Sunday, September 22, 2019

Bob The Builder Is Back At It

     I've been giving some thoughts to either taking a long break from this blog, or shutting it down entirely. I'm not sure what I'm getting out of it anymore, and readership is down a great deal. I do still believe that it is a healthy release for me, and it does give me that practice of writing on a consistent basis, but I don't know if that is enough, since I'm writing for the website now as well. I'll give it some more thought and let you know later on if I'm done or not.

     In my forever quest of improving my health and discovering new ways to find out just how my health is doing, I learned something very new and fantastic today. It's called the GKI. It is your Glucose Ketone Index, and without giving anything away for a possible future article, it can help you out quite a bit. I checked through the GKI to see just where I was today. I should explain a little more why today was a good day to do this. I have not been strict today, in fact the past two days I haven't been strict. I'm not going to be doing any hardcore fasting for a week at the minimum, and I'm eating more like a normal person. I'm still remain within my normal eating, but with a  little extra. For example, for breakfast I had a rice cake cut in half with almond butter on one, and peanut butter on the other. Both had a sprinkle of hemp seed on them. I also had a bowl of mixed nuts: macadamia (of course), peanuts, and walnuts. Along the side was a giant strawberry, a handful of grapes, blueberries and blackberries (those blackberries were amazing). That alone shot my carb intake up pretty high, but still under my parameters for the day. Actually when I think about it, this was the most healthy unhealthy day I've ever done. Anyway, for the GKI you have to check your glucose and your ketones, plug them into an equation and you get a solid number that tells you how deep you are in ketosis. Even with the last two days I'm in moderate ketosis. That means I'm still being fueled by fat, and that is a remarkable thing.

     I love learning new things. I have always said that you should learn something new every day, and I want to be an example of that. Today was proof that I'm still learning. Some days the knowledge isn't that big or game changing, and that is ok. Knowledge is power, and it is your responsibility to gain as much power through knowledge as you can.

     That my friends is the start of my next wood project. It isn't the pull-up bar that I want to do. I still haven't figured out how to get 10 foot 4x4s into my car. Those are 2x4x8s, so plenty of room. Back to the project though. The plan is to take that wood and turn it into two outdoor tables. One is for grilling, and the other will be a small table to go between chairs. I have a plan in my head for what I'm going to do, but as you know that always changes as I go. I will update you as I go, and I hope to be done so I can get some grilling done by the end of the week or the weekend.

     I guess that is all I have for tonight, but since no one is actually reading this, I don't feel so bad. Peace in and goodnight. 


  1. I read it and I will always support you

  2. Rolled up towel on the passenger window to protect the seal, then out the window. I've hauled some crazy stuff in cars that have no business hauling anything. Drive slow and you should be good!
