Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Final Weigh-In Is Done

     The final day of the latest 28 days is here. I overestimated my own ability and came up rather short on my goals, but I did achieve some change in a positive direction and that is a great thing. Final numbers are 162.5 pounds with my ketone levels at 1.9. I only lot 5.5 pounds which I see as a failure, but a failure that I learned from. First thing I learned is that as incredible as the human body is, it does have it's limits, and since I'm reaching mine, I have to adapt and overcome. That is the phase I'm in, the hardest part of weightless, the dreaded final 10 pounds. I will hit that 150 pound goal, it's just going to take a little longer. No time frame for that.

      The second thing I learned, is that my body needs more calories in order to get my workouts in properly. This final week was my low calorie week and I felt it. I had to change my plan, because it was impossible for me to eat only protein and reach my 1000 calorie limit, so I kept my protein and fat plan in place. My workouts were a struggle during this last week. I lost strength and stamina. I finished my workouts, but it was a struggle, and you need those workouts so that you build lean muscle mass to increase your metabolism. That means more sensible calories are needed in order to lose more weight.

     I guess that only leaves picture time. This was another failure on my part. I didn't transform my body the way I had expected to, but that was once again me overestimating myself. Lesson learned again.

     As you can see, there are some differences from image to image. I only played with the contrast to try and get each picture as close to the other as possible. I still have such a long way to go, but I'll get there.

      I thought I would throw in a couple of side by side by side of all the pictures I've taken so far. So here that is,

     Oh, just incase you were wondering, the pants are meggings by Kapow. Pretty cool right. I'm finally living my rock star dream. I do have another pair that are black and shiny, so I'll debut those when I finally reach my goal appearance. Still putting the bulk of my workouts on improving my legs and my chest. Everything else is coming along for the ride.

     I got some bad news last night. Even though I think the website is doing good, not as well as I would like it to do, but it's still very new, Google has denied my application for AdSense. If you don't know what that is, AdSense is how websites put advertisements on their sites. If AdSense denies you, then you can't put advertisements from them, and you have to find another way to make a little money, which is literally pennies per click. It would have been nice to have that as a tiny bit of change coming in, but I'll just have to work harder to make some money off of this. The worst part about the denial is that they say I should fix the problems with the site and then reapply, but they won't say what the problem is, I can only assume that it is low traffic, and the will come as I build it, but if it is something else, which I can't imagine what would be offensive about the site, then I will never know. This is why I really need for people to share the site, and follow me on Facebook and Instagram, just do a search for HowUKeto. It's pretty easy to find at this point.

     Still working on the video ideas, and I'm narrowing it down, but I'm still lost in the woods on this one. I might try to shoot some footage at the gym this week and see what I think about it, and proceed from there. Testing is going to be key on this one.

     It's going to be a long week. I haven't been sleeping much lately, mostly because of the elevated ketone levels, but also because I generally don't get home from the gym until midnight, and then I have to wake up when I hear my mom wake up, so that she isn't left confused about where she is, so My sleep schedule looks like an intermittent fasting eating schedule. Like how I turned that into a health reference? I basically get about 4 hours of sleep on a good night, and it is doing me in, but I don't have much choice. I have to go the gym late at night because it is the only time I know that she won't wake up and get confused when no one is there. I simply turn off all the lights in the house and if she gets up, she knows that it's bedtime and she simply goes back to bed. Normally she doesn't wake up in the middle of the night, so I'm all good. I can't sleep during the day, because I have to have eyes on her or at least be within earshot of her at all times. Right now, this is the only way I know how to make this work, it is just costing me sleep which in turn affects my overall health. Once again, I will figure this out. I'm surviving, and that's all I can do, the thriving will come with time.

     I still have what may be the final video for TPR to make, I have been putting it off, but I will finish it either today or tomorrow, more than likely tomorrow. I have a piece to write for the website, that is due tomorrow. It's going to be a beginners guide to Keto, so if you want to now how to get started and be successful, then check out that site, and share it with your friends. Yeah, I got to push, so bare with me.

     Ok, I'll leave you to the rest of your day since I'm putting this up at 9 in the morning. Peace in and have a good day.

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