Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Rock Rock Holly Rock, Everybody Wants To Holly Rock

     Let's get to the Baby Girl Gauge update right away. She had her first treatment for heart worms yesterday, and my biggest fear was her anxiety when she was in the car. I wasn't sure how I could control it, but I found a way. It took a little work on my part, but I managed to keep her in the front seat, and was able to get her focus off the obsessive window licking that she does. She was still anxious, but not so much that she was exhausted after the car ride. The next fear was of course how her and Morty were going to interact. I wasn't so much afraid of that situation, because Morty can be redirected on command. It takes a few commands to do it, but he will eventually walk away and go to another room. With that said, there has been no incidents of play time yet. Let me tell you, pitbull play isn't like normal dog play. If you haven't been around them, you would think they are trying to really hurt each other, but it all comes from pittie love.

     I made it through the 48 hour fast, and came out on the other side feeling fantastic. I think I've finally found my stride with entering and exiting these fasts. I will of course write about it on the new blog site. I have to save most of the Keto stuff for over there now, so make sure you check out the site and subscribe to the blog. I have some pretty good plans for articles coming up. I'm still working on just how to do the videos. I have too many ideas in my head right now, and can't fall on just one. I'll work it all out, and then get a video up as soon as possible.

     I do have a new post going up tomorrow morning, so keep an eye out for that. It's going to be about the difference between dieting and changing your lifestyle. Let me give you a little preview, lifestyle change is better. You still have to read the blog if you really want to know how much better and why though. I am going to proofread the latest one as soon as I'm done with this, just to make sure it is perfect. I ran into some problems with the last one, because accidentally launched it before it was ready, so I had to scramble and make corrections after it was live. Which sucked. I want everything to go out on time and perfect. No more mistakes.

     It's that time again, Favorite Song of the Week, and this is from the OG favorite of mine. Do you know who it is? If you don't, you really haven't been paying attention. It can be from no other than the indelible Purple One himself The master of the Minneapolis sound. The Kid, TAFKAP, o(->. Do you know who it is now? This is from the latest release from his estate called Originals, and this is a song he wrote for Sheila E, you will even hear him say "My name is Sheila E." in the song. Proof that he didn't write it and then change it to suit her needs. He wrote it for her, and it's a slammer. Here is Prince with Holly Rock.

     I love the animation in it as much as I love the song. If you haven't gotten that album, I highly suggest that you do. There are a lot of songs that you will remember from other artists, and they are all songs that Prince wrote specifically for them, with the exception of Nothing Compares 2U. He wrote. He released that as a B side long before Sinead O'Conner did her version of it, but his original version is on this album.

     Ok, I need to go proofread now and then hit the sack. Peace in and goodnight. Oh yeah, here is a picture of BGG and Morty, just because.

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