Sunday, August 11, 2019

Latest Update For Another 28 Days

      Here are the numbers for this week, and I'm rather disappointed. I weighed in at 164.5, which is only down a pound from last week. It's a bummer, but I'm still losing weight, and that is really all that matters. My ketones this morning where at 0.8, not great but still in ketosis, which I really wasn't worried about. I'm only testing at this point to mark numbers and potential trends.

     I have started my week of only protein and fat, and 1000 calories or less. My eating is done for the day, and I clocked in at 985 calories. Pretty good start to the week. I ate that over two meals, but the rest of the week is OMAD with either a 24 or 23 fast between each meal. After Wednesday, my meals will only consist of protein, to starve myself of those fueling fats, so that my body has no choice but to cannibalize my fat stores. Now when I say protein and fat, or protein only, I mean that my intake of carbs and fat on those days will be less than 10 grams. Carbs will be significantly lower than that, probably more like 5 grams. but I will still get around 1000 calories for the day.

     At this point, I have no hope of actually hitting my goal, but that doesn't mean the goal is dead, it just gets pushed back to a later date. What is important is that I keep going in the right direction, and experimenting with my eating habits so that you don't have to. Oops, felt like I was writing an article for Anyway, I will be keeping a close eye on my health throughout this whole week. I will test me ketone levels if anythings feels strange. If they get too high, I may have to make a judgment call and make an adjustment for the day. That would mean that I would have to increase my carbohydrate intake for that day. I'm still keeping them low, but I might have to pump it up to 20 grams for a day that I feel I'm in trouble. I made it through the 500 calorie week without incident. I felt miserable, but I made it. I expect this week to go much smoother.

     I can give you an update on the 100 days of discipline as well. I'm on day 4 now, and I have stuck to my affirmations. I've only drank water or green tea (mostly water), I have done cardio first thing every morning,  I did have an incident yesterday and today, but I'll talk about that in a second. I have also read daily. I still have to read today, which is what I'll be doing as soon as I'm done with this.

     Ok, now for those incidents during my cardio. If I failed to tell you, my cardio is jumping rope. I still working on getting better at it, so I tend to do it in sets of 100 reps. Yesterday I did my first 100 without any problems. I walked around for a minute or so, and then began my next set. As soon as I began, my lower latissimus dorsi began cramping up. Not my lower back, but the lower wings. It was excruciating. I stopped for a moment, stretched out a little and walked around and begun again. Same thing, they just started tightening up. I lasted only 10 reps that time. I tried the same thing, stretch and walk. I readied myself and it hit again, but this time it completely locked me up. I had to call it after only 1 full set. I was bummed, but I did get my cardio in, just not nearly as much as I wanted. I relaxed the rest of the day. This morning I went out, first set was great, second set, it started again. I was able to power through it this time, and with each set after it got less and less, but it was there.

     My only guess is that it happened because I didn't drink any water before beginning. I have done that mostly in the past as well, but it finally caught up to me maybe, there is also the fact that I believe I forgot to take my potassium supplement the day before. I don't take it during a fasting period, because I take all my supplements at the same time, and usually with a meal. I take my 3000 mg of Omega 3's, 6 mg of Boron, Potassium chloride, and magnesium sulfate. The potassium is key in warding off cramps, so that is why I'm leaning towards the combination of two days without and no water, allowed the cramping. Lesson learned. Potassium and magnesium will not break my fast, so I need to take that every day regardless of fasting or not. No more cramps for me.

     I have a new post tomorrow on the website. This one is all about the 100 days of discipline with links and why I think it will help you out, so make sure you check that out, and big favor time. If you could share the website with anyone you know, that would be great. I want this to grow, and I'm having a hard time of getting it to happen on my own, but it is doing ok for now. I just want it to get better. I might offer a t-shirt in the future, and I have an idea for it, I'll run past you before I put it up on the site, so when I'm ready to share the idea, I'll get it to you first.

     Oh yeah, if you aren't on the howuketo facebook or Instagram pages, you didn't see that I already have Friday's post done and ready to go. It's my recipe for bacon and eggs. I know what you are thinking, "you just fry up some bacon and eggs, simple". Yes, it is simple, but I have a way that I do them that will blow your mind, so check that post out on Friday morning.

     It's thundering out, and I have a panicked Morty, so I need to go comfort him. Peace in and goodnight.

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