Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Roar Like A Lion

     I finally truly heard Baby Girl Gauge bark last night, and it was eye opening. Morty's bark is fierce, and can intimidate people. Baby Girl Gauge is next level stuff. It is deep and menacing with pitches that rival a lion's roar. Have you ever heard a lion roar in open country? It's earth shaking. That is what her bark is like. It moves the ground beneath your feet. She is so docile and relaxed, so to hear her with that much power in her voice, was impressive.

     Did I mention that the peanut butter chocolate chip keto cookies were a massive success? They are really good and they were vegan as well. I'm going to make them again tomorrow night, since we are now out of them. My mom went crazy for theme, so they are going to be a main staple around here for as long as she loves them. I made a little chocolate treat last night. I took a bar of dark baker's unsweetened chocolate and melted it at a low temperature. I put a half cup of monk fruit in it with about a 1/8 of a cup of chopped walnuts. When I finished melting and mixing I poured out and flattened it on a baking sheet and then placed it in the fridge over night. I cut it all up into bite sized pieces this morning and gave it a try when  had my breakfast (remind me to talk about my breakfast this week so far). It was really good. Not too sweet with that wonderful dark chocolate bitterness to it. I may use more chopped walnuts when I make it again, but there is enough in the fridge to last for a week.

     Ok, back to that breakfast. I'm taking a break from the hardcore keto this week, and also the fasting. I'm still doing a sort of fast type protocol, since I finish eating around 4 and then don't eat again until after 10 in the morning. My breakfast is coming out keto friendly, but it isn't the best choice for a keto diet.

     The last 3 mornings my breakfast has looked a lot like that. Today I got rid of the peanuts and pecans in the nut bowl, and eliminated the grapes. I was getting a little bloat after breakfast and decided those were more than likely the culprits and I was right. I also didn't have the hemp seed on the almond butter rice cakes this morning. Trust me, this jacks my morning carbs up quite a bit. That means the rest of the day has to be rather carb free, and it has been working out pretty good. I've also stuck to a mainly vegetarian diet this week. I did have ground beef yesterday when I made tacos, but that was it meat wise for the last three days. I have had cottage cheese, and I have a Quest pizza today that had cheese on it, but that is it from the world of dairy. I have managed to stay in moderate ketosis which has been feeling pretty good. My ketones have been concisely above 1.3, but below 2.0, which is really right where I want to be. You want to hear the crazy thing? The whole reason I was doing my diet this way for the week, was to spur on my metabolism, and it appears to have worked. I am already down a few pounds for the week. I'll let you know how it all pans out by the end of the week, but I'm a little surprise at how well it's working out. Oh, and the reason I'm putting the hemp seed on the rice cakes, is for added protein. 3 tablespoons of hemp seed has 9 grams of protein, that is a great source of protein, that you should add into your diet if you can get ahold of some.

     I got my Sun Warrior bundle, well most of it, in the mail this week. The only thing missing is the thing I wanted the most, which is the Collagen powder. I'm looking for as many sources of collagen as I can get my hands on. If you don't know, collagen is the building block in hair, skin, and nails. Now, my skin has been unbelievably better since going keto, but anything can always be better right, and how great would it be, if I managed to grow back some hair. I have not fantasy that that will happen, but it could be possible. I'm healing all kinds of things in my body, why not broken follicles.

     These are all plant based supplements, and I've been a big fan of the Warrior Blend protein powder. I tried the CBD oil out last night for the first time. I've been hearing that it is great for sleep, and that is why I wanted it most. I have to say, that I had one of the deepest night sleeps I've had in a very long time last night. So much so that I nearly slept late. I like to wake up around 4:30 - 5, so that I can get my cardio and reading in before my mom wakes up. I only got the cardio done this morning, having woken up at 6. I may save that for nights when I'm feeling very restless, I don't want to oversleep. The Omega 3 is from algae and not from fish oil. It's the source that fish get their omega 3's. I added the liquid light to my morning ACV drink and it was fantastic. I'm saving the magnesium until I finish off one of my bottles of magnesium pills. I have been slowly increasing my magnesium and potassium intake, with some great results. My workouts last longer, and I have more energy for them. I also think this has a lot to do with my metabolism sky rocketing right now.

     I should be saving all of that for the website, but I decide to take a week of from writing articles and just promoting the articles I have up there, to see what kind of response I get from different days. I want to know what are the best days to post for readers, so this is the simplest way to do that. I'll start up with a new article next Monday, or if I find a day that works better, I may switch it to that day or days.

     I'm still thinking of what I should do with this blog. The funny thing is, that I write a post about how readership has drastically dropped off, and it is my most successful post for the past two months. Weird right? I do enjoy writing this, but if the readers aren't there, I don't really know why I should do it. It's kind of like spitting into the wind. I started this for two reasons, one to write on a more consistent basis, and with the new website, I won't have to worry about that. I have to come up with ideas for articles for at least two posts a week. Right now I'm doing three, so my writing schedule is full. The other reason was for the mental health benefit that I get from it. I get to spew everything out of my brain for a night and it has been very healthy for me. That is the one that makes it difficult to give this up. I have been thinking about just taking a break from it for a while. I've done two week breaks in the past, and have always come back early from those breaks, but maybe this time I'll do a full two weeks. I might just be burned out, and my writing may be suffering and that is why readership is down. I don't know, I don't get a ton of feedback on this, so I have to go with my own feelings. My new motto lately has been that I'll figure it out, so I guess that is what I'll do.

     I've been building those tables. It's going kind of slow, since I have to take my mom out to the garage while I do it. If I'm out there working on those and she is inside, she panics and thinks she has been left alone. I can't even take a long relaxing shower anymore without that happening, so I have to do it much slower than I normally would, but I have gotten the tables assembled.

     Tomorrow I begin sanding them to get them all even all around. I'm hoping to get them both done, so that I can begin staining on Thursday. If I can do that, then I can put the polyurethane on Friday, and it should be ready for use on either late Saturday or Sunday. The whole purpose of these tables are to grill out in the back yard. I have a very small table top grill, that will go on the big table, and the smaller table will go between the outdoor chairs in the backyard. I am going to router the edges of them to make them look real nice, but other than that, I have no plans for carving anything on them. I just want them to look outdoors classy. So far they are coming along as planned. Yes, I did plan for the slow go of it. I knew I would have limited time to do this each day, and I'm getting done with as much as I plan each day. The sanding is going to be the toughest tough. I have a lot of sanding to do, and I really don't know if I can get it done in the time that I feel I have before my mom gets antsy each day. I'm going to work my tail off to get it all in tomorrow though. I'll have more pictures for you Thursday.

     Favorite Song of the Week is here, and it's one I've already posted, but this time it's going to be a live session instead of the official video. This is in honor of this album coming out today, so if you like the song, go out and get the album. This is by none other than Brittany Howard, lead singer of Alabama Shakes. She is doing her first solo album and so far from what I've heard, it is fantastic. I really didn't expect any less from Miss Howard. This is the live session of Brittany Howard doing "Stay High"

     That's just a great song right there, and I hope you enjoy it. It's time for me to go. I got some reading to do, since I didn't get it done this morning. I prefer reading in the morning, it seems l like my brain is much more sharp, and I absorb things better. Oh well, I'll just read and follow along tonight and get back to early riser tomorrow. Peace in and goodnight.

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