Saturday, September 8, 2018

The Patchwork Knight (Chapter 43)

    Our laughter did not go unnoticed. A woman walked in with a broad smile on her face. She looked familiar. She was wearing a dress with a sword at her waist.

     "Princess Alma?"

     "I heard you were in the Palace Pitre. I am so happy to see you. I had always believed you to be alive. With the way you trained before the tournament, I knew that no one would be able to stop you after a full year of training. I also hear that my belief was correct. I'm hearing that there isn't a man alive that can stand against you. I'm no man though. Do you fancy a spar, Sir Patchwork Knight?"

     My jaw dropped at the sound of her saying the name that Galdren had just given me.

     "How, how do you know that name?"

     "Don't be silly Pitre, you four aren't exactly the softest spoken. I could hear you all from across the palace."

     "It would be my pleasure to spar with you Princess Alma."

     "Please Pitre, I thought we already talked about this before. Call me Alma, there is no need to throw around titles, well, except for your's Sir Patchwork Knight. You will have to tell me the story of that name. First we should all break our fast, even you Galdren. There is no need for you to start making a set of, patchwork armor is it, on an empty stomach. I also want to learn of your friend here Pitre."

     "I'm sorry, I should have introduced you already. This is Rolf."

     "I am at a loss for words Princess. I have never met anyone so regal nor so beautiful."

     "You are quite the charmer Rolf, I can see that I'm going to have to keep my eyes on you. Please though, as I told Pitre, call me Alma."

     "Yes, Prin... I mean Alma."

     "Come now, let us eat, and then we will have that sparring session, Darius, you are welcome as well."

     "I've already seen what Sir Pitre can do, I have no intentions of being poked by him even with a sparring sword. I will watch however. This should be a very interesting match."


     The meal went fast, and Galdren excused himself to begin work on my armor. Darius led us to a small fighting arena that was near the stables. It was a makeshift training area for the Knights. It appeared to be a corral that was originally used for the stables. 

     "This used to be an exercise area for the horses, but when we moved everything here from the Kingdom, the Knights need a place to train, so the horses were moved out, and these beasts were moved in."

     "Now Princess, that is the kindest thing you have ever said about us. I'm really looking forward to this fight now."

     "Oh Darius, you know I jest. This was needed, with patrols going out on a daily basis, the horses get plenty of exercise. The men need it more than they do. Darius, will you get a couple of sparring swords for me and Pitre."

     "I will. Do you have a size that you prefer Pitre?"

     I had no idea what size I preferred. I knew that I liked my sword in solo sword combat, but I really enjoyed swinging my father's sword when I was wielding both swords. My Father's sword was heavier and a bit longer than mine own.

     "Can you find a sword about this size?"

     I pulled my sword from the holster on my hip and handed it to him. He took it with delicate hands, and swung it from side to side, and then held it straight out and looked down the blade.

     "This is a remarkable sword Pitre. The balance is perfect. I dare say that this is the finest sword I have ever held. Did Galdren make this for you?"

     "I remember that sword. That is the one you wielded in the tournament. Didn't your father make that for you?'

     "It is and he did."

     "Pitre, now I'm even more saddened that I had never met your father."

     Darius handed my sword back to me and gave a slight bow when he did.

     "I find a sword similar in size and weight, but it will not be anything like that."

     "I will be fine with whatever you find, and thank you for your kind words."

     "May I see your sword Pitre?"

     I handed my sword to Alma and she took it as if she were handling a young child. She cradled it in her hands before grabbing it by the handle. She held it by her side and then in a flash began doing the first movement. She danced across the corral barely leaving a footstep in the sandy arena. She moved with grace and deadly intention. Each move was perfect

     When she was finished, she just held the sword in front of her with her mouth agape. A lost look in her eye.

     "Is everything alright Alma?"

     "Pitre, this sword is remarkable. It has such an easy about it. It is light yet feels like it is the hardest steel in the Realm. How did you ever lose to me?"

     "I ask myself that question all the time." A smile rose upon my face.

     "Oh Pitre, that's right, I was better than you." The Princess smile was even bigger.

     Darius returned with two swords that looked similar in size, and handed one to the Princess before walking to me and handing me the other. The sword as heavy at the tip. I twirled it around in front of me and then behind to get a feel for it. It was heavier than my sword, but lighter than my father's. It would do just well.

     "What was that you were doing Pitre?"

     I looked up where I was standing and saw the Princess, Darius and Rolf all staring at me in wonder. I couldn't understand their faces, until I realized I was twirling the sword from a piece of the 13th moment. They would never have seen that before.

     "Oh, this is just something my father taught me to get a feel for a new sword." That was only partly true. My father did teach me that, and when he did, he said it would be a very good way to test a sword, but it was a blocking technique that was also meant to confuse your enemy.

     "After I beat you, I will request that you teach me that."

     "I'd like to learn as well Sir Pitre, but I'm not going to make any foolish claim that I could beat you."

     "Since everyone is asking for it, I'd like to learn as well Pitre."

     "Rolf, you have much to learn before we can get to that, but in due time." I was sounding like my father. "Princess, did you say after you beat me?  I do think you are putting your cart before your horse."

     "Very well, are we going to fight or are we going to talk about it."

     The Princess raised her sword in a guard position. I walked to stand in front of her with my sword pointed directly at the ground. Darius and Rolf cleared away and the match began.

     I entered the Euphoria and gathered the aether from the stone. I watched as the Princess flinched and then lunged forward thrusting her sword at my midsection. I quickly raised my sword and brushed her strike out of the way. I turned and let her pass by me in one motion. The Princess skidded to a halt causing a dust cloud to erupt in her wake. I stood with my sword at the ready as she quickly turned slashing her sword as she dropped down on her knee. I leapt over her blade and her in a flip. As I landed I placed my sword on her shoulder before she had a chance to turn her head.

     "What was that?"

     "I believe that is a victory."

     "I don't mean that, I mean that move that you did."

     "That was adjusting to my attacker."

     "Let's go again."

     The Princess stood up, and without warning rushed towards me. I spun to the side, but she adjusted to my movement. She swung her sword in my direction. I barely had the time to perform a slide under her sword. I felt the blade bush the top of my hair, as I w ent down. I slide my left foot forward while dropping to my right knee. I switched legs, going to my left knee while throwing my right leg out. This allowed me to spin and face the Princess as she was bringing her sword down in a strike that would have split my head open if I hadn't raised my sword to block the strike. I rolled backward after blocking the blade and pushing it skyward. As my feet hit the ground I sprung forward knocking the Princess's sword out of her hand as she was once again brining it down upon me. Her sword flew to the far side of the corral and I stood with my blade pointing at her heart.

     "I don't want to say it Pitre, but you truly are the best sword in the Realm, probably the entire world as a whole. That was the best I could do. Sir Wallace taught me everything he knew, and I have never seen any of the moves that you did. Did your father teach you those as well?"

     "No, as I said, I was just adjusting to my attacker." I lied. Those were all moves from the final five movements.

     "You must show me how you do that then."

     "Princess, I dare say that you faired far better than I had against Sir Pitre here."

     "Sir Jacob, I didn't know you were there."

     I turned to see Sir Jacob and a crowd of nearly 25 men standing around watching us. They all had their mouths agape. Other than Sir Jacob, I didn't recognize anyone in the crowd.

     "When I heard that you and Pitre were sparring, I wanted to see for myself. I brought these men who hadn't met Pitre yet, so they could see that the tales told about him are true."

     "I have to admit, I thought that the tales were just that. I knew Pitre was going to be very good, but I had no knowledge that he would be far better than even the tales could tell."

     "This is true, the tales fall short. There are truly no words to describe what he is capable of. I've seen him take down an infantry of men without even taking a scratch from their blades."

     "Please, I only did what I could to help. You and the rest of the Knights did your fair share of damage that day."

     "Pitre, you clearly don't remember the way events took place. When you rushed into the horde, you drew all the attention to you. We did what we could, but we had feared you lost. Rolf and Sir Paljin kept up their attack from the far side, and we picked up what pieces you left on the outskirts of the skirmish that was happening inside. You killed nearly fifty Raiders that day. We were all bloody and bruised, but you were only covered in the blood of those that you fell."

     "Is this true Pitre?"

     "It is, Sir Paljin and I saw him rush into the midst of the Raider infantry. The circle around him kept getting bigger and bigger until we finally saw only him standing alone in the center."

     "No, I was separated by my foolishness and you saved me. I did what I could to stay alive."

     "That wasn't it at all Pitre. We would have been lost if not for you."

     I truly didn't remember it as they said.

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