Thursday, August 8, 2019

Discipline Is Key

     I tried something new with the TPR and I think it backfired. I tried posting the latest review at noon instead of 5, and it is doing poorly. When I say poorly, I mean really bad. Oh well, live and learn. Here is the video for you to check out though.

     I started another 24 hour fast, and this will be my last one for at least a week. Next week is the final week of my 28 days, and I'm doing about 4 days of just protein and fat, and then finishing it off with protein only days. I want to starve my body of fuel burning fat, so that it freaks out and has to pull from my fat stores.

     Here is the thing about your body. It adapts rather quickly, and even though I am fat adapted (there is that new fancy term again), my body has gotten used to having fat coming in to burn as fuel, so it doesn't take from my own stores. That is why I need to starve my body of it's fuel sources. Your body will take from three sources, carbohydrates, which has for most of time, been the preferred and recommended way of eating, fats from the foods you eat when carbs are not available, and your fat stores when neither of those are available. Well, there is one other source, but we don't want to get to that point, because that is the body cannibalizing itself and taking not only from fat stores but your muscle and soft tissue. Let's not get to that point. I know, I should be saving this stuff for, but if I save everything for there, there will be nothing to write about here. I will eventually do an article about all this stuff there, but now is not the time.

     Oh, I should mention the schedule for For right now, I plan on putting up a blog on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Tomorrow is my recipe for Keto jambalaya, and I even give you a suggestion if you want to make it vegan, so check that out tomorrow morning at 8. You can always sign up for the blog and it will send a notification to your email with a sample of the blog itself. I have a few people signed up for the email list, and I will send out an email when the new post goes up, so that is also a way to know about it.

    I'm still trying to come up with a way to do the videos for the website, but I'm getting closer to a finalized idea. I want them to be fun, but informative, so I have my work cut out for me.

     I still feel like I haven't lost any weight this week. I have cheated a bit and weighed myself unofficially, and I have lost a pound, but who knows if that will stick for Sunday's weigh in. I do still feel that I'm looking better regardless of my lack of weight loss. That means my body is reorganizing itself. It is shifting fat to other places, and I'm possibly gaining muscle, which will cause me to actually gain weight as I lose fat. Yes, that is possible, and don't believe anyone that tells you that it's impossible. I've done it once before in my life. I gained 16 pounds of muscle while losing 5% body fat. That was way back in my 20's, so to do it now is quite incredible.

     That reminds me, I watched a video this week talking about ketones, and how there has been some groundbreaking research that has come out recently, saying that ketones actually alter your hormones, and basically change your whole body at a cellular level. Basically, when you go into ketosis, you are fundamentally changing the structure of how your body works. Fat adapted is not just you burning fat as fuel, but you are changing yourself in a way that your body becomes younger. Once again, this is all on a cellular level, and won't make you look younger, but once again, remember that your outward appearance is based on your internal feelings. Feel younger, look younger. People tell me that I'm looking younger, and I won't argue, but I don't feel that I look any younger, I'll just take the compliment, but it is all a realist of my internal being.

     Speaking of changing things. I got an email from a company that I have purchased something from in the past. They are quite helpful emails, not the typical, hey buy our product. I tend to find those emails annoying, since I already bought your product. This company of course wants you to buy more of their product, but they also put out helpful tips on how to use their product, and little bits of encouragement. Well anyway, they CEO of the company sent out this email because he found that his health was being put on the back burner, and he saw a 100 day challenge. His concept for it, was to keep it real simple so that you could achieve your goals. Come up with 3 affirmations, and make them super easy, but make them so that if you do it for 100 days it will change your life. I decided to join in. My 3 are: Drink only water or green tea, Hit the cardio first thing every morning, and read daily. Three simply easily attainable goals. Day 1 is down, and I have so far done all three.

     He formed a Facebook group that you can join, but it's not a must. It's there for encouragement from all the other people in the group, and it's a place for you to post your achievements. I plan on writing a post about this for, but for now, if you want to join this group and jump into this, or if you just want to take a look at it and see what other peoples affirmations are, the link is right here, 100 Days of Discipline. Check it out, and it might help you on your journey to changing some habits you don't want anymore. My biggest is to give up the soda. I moved to diet sodas fairly easily, but I'm finding myself drinking more and more of them, and I want to really cut it out. So for the next 100 days, which will take me to Nov. 29th I will be drinking only water and green tea. I'll be doing the other things as well, but that's the biggie for me.

     That's all I have for tonight. If you do join that group and start doing the 100 days, let me know what you are doing, so I can be one of those ones that is encouraging you to meet your daily goals. Peace in and goodnight.

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