Sunday, August 4, 2019

It Has Been Rough

     I have something to correct, and the reason for the correction, but first, let's get into the update. I weighed in this morning at 165.5 lbs, that is only a loss of a half a pound. A little disappointing to say the least, but it's all part of the process. I checked me Ketone levels and they came in at 1.3, but that was the same time I did it last week, so I'm going to check again right now, and give you the latest number. Current reading is 2.2. Which I figured would be higher, since I'm 24 hours in on a 48 hour fast, we will get to the fast in a minute.

     Now it's time for the correction. I posted a link for a potential site that I was working on, and it turns out that the site was private until I signed up officially and started paying, so it wasn't available for anyone to see. Well, I did a real quick turn around and went to a different builder and now have my own website and domain name. The name did change slightly and I have everything moved to that new name. I'm still learning the site and how to create it, so I'm not sure if it has everything I want, but it's a pretty good start. This time, when you click on the link you will actually see the site, so without further adieu, I give you this time it is all there. I'm hoping that you will sign up for the blog. It should deliver each blog post straight to your email, or possibly just a notification that the blog post is up. I have two posts up at the present and I'm going to write one for tomorrow as soon as I'm done writing this. I just need to find an old picture of me looking as fat as I didn't really think I was.

     I also need to move the latest part of the Violet Dahlia over to Medium. It's been a rough weekend. My mother's mental health is deteriorating at an alarming rate, and she no longer knows who I am. I am the guy that works at the facility she is staying at. I have to stay with her just about 24/7 at this point, and it is taking a toll on me. I nearly had a breakdown this morning, but I'm blaming that on the situation and the fast being involved, but I will get through this, as I do with everything. I don't know what else to do. I'm alone in this, but that is the way I've felt most of my life. I've always found ways to get things done, and I will do it this time too.

     I guess I should get back to the new website and stop feeling sorry for myself. Right now it seems like it is mostly food related, and that is a big part of it, but I have some pretty lofty plans for this site. I want to give you recipes for healthier eating, workout advice on how to be more efficient in what you do when working out, information about different aspects of being healthier, and products that I'll review, and more than anything, a community that I can learn from as well. I want to hear what other people are doing that they find to be successful to them, so that I can try those things out as well. I've been a healthy scientist of sorts lately, trying and experimenting with different ways of eating and losing weight. I've been very successful at it so far, and I have a lot of useful information to share, and I'm sure others do as well.

     Baby Girl Gauge starts her heart worm treatments tomorrow, so I have to wake up a little earlier and get her there on time. She is going to have surgery on her ears, to take care of the canals, but that will come after the heart worm treatment. It should be 2 or 3 months before she can have that ear surgery, and then she will be fully relaxed and chill. The dermatologist liked how well she was already doing, but since the swelling didn't go down, surgery is the only way to go. I just want her to be healthy, happy, and comfortable. Then she will be officially in her fur-ever home.

     I mean, look at that face, how could you now want happiness for her? Ok, I have a few more things to get through with writing tonight, and even though it is only 5 pm when I'm writing this, it's going to take some time, and I hope that I don't mess up and accidentally publish the new blog post like I did Friday. Friday's late post was supposed to be scheduled for Monday, but when I was updating it and fixing things, I saw a button that said update, and one that said save for later. I hit update, and it published the post. everything was fixed so it went out looking good, it was just 3 days too soon. I should have hit save for later. I have a lot to learn about this one. Wish me luck, and remember to go check out the site and sign up for the blog. Peace in and goodnight.

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