Sunday, August 25, 2019

It Was Good

     It's been a weekend. I did manage to write a new article for the website, which will be coming out tomorrow at 11 am, so that is taken care of. Well, I did just add the picture to it a few minutes ago, so now it is taken care of.

     I've been looking into ways to save more money and I came up with a gem, and one that is going to lead to some healthier eating. I found out about Butcher Box. I had heard of it for some time, but never looked into it. I crunched the numbers though, and I will save anywhere form $30 to $50 dollars a month on meat now. The added bonus is that I don't have to carry those heavy bags in from the car anymore either. They were running an insane deal that gives you 2lbs of free ground beef for the life of your membership, so that is an add on that I never have to pay extra for. You can choose how your box is filled, but I went with the mixed box. That means that it has beef, pork, and chicken. It came with a 3 lbs roast, four, 4oz top sirloin steaks, 2lbs of ground beef (not the bonus 2 lbs), 3 large chicken breasts, and then I had a bonus one time free add on of 2lbs of Italian Sausage. I am set for meat for the month. All the meat is locally sourced and certified grass fed grass finished.

      I had the top sirloin tonight, and it was one of the best steaks I've ever had. Very lean cut, and cooked up extremely well. I'm having one of the pork loins tomorrow night and then doing the roast on Tuesday, That roast will last me several meals though, so I'm looking forward to that. The gave me a personal link for people to sign up, and get $30 off your first order. They have several different options for the box, and you can add on extra stuff if you want, but that will cost more. Here is my personal link if you want to check them out Butcher Box If you use that link as I said, you will get $30 off your first box, and I will also get $30 off as well. Don't forget to check into the free 2lbs of ground beef a month for life. It's a real thing, and I'm so excited about that. I love steak and all that, but ground beef is easier on the digestive system, plus tacos. Oh, the article is a review of some keto chips that can be great as a taco shell substitute. Remember a single taco shell has anywhere from 14-22 net carbs. That is nearly your entire daily intake of net carbs right there. Anyway, check that link out if you want to give them a try Here is that steak that I made tonight.

     All I did was salt it, and have broccoli as the side. It was amazing, nothing added except for salt on either of them. I have to admit, steak and broccoli is one of my favorite meals, and I haven't had it in quite some time, because steak just really wasn't in the budget. Oh, I should mention that you can change the frequency of how often you get the packages as well. You start out with every 4 weeks, but you can change that to 5 or 6 if you want. It just depends on how much you can stretch out that much meat. I'm going to see how this one goes, and if I have a bunch of meat left when it is time to ship, I'll delay it by a week or two. In the long run, that is more money saved.

     This seems like an article for the website, so I'll stop now. The dogs are doing great. Baby Girl Gauge, couldn't be better. She is staying calm as per doctors orders, but not without a few incidents that I had to break up before they got out of hand. Puppies love to play, even 7 year old puppies. Her next appointment is the Tuesday after next, and that is going to be the tough one. She has to stay over night for that one, so Me, Morty and the Mom are going to be a little heartbroken that day.

     I plan on taking my mom to see the sunrise this week, if the weather permits it. I'm hoping for Tuesday but right now it says there is an 80 percent chance of rain that day, and that is a follow over from Monday, so the morning could be clouded out. I hope not, I'm hoping to get some good pictures with the camera while I'm there. No reason not to get some double duty out of the morning. It's been a while since I used the camera for anything other than before and after pictures and pizza.

     Speaking of pizza, I did tell my partner that he is pretty much on his own for TPR. I will help out as much as I can by putting together any video that he brings me, and punching up the written review, but he has to write a lot more than what he has been for it to be any good. His pieces usually read like a "What I Did On Summer Vacation" essay that you did in grade school. That is partly my fault because I told him to keep it short, and to the point, but it's all him now. I'll make an announcement on the TPR Facebook page on Tuesday, that is usually when he doesn't post anything, so it won't be buried or bury some other post. Although, it seems that Facebook has been burying my posts lately. My readership on this is down drastically, like one day I didn't get a single reader. I hate relying on Facebook for promotion, because it does have a habit of doing things like this, but I just have to deal and move on. Work smarter not harder right? Not in this case, I gots to work harder.

     I have an idea for the Keto YouTube channel. I was thinking of just starting out with some reviews of different Keto products first. I'm not completely sold on that idea yet, though. The plus is that I can do all that in the house and not worry about having to leave to go anywhere. I can make Keto pizzas and talk about them, eat different Keto friendly bars, or shakes. Stuff like that. It could also be a way to get some free stuff to try if it pans out. That part of why I did the review for tomorrow on the website. If it goes over big, then I can reach out to that company and ask them to send me their new stuff, so I can review it before it's released, or maybe as it's released, either way I win on this one. We'll see. Then channel will also give me a reason to use my camera gear and lights. It could be exciting.

     Ok, I'm out of here. Fear the Walking Dead is almost on, and I want to sit back, relax, and enjoy it before going to bed. Peace in and goodnight.

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