprisingly low for a new release.  Oh, it's not cheap by any means, but they most recently have released the new Heros at a hundred dollars more than this one is. They do offer a trade in option, and I could trade in one of my old ones for a hundred dollars off. I'm thinking about it, because the one that I use for most of the filming I do, has a cracked touchscreen and the view on it, is messed up because of the crack. It has caused some weird red haze to go across the screen. It has not affected the actual footage that it captures, but it is annoying when I'm filming, because I can't see everything the way I should. Now, if I did that, I would have to wait for the new camera to actually be released, they are only in pre-order right now, and there is no date for the actual release that I could find. I do have my back up Hero 5, so I wouldn't be without a camera, but I would have to go back to taking the camera out of fixtures to get all the shots I need during TPR reviews. On the bike it's no big deal. I do most of the filing with the helmet mount. I'm thinking it over, because it is a lot of money, and I can do just fine with what I have now, but there is the chance that this camera could fail at some point, and then I would be in a situation where I would actually need to get a new camera. Dilemmas, that is all it is.

     I need a good night of rest, and I'm hoping it will be tonight. The stress of today's release is over, and it is out there and will do what it will do. The cough is growing weaker and weaker, so maybe I will get that good nights sleep. Wish me luck. Peace in and goodnight.

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