Thursday, September 5, 2019

I Still Have Power

     Made it though Dorian and didn't lose power. This is truly a first. We usually lose power in any storm that has 35 mph winds, and we had at least sustainable winds of 35 during the night. It didn't even wake me up during the night which is also a first. I've always woken up and went outside in the middle of the night to check things out, but no need this time. The good news is, that I have plenty of ice for whatever comes next.

     The ASPCA called me today and asked if I could bring Baby Girl Gauge in for her treatment, and I did, so I'm a little bummed tonight. I think Morty is too. He has been moping around all day cause his buddy isn't here to hang out with. I get to pick her up tomorrow afternoon. If things go well, this will be her last treatment for heart worm, so I'm crossing my fingers that this is the end of that, and we can get on with the ear surgeries. Everyone at the shelter loved how great and healthy she looked. Mind you, she is not at her best when she gets out of the car. She still has a lot of anxiety in the car, but I've found that if I keep her in the front  seat, I can keep it in check, so it's not as bad as it has been, but still, she's a slobber monster in the car. My dash is proof of that. Better that than her obsessively licking the rear window.

     I hope that you checked out the 72 hour fast article on the website, if you haven't, then here is a link for you to look at it. I really want people to give this a try, and I will help out along the way and give you tips if you need them. I did get an article written for tomorrow as well, and it explains the virtues of cottage cheese. Yeah, it's actually pretty exciting.

     As I mentioned earlier this week I did get a video up for TPR, and here it is.

     It's a little different from what we normally do, because I was expecting to have something from my partner. This was very last minute, but I didn't want to miss our deadline schedule. It's not pretty, but it's done, and I'm oddly proud of it. I'm not going to do this every time though. I make that clear in the video. He has to come up with something in a week and a half if he wants me to put my mark on it. I have his back, but only if he does something to back up.

     That's it for tonight. I'm going to go watch a few more episodes of Carnival Row, on Prime. It's pretty good, and I'm enjoying it so far. Oh yeah, that reminds me, 13 Reasons Why has released it's 3rd season. I liked it, but it went a little off the track from the first two seasons. I still say that you should watch it with a friend, even though they have edited out the suicide scene in season 1. The scene is not the trigger in that season, it is everything that leads up to it. That scene stands out because it was very graphic. Anyway, give it or Carnival Row a try, they are both great shows.

Peace in and goodnight.

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