Saturday, August 3, 2019

Violet Dahlia (Part 4)

     The salt air hit me like a heavyweight taking a dive in the ring. There was also that putrid smell of rotting fish from the trolling boats that cleaned themselves out before hitting the morning waters. The city was sleeping but the dock was wide awake. People everywhere and the perfect place to hideout if you wanted to avoid the coppers. A dark and seedy look was adapted by everyone in a way to avoid eye contact with anyone. No one wanted to be bothered on the docks and that was going to make my life hard, but I had an in. I helped a dock foreman out of a sticky situation once, and every since, he always had a smile and a bit of information when I needed, and I was in desperate need of some information right now.

     "Hey Pauley!". Yeah, I know his name is Pauley too, what can I say, it's  popular name.

     "How's it hanging Sly?"

     "You know, it's still there and that's all that matters. I need a little low down and dirty if you will."

     "I'll help out any way I can, but the air has been thin lately, and the birds aren't singing."

     "I think I know why. This particular bit of info has to do with the dirtiest of the dirty."

     "You need dirt on Marcus?" He said in a hushed tone.

     "Not necessarily on him, but who he hired to kill his wife."

     "That is the one bird that has been singing loud and clear. The word is out the he wants someone for a hit. Low price gets the job, is what I'm hearing, and there is a grifter that just rolled off a boat that was looking for "work", if you know what I mean."

     "I believe that I do. Do you know where this grifter is shacking up?"

     "He's been staying right here along the docks. If you head to the north end and find the darkest spot, you'll find him. Navy peacoat, and a fedora, with a scruffy beard of red."

     "The darkest spot you say. Sounds inviting. Thanks Pauley, you need to stop by the diner some time and I'll buy you dinner."

     "I'll just have to take you up on that some time. Good luck Sly, this guy doesn't seem like one to answer too many questions."

     "You know me Pauley, I'm a charmer."

     With that I walked to the north end of the docks. The docks ran three miles along the bay, and ht north end was on the whole other end, so I better loosen up my legs, it's going to be a long walk.


     When Pauley said the darkest spot, I just thought it would be an alley along the pier with no lights. The darkest spot was an old abandoned pier that hadn't been used in several years due to a storm that damaged it. The opening was boarded up and the slats along the floor were broken and tattered. It was a risk to look at it much less try and walk along it. Then there was the matter of the lack of lights. Dark was an understatement, abyss would be more appropriate. I held my hand up in front of my face to see if I could see it. I couldn't. This guy definitely didn't want to be bothered, but I had a job to do, and I wan't going to let a little blanket of darkness and a spooky dock slow me up.

     "We don't like no gumshoes around here."

     It was a gruff and gravely voice from out of the darkness.

     "We? There is more than one lunatic out here on this old rickety pier?"

     "We don't like answerin' no questions either."

     "That was a pretty tame question. Look, I'm looking for a grifter the just came into town. Heard he offered to take up a contract of Mr. Dahlia."

     "We don't like answering' no questions, and we is losing our patience."

     "I get it now. It's the royal we. Ok my friend. I'm just here on behalf of the little lady that you are supposed to kill. Is there anyway I can talk you out of the deal?"

     "You gots money?"

     "Not on me, but I can get my hands on some of the price is right. How much did you offer to take for the stake?"

    "I told that slick sleeve the I'd take the hag out for C note."

    "A C note? Really?"

     "Yeah, you gotta problem with that?"

     "No, no problem at all. It's just that, normally people ask for much more money."

     "I don't have a high cost of living, so's I don't needs much. If you can get me more, I'll bolt out on the next boat."

     "I have a little bit of cash on me right now, what would you say about three hundred."

     " You gots yourself a deal gumshoe. Leave the money at the opening to the pier. Theres a rock by the post, put it under that, and I'll be out of the hags hair."

     "But, I'm right here, I could just hand it to you."

     "Leaves it at the rock."

     "What ever you say mate. I'll take my leave now and put you the three hundy under the rock. It was a pleasure doing business with you."

     The early light of dawn was starting, which made it easier to find my way back to the opening of the pier. I found the post and the rock and put the money underneath. I thought about hiding out and watching to see the grifter pick up his haul, but I was tired, and I still had work to do. I may have stopped him, but that wouldn't call off the hounds.

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