Thursday, August 15, 2019

Goals Are Being Met, And Dogs

     I had another douche moment at the gym last night and decided to take a selfie. As you can see, it was leg day, so naturally I wore a tank top. The energy levels of my workouts have been  a little lower this week due to the calorie deficit I am in, but I'm still getting them in and getting those goals accomplished.

I also completed my first week of the 100 Days of Discipline, and I haven't fallen or stumbled yet. I have done my cardio first thing every morning, and trust me doing jump rope the morning after a tough leg workout is not easy. I have only drank water and green tea (mostly water), and I have read every evening. There is still 93 days left, but I think I can do this and get my goals accomplished in that, and will be a healthier person for it.

     I still have a long way to go, but I've finally seen that I have come a long way in my journey, and it has been a wild ride. Oh yeah, I went even doucheier in the gym and took the ab selfie. This is a little preview for Sundays photo day of the latest 28, but it shows you what I've done so far, and how I'm finally feeling comfortable with my body.

     Now, I'm sure there would be a lot of people that would be happy with that, and I have to admit, I could be content with looking like this for the rest of my life, but that isn't the look of what I see when I see my goals fulfilled, so yes, I still have a long way to go. That being said, it wouldn't be prudent if I didn't promote the website and convince you to go check it out, and share it with friends on social media. Go to and learn how I went from flab to not quite but nearly fab. If I can do it, you can do it, and that is the whole point of my website.

     I'm writing this early today, because today is a rest day. I still have a video to make for the TPR which quite possibly could be our last video. I have taken over care of my mom full time, and can no longer get out to do any videos like that. I get gym time in late at night when she is sound asleep and I don't have to worry about her waking up and getting confused on why no one is there. I'm not gone for more than an hour, because I worry the entire time, which does put some added stress on my workouts, but the workouts are stress relievers so it evens out in the end. Despite the fact that I'm not a trained caregiver, I think things are going well. She surprisingly seems in better spirits, but that could just be the way her mind is working this week. In the recent past, she has gotten violent and very argumentative, and I know there will be much more of that in the future as her mental capacity declines. It's not easy, but I'll do anything for my mom, so that she has a wonderful transition into the ether.

     Let's talk about dogs. I have two of the greatest dogs on the planet. I'm sure you think your dogs are the greatest, but you would be wrong. I mean, look at those faces.

     How can you resist saying that they are perfect. Yes, I had to coax them with a treat to get them to stay for the shot, and yes Morty displaying those classic terrier traits only sat for a second as I got that shot, but still, they are the most perfect greatest dogs off all time, and I will fight you if you say otherwise in my presence. 

     Just wanted to share my love for my dogs. It's time to dash out of here, and take care of the mom. We have a big day planned of going to Target. That is exciting for me now. I'm getting a few supplies for a keto peanut butter toast recipe that I saw. If it works out, I'll post it up on the website and you can give it a try yourself. There is one problem though, because you have to buy a tub of Quest Vanilla Milkshake protein powder as one of the ingredients. I got mine on sale from Amazon. If it is anything like there Cinnamon Crunch, then it is going to be outstanding. The Cinnamon Crunch protein shake tastes like you are drinking the milk after having Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. Yeah, it is that good. Oh, I'm going to have a product review of a new chip of theirs coming up next week. It's called Loaded Taco flavor, and I've already tried it so I know it is really good. Peace in and goodnight. 

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