Thursday, August 1, 2019

What, A Website. Not Yet, But It's Coming

     Ok, I have a couple of links for you. I have put things in motion for the blog/website that I want to do. Right now it is called How I Keto, but I'm having trouble getting that URL as well as other things, so there might be a name change in the next few days, for now though, it is How I Keto. The plan is for it to be a place where I can share my experiences in this whole ketogenic world, and what I want most, is to hear from other peoples experiences, and I can give those ideas a try. I'll be a guinea pig as it where. Anyway here are the first things that I have done. First is the Instagram you can find it and follow me right here. Second is the Facebook page, you can find that and follow me right here.

     I do have a YouTube page that is just about ready to go, but they have changed the process of starting a new channel and it is a bit frustrating, so it's going to take some time before that is ready to go. I have a few more things to do before I can officially launch the website. There is a temporary URL that is working, but that will of course change when I get a domain. If you want to take a look at it, and what it has potential to be, you can go there through this link. I just checked the link and it appears blank. I don't know what that is all about, but there is supposed to be a blog post and a picture up there on the site right now. I'll figure it out eventually. I'm really hoping you will be able to see that, and its not some scam by squarespace to get me to upgrade right away. They offer a free 14 day trial and I plan on getting every second out of it before I "Upgrade".

     I can give you a little 28 days again update. I'm feeling freaking phenomenal. Still not getting much sleep, but my body doesn't seem to need it right now. I don't feel like I've lost any weight this time, but I felt like that last time as well. My body is changing in appearance, and that is always a good sign, well, as long as it's changing in the right way, and it is. I did start another 24 hour fast today right after having two slices of pizza while doing the TPR. I stuck to my guns this time and only had 2, that put my calorie intake for the day under 1000, and my carbs only hit 31. Still put me over my carb mark, but still pretty good. I would have rather had cleaner carbs, like spinach or asparagus or something like that, but TPR is still a thing I have to do.

     I was talking to a friend yesterday about clean eating, and pizza came up. I still like pizza don't get me wrong, but I find it to be a nuisance. It is there to foil all my plans. I'd honestly rather not eat it at this point, and just admire it from a far and think of the glory days when I ate it, but I'm still doing TPR, so I just have to be strict when I'm around it, and do something like I'm doing now, and that is begin a fast right after it.

     Now, that isn't the ideal way to go into a fast. It is far superior for your body if you eat a clean meal before going into a fast. The cleaner the better. Your body doesn't have to fight impurities and it can get to resting a lot sooner, especially if you are fat adapted. I don't think I've used the term fat adapted on here before. I should explain it. This is me getting ready for that whole blog on a website thing. Being fat adapted simply means that you have converted your body from burning carbohydrates for a fuel source, to burning fat as a fuel source. That is the whole purpose of going to a ketogenic lifestyle. I know, I'm using bigger words like ketogenic tonight, once again practicing. I will say this in my blog as I've said it here. A keto diet isn't for everyone, but you should look into it and give it a try if you have had trouble with other lifestyle eating choices. The proof that it works is in my words and the photos I've take of myself, which reminds me, I have to do a photoshoot for that site. This is going to be mortifying. I will of course be my own photographer, but still, I'm not looking forward to that. I have lost 45 pounds to this point by going Keto, and I'm not stopping. No, no yet, just period end of sentence, I'm not stopping.

     Oh yeah, another mortifying thing about this whole idea, I will have to film myself working out. That is going to be laughable at best, but it will show you that I am doing what I say I'm doing. You will see me lifting, doing some HIIT training, and my favorite, jumping rope. I really need to get better at jumping rope. That is where the beauty of editing comes into play. I will try my best to make myself look good, but still using real footage, I'll just cut before I fall flat on my face.

     I nearly forgot. This is the logo I created. If the name changes I will have to change the logo as well, but that is an easy fix.

     Let me know what you think. I'm thinking about getting rid of the "Keto Over 40". It may limit my audience, if people thing that you can only follow what I'm doing if you are over 40. The fact is younger people have a simpler time with Keto, but if they follow what I'm doing, they will have just as good and maybe better results. The biggest difference is, that steak is good, but it's not the best option for someone over 40. Your gut bacteria has a tougher time breaking that down, so you need more easily digestible proteins. Plus you have to eat a few more cruciferous vegetables, which is fine by me, as long as that carb count is low. Then again, a cup of cauliflower is only around 6 net carbs. Just looked it up, it's only 2 net carbs. 5 total with 3 grams of fiber, subtract the fiber from the total and you get the net. If there are any added sugars that are indigestible, those are taken out as well. See Keto is easy.

     Ok, time for my nightly fight with myself to try and get some sleep. Wish me luck and I hope that I will have a website link for you the next time we speak. Oh yeah, don't forget about the Violet Dahlia, it will be up right here on Saturday morning. I only have it half written so that is my main focus tomorrow, but it will be done. Peace in and goodnight.

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