Thursday, August 29, 2019

There's A Storm A Coming

     Here is a picture of Morty, just because he is the most awesome of awesome dogs.

     He is majestic isn't he. I have been feeling really good physically this week. I think I really like this 24 hour fast every other day thing I'm doing. It gives me a chance to rest my digestive system and also get fed pretty well. My weight is steadily decreasing and I can see my body changing in large ways then the scale is showing. The mirror always tells the truth, well not the truth of a photograph, but always trust the mirror.

     On the fasting days, I normally eat a good sized meal, but it still only amounts to about 1100 calories. Today which is a break fast day I clocked in at 1600 calories. Tomorrow will be another one of the small days prepping for another 24 hours which will lead me into Saturday.

     I did have to make a quick run to the grocery store today to get a couple of things to help out with a little baking project that I had planned. By the way, grocery stores are crazy around here right now with the storm coming. I already have my supplies, since the way I eat, looks like someone that would be surviving after a hurricane. I have plenty of water in jugs and I'm prepped if I have to cook meals on a portable stove that I have. We all good here. Anyway, I found this recipe on the Quest Nutrition website. It used a couple of their products, which are really tasty and keto friendly, and I finally had everything except natural peanut butter. Oh yeah, peanut butter is a hot commodity in hurricane prepping. I did manage to find a jar, and I was set. The recipe is for what they call peanut butter toast. It's more like a peanut butter cake and it is awesome. You crumble up one of their peanut butter cookies, for the topping and bake it for 4 minutes in the oven, then you crumble it like a mad man. After that, you need one of their vanilla milkshake protein powders, that is the base for the recipe, but I'm pretty sure you could use almond flour or a vegan vanilla protein powder to substitute. The almond flower will lower the protein content though. Anyway mix it all up, put it in a pan, then make the spread for the top so that the cookie toppings will have something to stick to and bingo bango, you got yourself some deliciousness.

As I was saying above, if you substitute their powder, the 5 eggs, and the butter with plant based substitutes, and you got a vegan treat as well. I will have to try that at some point. I only need a vegan protein powder, and find the right egg substitute. I think began mayonnaise may do the trick, but I'm not sure. Hellman's makes a really good vegan mayonnaise by the way.

     The only worry I have with this storm coming, is that it is going to be here around the time I have to take Baby Girl Gauge for her heart worm treatment. She is due there on Tuesday, and they are currently saying that the storm could have holdover strong winds through Tuesday. I'm going to call tomorrow and see what the plan is if I can't get there on the day it is supposed to happen.

     Back to storm prepping. I only have to bring in a few chairs, and close the storm shutters which I will do on Saturday. Easy peasy lemon squezzey. I do have to go grocery shopping on Saturday, so I expect that to be a train wreck. I'm only buying mostly fresh vegetables and some monk fruit. Everything else is pretty much covered. Oh, there is one other thing I am worried about. If the power outage lasts longer than a few days, I will have to resort to eating not so keto friendly foods, and I'm not looking forward to that. I take it as a personally affront, that I would have to eat high carb foods. I know it won't kill me, but it will slow down my progress, and I ain't got time for that. I did however buy a brand new Mountain Dew VooDew for when I'm done with my 100 days. That will be my reward for the hard work I put in. Oh, I still plan on doing cardio every morning, and reading, and drinking only water or green tea (and the occasional almond milk). That isn't going to change. I'm getting that 100 days. I don't see failure as an option with this one. It's way too easy a goal not to accomplish.

     Well the RAYS just won, so I'm going to call it a day. I should be able to post something on Sunday but after that I have no idea when I'll be able to post again. I'm going to try to write enough articles for next week, but I probably won't be able to promote them. I'm setting the release times for 3pm New York time on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I do have tomorrow's written, but I need to get a photo taken for it. Its about turmeric, so you don't want to miss that one. I have no idea what to write about for next week though, but I'll figure it out. I don't want to miss a deadline even though I don't have a written in stone deadline yet. I may have self imposed one which is the schedule I outlined above. Peace in and goodnight.


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