Sunday, September 15, 2019

Experimenting With Food

     I have been up to some experimenting. Not just the peanut butter cups (I'm calling them peanut butter bars for this batch), but with what I now know about food and the health benefits from eating the right foods. I'm experimenting with helping someone out with a debilitating disease. I won't go into any detail yet, because it is far too early for that, but I have seen some pretty drastic improvement. To the average person it probably would'd the noticed, but I have seen it, and it is encouraging. The idea in this is to use food as a way of elevating some of the problems from this disease. I have no dillusions of grandeur that this will cure anything. I am only hoping to make things easier for this person through healthy eating of non processed foods and good quality fats.

     That being said, the peanut butter bars are a success. I do need to tweak things a little, the chocolate for one. It still has a slight bitterness to it, but not unbearable. In fact I gave a bar to someone who isn't on any kind of a health kick and they loved it, and didn't believe that there was on sugar in it whatsoever. I will be gathering the ingredients for another batch in a couple of weeks. I will actually make cups the next time and have true numbers for you. I do have numbers for each bar this time around after cutting them up. 1 bar is a serving so per serving the breakdown reads as this: 134 calories, 2 net carbs, 12g fat, 4.5g protein. I know what you are thinking, a 134 calories seems like an awful lot. Here is a comparison for you, a Little Debbie brownie with walnuts has over 200 calories and is nowhere near as healthy, so there you go. I could have even cut them down to a smaller size. Oh, the reason I looked up the brownies, is because I cut them to a standard brownie size. They are deadly though, I have limited myself to 2 a day. The first day I had 3. I could have easily eaten the entire pan, but that would defeat the purpose of it being a dessert treat used to follow a meal.

     Oh, I do want to share this video with you of Baby Girl Gauge doing the Bully Waggle in the backyard. This is the first time I have seen her do this.

     I love a happy dog. I guess it's time to update you on the results of the 48 hour fast. Remember when I told you I was close to hitting that 50lbs mark for weightless? I blew through it. I felt really good that day and really considered going through to a 72, but I'm going to hold out until Oct. I weighed in that morning a few hours before breaking fast at 167.5. I was blown away. I was only expecting to be around 159 tops. As you may or may not know. You immediately gain weight after braking a fast. How much depends on how you break that fast. I was on a mission to take all of my knowledge to have the best results I could possibly have. I weighed in on Saturday morning at 158.5. That means with all the eating and water consumption after the fast, I gained 1 pound. That was way more than I had hoped for. I completely expected to weigh in at 160 or even 161, but I held the weight loss and locked in that 50lbs mark for lost weight. I couldn't be happier with the results of this fast, and I will take that knowledge into the next one which by the way will be a 24 hour starting Tuesday. I will also be doing another 36 starting Wednesday. Yes that is back to back fasting with a meal in between. I'm pretty excited for this and am looking forward to doing this quite often from here on out.

     People you can heal your body with food. I plan on writing an article about this very subject soon, if not this week. Here is the list of things that have changed as a result fo my new lifestyle. My psoriasis is gone, my skin is improved and feels better, I no longer suffer from migraines, my allergies are non existent,, my heart rate has gone down significantly, I no longer feel lethargic during the day, and last but not least, my anxiety and depression are so far back in my mind that I don't remember what it was actually like. That last one is huge and I attribute all of this to the keto lifestyle. I'm not saying that its a cure all, but I can't argue with the results that I exhibit myself. I'm leaner, healthier, and most of all happier, and isn't that all you really want out of life. Yes, this lifestyle is hard, and takes a lot of work, but if a schlub like me can do it and be successful, then you should be able to do it without a problem. I'm always working on recipes and options for keto meals, and will be putting them up on the website as soon as I can. The goal is to not eat dirty, which means any processed type of food. Yes you can do dirty keto and be successful, I am proof of that. The bars that I eat from time to time, the chips, the homemade peanut butter bars, are all dirty options, but they can help you get through the transformation from going high carb loaded with sugar to low carb no sugar. I'm really hoping to help people out so go check out

     Alright, I'm done with the shameless plug and I'm out of here. Peace in and goodnight.

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