Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Rollercoasters Are Fun, But Not This One

    The rollercoaster ride with my mom keeps on a going. Yesterday was a pretty good day, until a family member called and started talking about moving her with them. My mom fixates on that and a lot of confusion ensues. She is torn between thinking that she has to move there, and not wanting to move there, and wanting to move there. Then she began asking me where I was (not I as in me but I as in her son), so that she could talk to me about it and see what I thought. I gave the standard answer of he is busy and is working to take care of things, but that I'm sure he would want her to dowaht is best for her.

     Today was a bust from the start. I could tell that the confusion had set in first thing in the morning, but I was going to make the best of it. I had a plan for distraction by taking her to see The Lion King. While I was taking a shower, apparently she had a full on confused moment. When I was getting out of the shower, I could hear her using Alexa to call another family member to ask what was going on, because she was left all alone. Bad day, see. We went to the movie and it was great, a true Disney classic, and she enjoyed it as well. When we got home I began preparing dinner, and when I went out to eat, she told me all about going to the theater to see a movie, and how great it was. I just once again went along with it, and told her I was glad she had a great time. A little later the confusion started up again, and she told me that I didn't have to stay, and that I could go home. She would be fine, she would just lock up behind me and go to sleep, but I told her I had to stay and that she would be alright. I tried once again calling a family member and as usual, they weren't available, and their phone was turned off or something. I asked them to be available, but they just can't bring themselves to do that. Then the wonder why I get mad and annoyed with them when they say they are there for anything and never are. So I just deal with it.

     Enough about that. About a week ago I posted a video on the How U Keto Facebook page from Thomas DeLauer, where he was asking followers to do a 30 keto challenge with him. Since I'm already doing full on keto I decided to follow along as well. He put up meal plans and all kinds of information on it, and he wanted everyone to try and start with a 36 hour fast going into it. I completely forgot about it until last night when he did a live update video. I didn't do the 36 hour fast even though I did a 43 hour fast late last week, so I'm kind of counting that. I also did my vegan keto day leading into it as well, and I went calorie deficit into a 24 hour fast today, so I'm on board, in just a slightly different way, so I'm still in. The bonus is that I hadn't really altered my eating much since my last 28 days, so I'm already eating clean keto, and am still working on that last 10 lbs. Which reminds me. I have weighed in at 160 lbs, but since it was only once, I'm not counting it as me hitting the 50 lbs of weight loss yet. I will only count it when I weigh in twice in a row at that, or I exceed that weight, w which I haven't done yet.The next 28 days at this point are going to be going along with his 30 day challenge, and we will see if I can get there in this span of time. I'm boosting my cardio, and I will be going slightly above his plan and will be doing a few 36 and even 48 hour fasts during this time. In fact, I'm doing a 48 starting tomorrow around noon. My feeding window is going to be from 10 to noon and then I shut down for 48 hours. He is only asking people to do 16 hour fasts between windows. Basically skipping breakfast and eating lunch and dinner, or three meals between lunch and dinner. The reason I'm not sticking with his entire plan is, that I know what works for me, plus I have already utilized his plan before and built on it for my own needs, which is what he is telling everyone to do. Do the first week as he has laid it out and then adjust after that.

     One of the things that came out during his video, was why he was giving away all this information for free. I have heard bits and pieces of his story before. He was 280 lbs, and is now a solid and ripped 180 lbs. He broke down a bit and mentioned that hit was his way to giving back to the keto community for what it has given him. Which is why I started the website. I think I have information that can help people, and I want to give back in that very same way. This way of life will work if you put the time and commitment into it. True, it may not be for everyone, but you won't know if it's for you unless you try it, so if you are wanting to change your life, check out howuketo.com

     That's it for the shameless plug. It's time for Favorite Song of the Week. I came across this documentary about Prince, and of course I watched it, and it reminded me of one of his later songs. It was off a little known album called 3121. This was a great album and a bit of a throwback to his earlier funkier work. This could have easily been an album during the Revolution era but it was released in 2006. I immediately went into my iTunes and began playing it on repeat again. I bring you the one and only, The Purple One, The Minnesota Master, The Kid, The Artist, TAFKAP. Prince, with "Black Sweat".

     And, just because I don't have much to do other than write articles for the website, here is a picture of Morty looking very regal.

     Speaking of not much to do. I have been delinquent on finishing The Violet Dahlia. Since I have all of this weeks articles done and ready to go (pictures included), tomorrow is set aside to focus on and finish The Violet Dahlia. I haven't been in the right frame of mind to finish it. It's not a depression thing, it's me having to be in a certain mind frame for this story. I have to get into a noir frame of mind, and it's not very simple. I need to go back to a time I didn't exist and think like I'm in the 40's. It's fun, but not easy. Anyway, if things go right the final part will be up on Saturday in rough draft here, and then final draft on Medium. Once again, I'm putting them on Medium for free, so I hope you will check out the glossy product there.

     I'm off to finish watching AGT, which has been kind of disappointing this year, and then go to bed. Peace in and goodnight.

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