Tuesday, September 3, 2019

I Still Have Power.

     I still have power, so let's write this while I can. Actually conditions aren't that bad right now. It's more like a stormy day rather than I Cat 3 Hurricane. I shut all the shutters except for the front window, but that one is protected by the front porch, so I can wait to close that one when things pick up.

     I failed to mention a big milestone Sunday night. Two actually, but they are both related to my weight loss and new lifestyle. As I mentioned in the past, I was a wearing a size 36 pant. I really should have been in a 38, but that was a line I feared to cross. That was the point of no return, so I kept out of them. I put on my first pair of size 30 the other day, and I expected them to fit snug, but I was wrong. They were loose, and comfortable. As a matter of fact they were a perfect fit. The reason why I tried a size 30 is because my 32's were feeling baggy. Wow, never thought I would ever say that a 32 was baggy, but there you have it. The other milestone is my shirt size. I was wearing, and quite proudly I might add, a size XL. I thought that meant I was muscular and big. Once again, I was wrong, very wrong. I was enormous, but in all the wrong ways. I have been wearing mediums, and felt good about it, but I decided to try a small just to see. It fit just like the 30's did, perfect.

     The real amazing part about all this, is I still have quite a ways to go before I'm truly happy with how I look. I can wear a size small and 30, and it's not good enough. How great is that? With that being said, I'm currently wearing the baggiest clothes you can find. They are Thai fisherman pants and a cotton yoga type shirt. It is a look I always admired but could never pull off. You would think a baggy look would be good for a fat guy, but it's only certain baggy looks. This is that hippy natural fiber cloth look and I'm finally able to do it. If I had my way, I would dress this way all the time, but it's not practical for everyday living, but when I'm hanging around the house, it's perfect.

     I have tomorrows article for the website done and ready to go, but I haven't not come up with a good enough idea for Friday yet, and I do think I'm running out of time. You know, power loss coming and all. Tomorrow is about the upcoming 72 hour fast and how to properly go in and out of it. I highly suggest reading it if you want to know how to do any kind of fast. I also detail how you should train your body for it, so that it will be as uncomfortable as possible. Although the whole idea of a long term fast is to cause a shock to the body and make it uncomfortable. It will be up tomorrow at 3pm New York time. It's good stuff.

     I can't remember if I mentioned it or not, but I did create a video and review for the TPR. I could see the writing on the wall, and it looked like we were going to miss a deadline of having a video every two weeks. I don't know what happened. I told my partner that I would edit any video he came up with or punch up any review that he had, but I haven't heard word one from him since telling him that, so I had to once again take matters into my own hands, and create something to keep this boat on course. I won't be able to do this every time, because it would just seem bad. This is a once in a while thing. If I did a frozen pizza review every two weeks, it wouldn't be the TPR. He needs to step up if he wants this to continue.

     I don't have a Favorite Song of the Week or a Favorite Thing of the Week, so I'm just going to leave you with a picture of Baby Girl Gauge sleeping on a chair. Peace in and goodnight.

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