Thursday, September 26, 2019

We Have A Date

     Baby Girl Gauge has her surgery scheduled. She is to go in Tuesday morning to have it done, and it couldn't' come at a better time. Just two days ago her ear started bothering her again, so she is going to finally get that taken care of, and then I'm hoping to finally sign the papers to officially make her mine. Trust me, she isn't going anywhere no matter if the papers are signed or not.

     The last few days, she has been so happy and playful. Chasing Morty around the yard, and that menacing bark I talked about on Tuesday night. What? You didn't know about that? Of course not, because my readership for the site was down so low, that only 1 person read it. Oh well that gives me more reason to want to, at the very least take a two week break from all of this.

     If you don't follow the website on the Facebook page, then you didn't see that I updated the keto cookie recipe. I made them again last night, and they were pure perfection. The only thing I did differently was the time I baked them. I only left them in for 12 minutes. I could do this because I had two large pans, and didn't have to switch baking sheets off of pans. This also helped keep them none piece. That was a problem the last time. The cookies are very soft and delicate when they come out, so they need a good 15 minutes to a half hour to cool and harder. The 12 minute mark of baking allowed them to harden but left them just soft enough to be exactly like a so called "real" cookie. I put all the same ingredients so this batch was vegan as well, and I don't know if I will ever try the recipe with an egg and diary butter. They are just so good, I don't see any reason to try anything else.

     I have to tell you that I am on a steep weight loss right now. My goal this week was to spur my metabolism and it has worked way better than I thought it would. I only expected to maintain my weight for this week. I'm not even going to give you a number yet. I will tell you that I am on the better side of reaching my latest goal weight, which as I'm approaching may not be the ultimate goal. I am not at a point where the weight doesn't matter, it is more about my appearance. Before you start wondering if I'm getting into dangerous territory in my weight loss. One look at me would tell you otherwise. The only problem with that, is that I'm not going to take any photos until I reach a place where I feel that I'm so close to my ultimate appearance, that I'm willing to share those pictures. Other than my mom (who doesn't even know who I am) and a couple of other people, no one has seem me in a week, in photo or person, so the next time I take a picture to share, it should be a pretty drastic difference from the last photos I've shared.

     At the age of 48, I am getting the body I dreamed about as an 18 year old. Not only that, I'm feeling just as good if not better than I did when I was 18. My mobility is getting better, my energy levels are up radically, and I haven't had the slightest sniff of an illness since I started doing keto. I found out today one of the reasons that is possibly happening, and it's my use of Apple Cider Vinegar. I saw a video from a doctor today talking about why ACV is actually a bit of a miracle. If you look at it, it barely has any nutritional value, but it is a catalyst for so many other things in your body. Mineral and nutrient absorption, fat mobilization, brain function, heart health, and so on and so on. I'll probably write an article about it soon and let everyone in on the drink that I have every morning. It's not the tastiest, but I have grown to love it and crave it every morning.

     Today is day 50 of the 100 Days of Discipline and I'm doing great. I posted yesterday on the group page ( I post every 7 days ) and mentioned how I really didn't expect to last longer than a week due to my addiction to diet sodas. I really thought they would do me in, but that which was the most difficult task has become the easiest. I really have no desire for any flavored water or anything like that. There is also the health benefits I get from not putting all those chemicals in my body. I have no begun reading every morning after my cardio, which has become such a breeze that I'm constantly pushing myself harder and harder by increasing times. When I read I feel more clear headed and alert, and can focus more on what I'm actually reading. It's rather incredible. I have also taken to adding an extra cardio session at night right before I go to bed. That could also be a reason for my surprising weight loss this week.

     I am on schedule to have the outdoor tables ready by Saturday afternoon. The stain went on today. I did red on the tops and golden on the legs, and I think they look pretty good. Tomorrow the polyurethane goes on, and if all goes right, they should dry overnight and be ready for some outdoor grilling on Saturday.

     I can't wait to get that polyurethane on and see them shine. It's all weather treated wood, so I really shouldn't need that kind of protection, but I'm putting it on anyway, because why not protect the protection.

     I'm still struggling with getting into the right mindset to finish The Violet Dahlia. I need to be alone so that I can get into my own head, and I can't do that right now, due to my mom. She fades real fast when no one is in the room with her for more than a half hour. She believes that she has been left alone and gets very angry, so I have to stay in the same room with her for most of the time. At night I can't get into that mindset, because at the end of the day is when your mind starts to slow down and my creative flow is pretty much gone as well. I should skip a morning of reading and put it off til the evening and give that a try for writing. It might work. I'll have to give it a try and see. I know where the story is going to go, it's just a matter of how it gets there, and I don't have that direct path yet, so that is where the problem lies. I'll figure it out.

     I'm out. It's been fun tonight despite the fact that only 1 person will probably read this, so to that 1 person, thank you so much. You are the one that is keeping me hangin on, an is the reason I will probably only take a two week break from this, just to refresh myself and see what direction this needs to go in the future. I may just not have "it" anymore, or I may be spreading myself thin. A two week breaks may be just what I need to reset myself. Peace in and goodnight.

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