Sunday, September 1, 2019

I Got No Title

     I have two articles in the bank for this week on the website, and I'm really excited about the one I just wrote. I did the reread on it, and I really liked it. I think you will as well. That will be coming up on Wednesday. Probably when I will have no power what so ever. Oh yeah, there is a storm coming closer if you haven't heard yet. I'm prepared other than closing the shutters and putting the lawn furniture away. I still have until tomorrow to get that done.

     My mom is asleep now, or at least I think she is. It was rough at the end of the day here. She got in to her conspiratorial mode, and unfortunately a family member got dragged into it, and she ended up yelling at them. This is when she won't believe who I am, and screams that she never had any boys. I generally just back off at that point, but I needed her to take her medication which she still refused, so I had to let it go. She will be ok if she misses it one night, but she will have to take it tomorrow. I hope tomorrow goes smoothly. This storm is not helping. I keep the news off the tv as much as possible so that she isn't consumed with horror stories of devastation from a storm that is not even close yet. Speak of the devil, I think I hear her coming out her again, and she is pausing in the living room, so that means she is still in that strong state of confusion. This could be a long night.

     This is the picture I'm posting on the cover of tomorrow article. It's about relaxing, so I thought this was suitable since it happened just before I wrote it.

     That's the Baby Girl with her head on me. The best way to relax period. Yes she is heavy, but I don't care, that is true love right there. I made this plea in the article as well. Adopt don't shop. There are so many needy dogs in shelter that need a home, and you could give it to them. Don't worry that you are looking for a specific breed, they are out there, every size, shape, and color, just waiting for their fur-ever home. Give it to them.

     I did mention that Baby Girl Gauge's heart worm appointment is going to be rescheduled. I'm not sure when it will happen now, but they will call me to let me know.

     Mom update. She has come out, and she apologized for her behavior and has taken her pill. She is eating a bowl of Tillamook Dark Cherry ice cream right now. I only mention the brand because I have hard great things about it. I've never tried it. Not in the range of foods I can eat anymore.

     I did have what I'm calling a garbage day today. It was nothing like I've done in the past. I had one grape. It was a cotton candy grape, and yes, it tasted like cotton candy. Blew my mind, and I also had one Hershey's Gold Kiss. Believe it or not, one of those is only 3 carbs. Not ideal, but I got out of it what I wanted. The rest of my 2065 calories where made up of keto friendly goodness. I ate more, but in a clean and healthy way. That is how you do a garbage day. Oh, I still plan on having that Mountain Dew VooDew, when I finish my 100 Days of Discipline. That will be my garbage day reward, and the only time I will ever have it. Did I mention that day 100 is Nov. 29th. If I calculated right. I do have a countdown app that counts my days, so I will no the right day regardless, but if it is the right day, that means I will have a Saturday to enjoy that Dew. The 29th falls on a Friday, so I have to stay true to my goals for that day, and then 101 is that Saturday. It's kind of fun seeing just what I'm capable of.

     That is why I have been so good on keto and with fasting. I find it to be sort of a game, and I'm obsessed with winning it. The reward is the knowledge that I did it and saw it through, and that is the same thing with losing this weight. I am right on the cusp of the 50lbs mark. I have continually weighed in at 160.5 recently, so I'm almost there. I won't count it until I've hit 160 two times in a row. That how it is locked in for me. 160.5 is 49.5 lbs, and not 50, so I'm not there yet. I think my bullheadedness of not counting something like that as 50lbs has also kept me going. I don't want hollow victories, I want to see the actual number,  and then see it again. A goal is only accomplished when it is fully achieved. This isn't horseshoes or hand grenades. That is also probably my OCD kicking in as well, but this is a healthy version of it. I'll take that. Hey, I never said I was cured, I just said that this new lifestyle has put things away.

     Hmm, I'm sure I had more to say tonight, but I can't think of anything else. I guess I'll just sit around and wait for Fear the Walking Dead to come on. Oh yeah, a Harry Potter marathon is on, so I'll be watching that until Fear comes on. Peace in and goodnight.

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