Tuesday, August 27, 2019

My Dogs Are Top Dogs

     I officially resigned from review duty on the TPR today. Bit of a sad thing, but one that had to happen. I will do what I can to edit any video that comes my way, and punch up any review that is written, to try to keep it up to the standard we have set.  I guess we will see how long it will last without me.

     Yesterday was National Dog Day, so I had to post pictures of my two most favoriest dogs in the whole world, Morty and Baby Girl Gauge. Here they are.

     They are the greatest dogs to ever dog. BGG has her next heartworm treatment next week. This is the big one, the one where she has to stay over night, and I'm going to miss her. I'm sure that Morty will as well. 

     I know, I look fat in that photo. Don't worry, I didn't backslide, that is just the camera and weird angles. I am at my lowest weight in probably 25 years, maybe more. I have been steady around the 162 mark, and that is mostly because this week is kind of a chill week with no rules. Still staying Keto, that isn't changing, but I have been alternating days on 24 hour fasts. For example, I'm not fasting tonight, but I will be after a mid-morning meal tomorrow. This is all in that experimental way of eating, until I find exactly what works for me. I love OMAD, but I need to see if there is something better, so far, I'm thinking this isn't a bad way, but not necessarily the best way for me. Which reminds me. I know I am all doubt the Keto life, but that may not be the way that works best for you. I still think you should try it out to see how you feel and make that decision for yourself, but remember, don't diet, change your lifestyle.

     Tomorrow's article is a bit of a cop out. I did a 100 days update. Which still is in lines with the site, but I really should have done some more research on other things that I want to write about. Oh, My review was read by the company I reviewed, and they messaged me and thanked me for the nice things I said. I thanked them back for what they are doing in providing keto friendly snacks that are good quality. I'm hoping to turn this into a brand deal and maybe getting a sample of anything new they put out, so that I can review them before they come out. That would be huge. I'm going to take it slow though, and build up my numbers. I did see a jump in readers for the last blog post, so that is a pretty exciting thing. I should capitalize on that and put out something hard hitting, but finding the time to do that and take care of my mom is not easy. I still have Friday for something a little more impactful.

      Speaking of the blog, I did finally figure out how to hide a link. You know what I do here where I put a link attached to a word instead of a bunch of letters, numbers, and www. It was way easier than I thought it was, and I feel really dopey for not figuring it out earlier, but it is a learn as I go sort of thing.

     I did make it out to the beach today to take my mom to see the sunrise and it was pretty spectacular. I did get some camera shots, but I didn't upload them and play around with them yet, but I did snap one with the phone so I could post it up on Instagram. What do you think.

My mom had a wonderful time out there, and I may try to take her out once a week for that little experience. It seemed to do well with her.

     I have a great one for you tonight. Favorite Song of the Week is a go. This puts two of my favorite genres together into one mighty package of awesomeness. The worlds of funk and metal collide in this mash-up that I discovered today. Just about an hour ago to be honest. The editing that went into this is incredible and I hope you really appreciate how much work it took to put this together. Big round of applause to the creator of this video Bill McClintock, he did an amazing job. I give to you Kool & the Gang and Quiet Riot with "Bang Your Head (It's A Celebration)".

     How fun was that. Ok, have a great rest of your week. I have a ton of things to do with trying to get this website to catch on fire. Peace in and goodnight.


1 comment:

  1. So glad she enjoyed the sunrise trip. Can't wait to see pics. The one you posted is beautiful.
