Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Here We Go Again

     Do you remember Elie, my friend that was in that really bad accident last year? She has her very own blog of sorts, on Medium. She is working on posting an article a week. She focuses on environmental and animal conservation and she is good at it. Check out her profile on Medium and read a story or two to see what you think. You just may learn something. You can view her profile and all the articles she as up right here Elie Wolf. Just give it a read, it costs you nothing.

     Let's just get to Favorite Song of the Week, because it has been killing me that I haven't posted this song yet, and it came out last week. The Toni Basil video was just way to fun to pass up, and could possibly escape my mind if I waited. Yes, this is a new Twenty One Pilots song, and yes, it sounds nothing like the other three songs that they have released. This one does sound more like what you may be used to from them though. It is an audio only version, but they did put a little video together for it of Tyler in the studio. I do think that he is actually playing to the song, so it is, in a way, a real video. Here is my favorite band Twenty One Pilots with "My Blood".

     I really wish I could use that song to make a video. I can see the whole thing in my head. This is a great end of summer song, and that's the way I would shoot it. Beaches, good times, friends, and then that summer love where the two have to inevitably go their separate ways, but they never forget each other. That is why I think I'm drawn to video creation. It's just another way to tell a story.

     Enough about that, I have to tell you about the movie I saw today. Mamma Mia Here We Go Again. I loved the first Mamma Mia movie. I'm not a fan of musicals, but there is something about these movies, that makes them great. I'm pretty sure that it is the fact that the music is all ABBA songs. Listen, I'm not gay and I make no case for it, but if I could live out a musical, it would be either one of these movies. If you don't know about these movies, they have an allstar cast. It stars Amanda Seyfried how I admittedly have a huge crush on. She is the focus, but the cast around her, which include: Dominic Cooper, Meryl Streep, Christine Baranski, Stellan Skarsgård, Pierce Brosnan, Colin Firth, Julie Walters, Andy Garcia, and Cher. There are so many more involved in each of the movies, this is just a short list from this movie. If you've seen the first one, then read on with no fear of learning anything about this movie, but if you haven't seen the first one, and would like to not have a potential spoiler, skip to the next paragraph. This one tells the back and forth story of Donna as a young woman searching for her destiny, and Sophie, her daughter, finding hers. It takes you back in time to how Donna found her love for a tiny little island in Greece, and how she met the three men that are now Sophie's fathers.

     It has been some time since I saw the first film, so I'm not sure I can accurately say this, but I do believe that this one is bette than the first, and that is very difficult to do with any sequel. I have no idea how lone it will remain in theaters, I just happened to be bored yesterday and looked up movies for today, and saw that it was still playing. I was shocked. There were only three showings today. I chose today because there is a theater near me that has $5 dollar movies on Tuesday, and this was the only thing that I really wanted to see. The movies are based on a play that featured the music of ABBA and I have to say, that it was  brilliant move. Their music tells great stories and this movie lives up to the music. Give them a try, you will end up a fan.

     For the past few days, Syfy has had a Harry Potter marathon going on. They finally got the rights to air the movies, and they have been airing them in order around the clock. so I spent quite a lot of time watching them. The renewed my love of the books and the movies, and I have come to a decision. It's tattoo time again, and I'm going to get the Deathly Hallows tattoo. I need to come up with an original design, since there are so many versions of this particular symbol out there. The most basic is in bold lines, and it shows a circle in a triangle with a line going from top to bottom. If you aren't a fan of the books or the movies, the symbol represents three items. The elder wand, the resurrection stone, and the cloak of invisibility. When the three are wielded by the same person, it is said that that person can master death himself. It's s story folks, so don't think I'm trying to get into some sort of witchcraft. I have the place on my body figured out, but I need to come up with that design. I also have to find a new artist to do it. My artist is disappeared, I can't find any trace of him. I haven't gone by the studio to ask anyone where he went or what may have happened to him, but I have done several searches for him, and can't find anything out about him. The real reason I won't go to the shop and ask, is because I don't want to hear the news, if it is the worst of news. He is a friend of mine, and I don't want to hear anything terrible.

     I do have an artist I have been following, She is actually the one I was really putting a lot of thought in, to doing my god arm. She has always been at the top of the list. Her name is Rayne Lynn, and she is quite talented. Her portraiture work is top notch, and that is what I was looking for in the god arm. Here is her Instagram so you can check out her stuff Rayne Lynn Instagram. I may have to arrange a consult with her, and see if she has any ideas of what to do. I have a few, and I may even draw something up, to give her a baseline to start with. I'm going to work on my ideas for a couple of weeks and then I'll talk to her, and see what we can come up with. I don't know how she works so this could be very strange. I always worked really well with my last artist. I would come up with and idea, sketch it up, and then he would improve on it, and it was always something that I loved. I'm hoping for the same type of relationship here. I'll of course write about the whole experience, I may even make a video for it. It all depends on if I can get in good enough shape to put a video of myself like that on YouTube. See the area I want the tattoo, is the sternum. I know, I'm a glutton for punishment. I thought I was done with the rib area when I got my Bowie tattoo, but it appears that I'm not. I'm sure this is going to hurt like hell, but that is part of the fun.

     Alright, I'm off to bed. Big day tomorrow. I'm going to be putting some more work on that secret project that I've been working on. tomorrow will just about wrap up the first phase of it. It will be more than half way finished, with only one or two more days for the rest of phase one. Once that is done, the real work begins. Don't you just love how vague I'm being about all of this? Oh, it's fun for me. I'll let you know what it is in due time. I have to finish it first, and then once everything is done, I can give you a date and time when I can tell you all about it. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. Wait... what's happened to Jason??

    1. Here's what I know. He is no longer at the shop, his Instagram has been taken down, and all the shops that I know of that he could have moved to, he isn't at either.

  2. Thank you so much my friend for sharing information about my conservation blog! :-) I'm definitely wanting to see Mamma Mia - the timing has not been good, but who knows. One way or another, I will see it. I own the first one and I watch it repeatedly. I adore the cast, Meryl Streep the most. Love the tattoo idea. :-) I'm still reading the books - think I'm on the 5th now. I watch each movie as I finish the books.

    1. You are so very welcome. I added the original film to my list on Netflix last night, so I'll be watching it again this weekend. The Goblet of Fire is my favorite book of the series. The Order of the Phoenix is a close second. You have some very good reads in front of you. Enjoy them.
