Here is a picture of Morty, just because he is the most awesome of awesome dogs.
He is majestic isn't he. I have been feeling really good physically this week. I think I really like this 24 hour fast every other day thing I'm doing. It gives me a chance to rest my digestive system and also get fed pretty well. My weight is steadily decreasing and I can see my body changing in large ways then the scale is showing. The mirror always tells the truth, well not the truth of a photograph, but always trust the mirror.
On the fasting days, I normally eat a good sized meal, but it still only amounts to about 1100 calories. Today which is a break fast day I clocked in at 1600 calories. Tomorrow will be another one of the small days prepping for another 24 hours which will lead me into Saturday.
I did have to make a quick run to the grocery store today to get a couple of things to help out with a little baking project that I had planned. By the way, grocery stores are crazy around here right now with the storm coming. I already have my supplies, since the way I eat, looks like someone that would be surviving after a hurricane. I have plenty of water in jugs and I'm prepped if I have to cook meals on a portable stove that I have. We all good here. Anyway, I found this recipe on the Quest Nutrition website. It used a couple of their products, which are really tasty and keto friendly, and I finally had everything except natural peanut butter. Oh yeah, peanut butter is a hot commodity in hurricane prepping. I did manage to find a jar, and I was set. The recipe is for what they call peanut butter toast. It's more like a peanut butter cake and it is awesome. You crumble up one of their peanut butter cookies, for the topping and bake it for 4 minutes in the oven, then you crumble it like a mad man. After that, you need one of their vanilla milkshake protein powders, that is the base for the recipe, but I'm pretty sure you could use almond flour or a vegan vanilla protein powder to substitute. The almond flower will lower the protein content though. Anyway mix it all up, put it in a pan, then make the spread for the top so that the cookie toppings will have something to stick to and bingo bango, you got yourself some deliciousness.
As I was saying above, if you substitute their powder, the 5 eggs, and the butter with plant based substitutes, and you got a vegan treat as well. I will have to try that at some point. I only need a vegan protein powder, and find the right egg substitute. I think began mayonnaise may do the trick, but I'm not sure. Hellman's makes a really good vegan mayonnaise by the way.
The only worry I have with this storm coming, is that it is going to be here around the time I have to take Baby Girl Gauge for her heart worm treatment. She is due there on Tuesday, and they are currently saying that the storm could have holdover strong winds through Tuesday. I'm going to call tomorrow and see what the plan is if I can't get there on the day it is supposed to happen.
Back to storm prepping. I only have to bring in a few chairs, and close the storm shutters which I will do on Saturday. Easy peasy lemon squezzey. I do have to go grocery shopping on Saturday, so I expect that to be a train wreck. I'm only buying mostly fresh vegetables and some monk fruit. Everything else is pretty much covered. Oh, there is one other thing I am worried about. If the power outage lasts longer than a few days, I will have to resort to eating not so keto friendly foods, and I'm not looking forward to that. I take it as a personally affront, that I would have to eat high carb foods. I know it won't kill me, but it will slow down my progress, and I ain't got time for that. I did however buy a brand new Mountain Dew VooDew for when I'm done with my 100 days. That will be my reward for the hard work I put in. Oh, I still plan on doing cardio every morning, and reading, and drinking only water or green tea (and the occasional almond milk). That isn't going to change. I'm getting that 100 days. I don't see failure as an option with this one. It's way too easy a goal not to accomplish.
Well the RAYS just won, so I'm going to call it a day. I should be able to post something on Sunday but after that I have no idea when I'll be able to post again. I'm going to try to write enough articles for next week, but I probably won't be able to promote them. I'm setting the release times for 3pm New York time on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I do have tomorrow's written, but I need to get a photo taken for it. Its about turmeric, so you don't want to miss that one. I have no idea what to write about for next week though, but I'll figure it out. I don't want to miss a deadline even though I don't have a written in stone deadline yet. I may have self imposed one which is the schedule I outlined above. Peace in and goodnight.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
My Dogs Are Top Dogs
I officially resigned from review duty on the TPR today. Bit of a sad thing, but one that had to happen. I will do what I can to edit any video that comes my way, and punch up any review that is written, to try to keep it up to the standard we have set. I guess we will see how long it will last without me.
Yesterday was National Dog Day, so I had to post pictures of my two most favoriest dogs in the whole world, Morty and Baby Girl Gauge. Here they are.
They are the greatest dogs to ever dog. BGG has her next heartworm treatment next week. This is the big one, the one where she has to stay over night, and I'm going to miss her. I'm sure that Morty will as well.
I know, I look fat in that photo. Don't worry, I didn't backslide, that is just the camera and weird angles. I am at my lowest weight in probably 25 years, maybe more. I have been steady around the 162 mark, and that is mostly because this week is kind of a chill week with no rules. Still staying Keto, that isn't changing, but I have been alternating days on 24 hour fasts. For example, I'm not fasting tonight, but I will be after a mid-morning meal tomorrow. This is all in that experimental way of eating, until I find exactly what works for me. I love OMAD, but I need to see if there is something better, so far, I'm thinking this isn't a bad way, but not necessarily the best way for me. Which reminds me. I know I am all doubt the Keto life, but that may not be the way that works best for you. I still think you should try it out to see how you feel and make that decision for yourself, but remember, don't diet, change your lifestyle.
Tomorrow's article is a bit of a cop out. I did a 100 days update. Which still is in lines with the site, but I really should have done some more research on other things that I want to write about. Oh, My review was read by the company I reviewed, and they messaged me and thanked me for the nice things I said. I thanked them back for what they are doing in providing keto friendly snacks that are good quality. I'm hoping to turn this into a brand deal and maybe getting a sample of anything new they put out, so that I can review them before they come out. That would be huge. I'm going to take it slow though, and build up my numbers. I did see a jump in readers for the last blog post, so that is a pretty exciting thing. I should capitalize on that and put out something hard hitting, but finding the time to do that and take care of my mom is not easy. I still have Friday for something a little more impactful.
Speaking of the blog, I did finally figure out how to hide a link. You know what I do here where I put a link attached to a word instead of a bunch of letters, numbers, and www. It was way easier than I thought it was, and I feel really dopey for not figuring it out earlier, but it is a learn as I go sort of thing.
I did make it out to the beach today to take my mom to see the sunrise and it was pretty spectacular. I did get some camera shots, but I didn't upload them and play around with them yet, but I did snap one with the phone so I could post it up on Instagram. What do you think.
My mom had a wonderful time out there, and I may try to take her out once a week for that little experience. It seemed to do well with her.
I have a great one for you tonight. Favorite Song of the Week is a go. This puts two of my favorite genres together into one mighty package of awesomeness. The worlds of funk and metal collide in this mash-up that I discovered today. Just about an hour ago to be honest. The editing that went into this is incredible and I hope you really appreciate how much work it took to put this together. Big round of applause to the creator of this video Bill McClintock, he did an amazing job. I give to you Kool & the Gang and Quiet Riot with "Bang Your Head (It's A Celebration)".
How fun was that. Ok, have a great rest of your week. I have a ton of things to do with trying to get this website to catch on fire. Peace in and goodnight.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
It Was Good
It's been a weekend. I did manage to write a new article for the website, which will be coming out tomorrow at 11 am, so that is taken care of. Well, I did just add the picture to it a few minutes ago, so now it is taken care of.
I've been looking into ways to save more money and I came up with a gem, and one that is going to lead to some healthier eating. I found out about Butcher Box. I had heard of it for some time, but never looked into it. I crunched the numbers though, and I will save anywhere form $30 to $50 dollars a month on meat now. The added bonus is that I don't have to carry those heavy bags in from the car anymore either. They were running an insane deal that gives you 2lbs of free ground beef for the life of your membership, so that is an add on that I never have to pay extra for. You can choose how your box is filled, but I went with the mixed box. That means that it has beef, pork, and chicken. It came with a 3 lbs roast, four, 4oz top sirloin steaks, 2lbs of ground beef (not the bonus 2 lbs), 3 large chicken breasts, and then I had a bonus one time free add on of 2lbs of Italian Sausage. I am set for meat for the month. All the meat is locally sourced and certified grass fed grass finished.
I had the top sirloin tonight, and it was one of the best steaks I've ever had. Very lean cut, and cooked up extremely well. I'm having one of the pork loins tomorrow night and then doing the roast on Tuesday, That roast will last me several meals though, so I'm looking forward to that. The gave me a personal link for people to sign up, and get $30 off your first order. They have several different options for the box, and you can add on extra stuff if you want, but that will cost more. Here is my personal link if you want to check them out Butcher Box If you use that link as I said, you will get $30 off your first box, and I will also get $30 off as well. Don't forget to check into the free 2lbs of ground beef a month for life. It's a real thing, and I'm so excited about that. I love steak and all that, but ground beef is easier on the digestive system, plus tacos. Oh, the article is a review of some keto chips that can be great as a taco shell substitute. Remember a single taco shell has anywhere from 14-22 net carbs. That is nearly your entire daily intake of net carbs right there. Anyway, check that link out if you want to give them a try Here is that steak that I made tonight.
I've been looking into ways to save more money and I came up with a gem, and one that is going to lead to some healthier eating. I found out about Butcher Box. I had heard of it for some time, but never looked into it. I crunched the numbers though, and I will save anywhere form $30 to $50 dollars a month on meat now. The added bonus is that I don't have to carry those heavy bags in from the car anymore either. They were running an insane deal that gives you 2lbs of free ground beef for the life of your membership, so that is an add on that I never have to pay extra for. You can choose how your box is filled, but I went with the mixed box. That means that it has beef, pork, and chicken. It came with a 3 lbs roast, four, 4oz top sirloin steaks, 2lbs of ground beef (not the bonus 2 lbs), 3 large chicken breasts, and then I had a bonus one time free add on of 2lbs of Italian Sausage. I am set for meat for the month. All the meat is locally sourced and certified grass fed grass finished.
I had the top sirloin tonight, and it was one of the best steaks I've ever had. Very lean cut, and cooked up extremely well. I'm having one of the pork loins tomorrow night and then doing the roast on Tuesday, That roast will last me several meals though, so I'm looking forward to that. The gave me a personal link for people to sign up, and get $30 off your first order. They have several different options for the box, and you can add on extra stuff if you want, but that will cost more. Here is my personal link if you want to check them out Butcher Box If you use that link as I said, you will get $30 off your first box, and I will also get $30 off as well. Don't forget to check into the free 2lbs of ground beef a month for life. It's a real thing, and I'm so excited about that. I love steak and all that, but ground beef is easier on the digestive system, plus tacos. Oh, the article is a review of some keto chips that can be great as a taco shell substitute. Remember a single taco shell has anywhere from 14-22 net carbs. That is nearly your entire daily intake of net carbs right there. Anyway, check that link out if you want to give them a try Here is that steak that I made tonight.
All I did was salt it, and have broccoli as the side. It was amazing, nothing added except for salt on either of them. I have to admit, steak and broccoli is one of my favorite meals, and I haven't had it in quite some time, because steak just really wasn't in the budget. Oh, I should mention that you can change the frequency of how often you get the packages as well. You start out with every 4 weeks, but you can change that to 5 or 6 if you want. It just depends on how much you can stretch out that much meat. I'm going to see how this one goes, and if I have a bunch of meat left when it is time to ship, I'll delay it by a week or two. In the long run, that is more money saved.
This seems like an article for the website, so I'll stop now. The dogs are doing great. Baby Girl Gauge, couldn't be better. She is staying calm as per doctors orders, but not without a few incidents that I had to break up before they got out of hand. Puppies love to play, even 7 year old puppies. Her next appointment is the Tuesday after next, and that is going to be the tough one. She has to stay over night for that one, so Me, Morty and the Mom are going to be a little heartbroken that day.
I plan on taking my mom to see the sunrise this week, if the weather permits it. I'm hoping for Tuesday but right now it says there is an 80 percent chance of rain that day, and that is a follow over from Monday, so the morning could be clouded out. I hope not, I'm hoping to get some good pictures with the camera while I'm there. No reason not to get some double duty out of the morning. It's been a while since I used the camera for anything other than before and after pictures and pizza.
Speaking of pizza, I did tell my partner that he is pretty much on his own for TPR. I will help out as much as I can by putting together any video that he brings me, and punching up the written review, but he has to write a lot more than what he has been for it to be any good. His pieces usually read like a "What I Did On Summer Vacation" essay that you did in grade school. That is partly my fault because I told him to keep it short, and to the point, but it's all him now. I'll make an announcement on the TPR Facebook page on Tuesday, that is usually when he doesn't post anything, so it won't be buried or bury some other post. Although, it seems that Facebook has been burying my posts lately. My readership on this is down drastically, like one day I didn't get a single reader. I hate relying on Facebook for promotion, because it does have a habit of doing things like this, but I just have to deal and move on. Work smarter not harder right? Not in this case, I gots to work harder.
I have an idea for the Keto YouTube channel. I was thinking of just starting out with some reviews of different Keto products first. I'm not completely sold on that idea yet, though. The plus is that I can do all that in the house and not worry about having to leave to go anywhere. I can make Keto pizzas and talk about them, eat different Keto friendly bars, or shakes. Stuff like that. It could also be a way to get some free stuff to try if it pans out. That part of why I did the review for tomorrow on the website. If it goes over big, then I can reach out to that company and ask them to send me their new stuff, so I can review it before it's released, or maybe as it's released, either way I win on this one. We'll see. Then channel will also give me a reason to use my camera gear and lights. It could be exciting.
Ok, I'm out of here. Fear the Walking Dead is almost on, and I want to sit back, relax, and enjoy it before going to bed. Peace in and goodnight.
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Is This The End Of An Era
Just launched the TPR's latest video and blog, so I have no idea how it's doing. It's way to early to tell. That one is in the bag though. I wrote the article for tomorrow on and I'm pretty happy with it, considering that I woke up this morning with no idea what I was going to write about. It's a little help for those of you that want to try intermittent fasting and a few ways you can go with it. They of course have one thing in common, which is eating healthy regardless of which one you are doing. It won't work if you are eating crap food and expecting healthy food results.
I felt horrible yesterday. It wasn't an illness, it was straight up depression and everything I'm dealing with. I was also 24 hours in on the 36 hour fast, so that wasn't helping things either. I made it through the day, and went to be what I would call early, 9:30 to be exact. I managed to sleep most of the night and wake up around 4:30 and just laid in bed until 6:30. I blew off the gym last night, because I was actually concerned that I might pass out on either the way there or the way home. I was just flat out exhausted, so the best thing to do was get rest. I can workout again soon, the gym is always there.
Oh, the fast ended up lasting over 38 hours. I can't remember the exact number at this point. I did weigh in the morning of the start of the fast, and this morning, just for giggles. I weighed in at 163 before and then 160.5 after. so I had a loss of 2.5 pounds. That only lasted until I ate, but it lays the foundation for a solid weight loss. I have eaten super healthy during my feeding window today, and wrapped up with just a little over 1000 calories. I wanted a light day today to nail things down, and then jumped right into another 24 hour fast. Tomorrow I'm going protein rich to take care of all those building blocks. I was protein rich today as well, but I limited calorie consumption for the purpose of building on that fasting effect. I'm still staring at that goal of 150 and I will get there, but I won't do it if I sit back and just eat anything.
Of course, eating anything was never the idea, but I will take a break of intermittent fasting soon, just so my metabolism can reset. The article details how you should do that as well, so that you don't just regain all the weight you just lost. Believe it or not, there is a trick to it. I will be eating somewhat "normal" in about 2 weeks. Normal for me, will still be Keto but with a few meals in a large gap feeding window. After two weeks of that, it will be straight back to intermittent fasting.
That reminds me, I finally have a date chosen for the next 72 hour fast. I'm going to be doing it on the 27th of October. That will give anyone that wants to do it with me, a chance to get a good healthy prolonged fast in right before you eat all that Halloween candy. I will more than likely start on the 26th, which is a Saturday and go through to Tuesday night, but if I'm feeling froggy, I may just go through to Wednesday morning. If you want to go along with me, I suggest you read tomorrow's post on the website. it will prepare you for a prolonged fast. Trust me, it is much easier to do a longer fast if you have already done some intermittent fasting, so that you know what to expect. This is going to be glorious.
By the way, I'm just going to put it out there. Please share the website with everyone and anyone. I really do want this to grow, and I'm going to need a lot of help. I've gotten some feedback from people that I know who are checking each post out, and they are loving it, and really like what information that I'm giving them.
I guess I should share the latest TPR video, so here it is.
Remember, this could very well be my final video. Still haven't figured anything out yet, so it's looking more and more like it is.
Well that is all that I have for tonight, so peace in and goodnight.
I felt horrible yesterday. It wasn't an illness, it was straight up depression and everything I'm dealing with. I was also 24 hours in on the 36 hour fast, so that wasn't helping things either. I made it through the day, and went to be what I would call early, 9:30 to be exact. I managed to sleep most of the night and wake up around 4:30 and just laid in bed until 6:30. I blew off the gym last night, because I was actually concerned that I might pass out on either the way there or the way home. I was just flat out exhausted, so the best thing to do was get rest. I can workout again soon, the gym is always there.
Oh, the fast ended up lasting over 38 hours. I can't remember the exact number at this point. I did weigh in the morning of the start of the fast, and this morning, just for giggles. I weighed in at 163 before and then 160.5 after. so I had a loss of 2.5 pounds. That only lasted until I ate, but it lays the foundation for a solid weight loss. I have eaten super healthy during my feeding window today, and wrapped up with just a little over 1000 calories. I wanted a light day today to nail things down, and then jumped right into another 24 hour fast. Tomorrow I'm going protein rich to take care of all those building blocks. I was protein rich today as well, but I limited calorie consumption for the purpose of building on that fasting effect. I'm still staring at that goal of 150 and I will get there, but I won't do it if I sit back and just eat anything.
Of course, eating anything was never the idea, but I will take a break of intermittent fasting soon, just so my metabolism can reset. The article details how you should do that as well, so that you don't just regain all the weight you just lost. Believe it or not, there is a trick to it. I will be eating somewhat "normal" in about 2 weeks. Normal for me, will still be Keto but with a few meals in a large gap feeding window. After two weeks of that, it will be straight back to intermittent fasting.
That reminds me, I finally have a date chosen for the next 72 hour fast. I'm going to be doing it on the 27th of October. That will give anyone that wants to do it with me, a chance to get a good healthy prolonged fast in right before you eat all that Halloween candy. I will more than likely start on the 26th, which is a Saturday and go through to Tuesday night, but if I'm feeling froggy, I may just go through to Wednesday morning. If you want to go along with me, I suggest you read tomorrow's post on the website. it will prepare you for a prolonged fast. Trust me, it is much easier to do a longer fast if you have already done some intermittent fasting, so that you know what to expect. This is going to be glorious.
By the way, I'm just going to put it out there. Please share the website with everyone and anyone. I really do want this to grow, and I'm going to need a lot of help. I've gotten some feedback from people that I know who are checking each post out, and they are loving it, and really like what information that I'm giving them.
I guess I should share the latest TPR video, so here it is.
Remember, this could very well be my final video. Still haven't figured anything out yet, so it's looking more and more like it is.
Well that is all that I have for tonight, so peace in and goodnight.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Dementia Blows
It was a very bad day for my mom. I should have known is was going to be bad, when I was awoken at nearly 3 in the morning to all the lights on in the house. I had to explain to her what time it was and that she needed to go back to bed. This is after I only fell asleep around 1 am.
We had to wake up early so that she could go to the doctors, turns out it was for blood work and she hadn't fasted, because she wanted something light to eat. I didn't know any better, so I gave it to her, so her tests are going to be wonky. The day went on and I could see that she was falling deeper within her faded memory. When she does that she gets argumentative and sometimes violent. I try to be as calm as possible with her when I talk to calm her down as well, but that doesn't always work. She gets very paranoid and begins asking me questions, and when I answer them, she thinks it's a plot for some evil scheme. Then she gets on the topic of wanting to see her mother, and I usually side step that by telling her that we will go when we find the time, but sometimes, she gets real pointed with the questions, and I won't lie to her. I have to break it to her for, I don't know how many times, that her mother has passed away. Then she tells me I'm lying and that her son has left her in this place, and that she only wants to go home.
Se remembers Morty, and how he was at the old house, but she never seems to put it together that she is still in her house. These are the times when it is hard to play along with her and just be the guy that works there, she gets real personal with the question and when I can't answer her to who I am, and I say that I'm her son, she gets nasty, and tells me that I can't be her son, because her son isn't an ugly old man.
I know it's the dementia, and I do my best to look beyond it, but some things sting, and her telling me I'm not her son is one of them. I am alone in this, and although I've had certain people tell me that they would be there to help. I got the response I always get when I reach out to them. A phone that is disconnected or unavailable. This is why I do things on my own, no matter how difficult they may be. When I ask for help, I get excuses for why it won't be given. This is why I don't ask for help, or for anything else. It never comes. I'm sure I'll get some messages about how I'm overreacting and that I should have tried harder to make contact. I know I have my faults, and I except them, one of them is my inability to ask for help, but when I finally do, as I said above, I always get the same response, so I will be over dramatic, it's my right.
Now that she is in bed, and I'm exhausted from getting little sleep tonight, I can finally go to the bank and get money out for things that she has to do this week. My mom who doesn't remember who I am or where she is, has more of a social life than I do. I'm ok with that, It will give me time to write. I have had to sneak it in this week, so that I could spend all my time with her while she is awake. My free time is cardio in the morning and nights at the gym. I will survive this, but it is going to take a very steep toll on me.
I guess I should promote now. A new article comes out tomorrow at 5 for the website. It's a helpful little tip about keeping a workout diary. The blog goes into detail there, so I won't do it here. The latest review for the TPR is coming out on Thursday, back to it's normal time of 5pm for release. I think I messed up last time by trying a different time for the release, and got very few views of either the video or the blog. Oh well, live and learn. I'm coming more and more at grips with the fact that this next one is probably the last one I will do. I don't know if my buddy will be able to carry on without me, but if he wants it to continue, he will have to find a way. I'll give him suggestions and help out as much as I can. I'll even edit video that he shots, and rework the written piece for him, but he is going to have to do all the heavy lifting from now on.
I did start a 36 hour fast tonight. I nearly started a 48 yesterday, but wanted to have a post workout meal, so the fast started today and will end Thursday morning. I've come to find that I like the way I feel when I have no food in my belly. I still haven't figured out if that is a good or bad thing yet. I have a better sense of self when I'm starved, at least I think I do.
I have to get to the bank and then to sleep, so no FSOTW. Peace in and goodnight.
We had to wake up early so that she could go to the doctors, turns out it was for blood work and she hadn't fasted, because she wanted something light to eat. I didn't know any better, so I gave it to her, so her tests are going to be wonky. The day went on and I could see that she was falling deeper within her faded memory. When she does that she gets argumentative and sometimes violent. I try to be as calm as possible with her when I talk to calm her down as well, but that doesn't always work. She gets very paranoid and begins asking me questions, and when I answer them, she thinks it's a plot for some evil scheme. Then she gets on the topic of wanting to see her mother, and I usually side step that by telling her that we will go when we find the time, but sometimes, she gets real pointed with the questions, and I won't lie to her. I have to break it to her for, I don't know how many times, that her mother has passed away. Then she tells me I'm lying and that her son has left her in this place, and that she only wants to go home.
Se remembers Morty, and how he was at the old house, but she never seems to put it together that she is still in her house. These are the times when it is hard to play along with her and just be the guy that works there, she gets real personal with the question and when I can't answer her to who I am, and I say that I'm her son, she gets nasty, and tells me that I can't be her son, because her son isn't an ugly old man.
I know it's the dementia, and I do my best to look beyond it, but some things sting, and her telling me I'm not her son is one of them. I am alone in this, and although I've had certain people tell me that they would be there to help. I got the response I always get when I reach out to them. A phone that is disconnected or unavailable. This is why I do things on my own, no matter how difficult they may be. When I ask for help, I get excuses for why it won't be given. This is why I don't ask for help, or for anything else. It never comes. I'm sure I'll get some messages about how I'm overreacting and that I should have tried harder to make contact. I know I have my faults, and I except them, one of them is my inability to ask for help, but when I finally do, as I said above, I always get the same response, so I will be over dramatic, it's my right.
Now that she is in bed, and I'm exhausted from getting little sleep tonight, I can finally go to the bank and get money out for things that she has to do this week. My mom who doesn't remember who I am or where she is, has more of a social life than I do. I'm ok with that, It will give me time to write. I have had to sneak it in this week, so that I could spend all my time with her while she is awake. My free time is cardio in the morning and nights at the gym. I will survive this, but it is going to take a very steep toll on me.
I guess I should promote now. A new article comes out tomorrow at 5 for the website. It's a helpful little tip about keeping a workout diary. The blog goes into detail there, so I won't do it here. The latest review for the TPR is coming out on Thursday, back to it's normal time of 5pm for release. I think I messed up last time by trying a different time for the release, and got very few views of either the video or the blog. Oh well, live and learn. I'm coming more and more at grips with the fact that this next one is probably the last one I will do. I don't know if my buddy will be able to carry on without me, but if he wants it to continue, he will have to find a way. I'll give him suggestions and help out as much as I can. I'll even edit video that he shots, and rework the written piece for him, but he is going to have to do all the heavy lifting from now on.
I did start a 36 hour fast tonight. I nearly started a 48 yesterday, but wanted to have a post workout meal, so the fast started today and will end Thursday morning. I've come to find that I like the way I feel when I have no food in my belly. I still haven't figured out if that is a good or bad thing yet. I have a better sense of self when I'm starved, at least I think I do.
I have to get to the bank and then to sleep, so no FSOTW. Peace in and goodnight.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Final Weigh-In Is Done
The final day of the latest 28 days is here. I overestimated my own ability and came up rather short on my goals, but I did achieve some change in a positive direction and that is a great thing. Final numbers are 162.5 pounds with my ketone levels at 1.9. I only lot 5.5 pounds which I see as a failure, but a failure that I learned from. First thing I learned is that as incredible as the human body is, it does have it's limits, and since I'm reaching mine, I have to adapt and overcome. That is the phase I'm in, the hardest part of weightless, the dreaded final 10 pounds. I will hit that 150 pound goal, it's just going to take a little longer. No time frame for that.
The second thing I learned, is that my body needs more calories in order to get my workouts in properly. This final week was my low calorie week and I felt it. I had to change my plan, because it was impossible for me to eat only protein and reach my 1000 calorie limit, so I kept my protein and fat plan in place. My workouts were a struggle during this last week. I lost strength and stamina. I finished my workouts, but it was a struggle, and you need those workouts so that you build lean muscle mass to increase your metabolism. That means more sensible calories are needed in order to lose more weight.
I guess that only leaves picture time. This was another failure on my part. I didn't transform my body the way I had expected to, but that was once again me overestimating myself. Lesson learned again.
As you can see, there are some differences from image to image. I only played with the contrast to try and get each picture as close to the other as possible. I still have such a long way to go, but I'll get there.
I thought I would throw in a couple of side by side by side of all the pictures I've taken so far. So here that is,
Oh, just incase you were wondering, the pants are meggings by Kapow. Pretty cool right. I'm finally living my rock star dream. I do have another pair that are black and shiny, so I'll debut those when I finally reach my goal appearance. Still putting the bulk of my workouts on improving my legs and my chest. Everything else is coming along for the ride.
I got some bad news last night. Even though I think the website is doing good, not as well as I would like it to do, but it's still very new, Google has denied my application for AdSense. If you don't know what that is, AdSense is how websites put advertisements on their sites. If AdSense denies you, then you can't put advertisements from them, and you have to find another way to make a little money, which is literally pennies per click. It would have been nice to have that as a tiny bit of change coming in, but I'll just have to work harder to make some money off of this. The worst part about the denial is that they say I should fix the problems with the site and then reapply, but they won't say what the problem is, I can only assume that it is low traffic, and the will come as I build it, but if it is something else, which I can't imagine what would be offensive about the site, then I will never know. This is why I really need for people to share the site, and follow me on Facebook and Instagram, just do a search for HowUKeto. It's pretty easy to find at this point.
Still working on the video ideas, and I'm narrowing it down, but I'm still lost in the woods on this one. I might try to shoot some footage at the gym this week and see what I think about it, and proceed from there. Testing is going to be key on this one.
It's going to be a long week. I haven't been sleeping much lately, mostly because of the elevated ketone levels, but also because I generally don't get home from the gym until midnight, and then I have to wake up when I hear my mom wake up, so that she isn't left confused about where she is, so My sleep schedule looks like an intermittent fasting eating schedule. Like how I turned that into a health reference? I basically get about 4 hours of sleep on a good night, and it is doing me in, but I don't have much choice. I have to go the gym late at night because it is the only time I know that she won't wake up and get confused when no one is there. I simply turn off all the lights in the house and if she gets up, she knows that it's bedtime and she simply goes back to bed. Normally she doesn't wake up in the middle of the night, so I'm all good. I can't sleep during the day, because I have to have eyes on her or at least be within earshot of her at all times. Right now, this is the only way I know how to make this work, it is just costing me sleep which in turn affects my overall health. Once again, I will figure this out. I'm surviving, and that's all I can do, the thriving will come with time.
I still have what may be the final video for TPR to make, I have been putting it off, but I will finish it either today or tomorrow, more than likely tomorrow. I have a piece to write for the website, that is due tomorrow. It's going to be a beginners guide to Keto, so if you want to now how to get started and be successful, then check out that site, and share it with your friends. Yeah, I got to push, so bare with me.
Ok, I'll leave you to the rest of your day since I'm putting this up at 9 in the morning. Peace in and have a good day.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Goals Are Being Met, And Dogs
I had another douche moment at the gym last night and decided to take a selfie. As you can see, it was leg day, so naturally I wore a tank top. The energy levels of my workouts have been a little lower this week due to the calorie deficit I am in, but I'm still getting them in and getting those goals accomplished.
I also completed my first week of the 100 Days of Discipline, and I haven't fallen or stumbled yet. I have done my cardio first thing every morning, and trust me doing jump rope the morning after a tough leg workout is not easy. I have only drank water and green tea (mostly water), and I have read every evening. There is still 93 days left, but I think I can do this and get my goals accomplished in that, and will be a healthier person for it.
I still have a long way to go, but I've finally seen that I have come a long way in my journey, and it has been a wild ride. Oh yeah, I went even doucheier in the gym and took the ab selfie. This is a little preview for Sundays photo day of the latest 28, but it shows you what I've done so far, and how I'm finally feeling comfortable with my body.
Now, I'm sure there would be a lot of people that would be happy with that, and I have to admit, I could be content with looking like this for the rest of my life, but that isn't the look of what I see when I see my goals fulfilled, so yes, I still have a long way to go. That being said, it wouldn't be prudent if I didn't promote the website and convince you to go check it out, and share it with friends on social media. Go to and learn how I went from flab to not quite but nearly fab. If I can do it, you can do it, and that is the whole point of my website.
I'm writing this early today, because today is a rest day. I still have a video to make for the TPR which quite possibly could be our last video. I have taken over care of my mom full time, and can no longer get out to do any videos like that. I get gym time in late at night when she is sound asleep and I don't have to worry about her waking up and getting confused on why no one is there. I'm not gone for more than an hour, because I worry the entire time, which does put some added stress on my workouts, but the workouts are stress relievers so it evens out in the end. Despite the fact that I'm not a trained caregiver, I think things are going well. She surprisingly seems in better spirits, but that could just be the way her mind is working this week. In the recent past, she has gotten violent and very argumentative, and I know there will be much more of that in the future as her mental capacity declines. It's not easy, but I'll do anything for my mom, so that she has a wonderful transition into the ether.
Let's talk about dogs. I have two of the greatest dogs on the planet. I'm sure you think your dogs are the greatest, but you would be wrong. I mean, look at those faces.

I also completed my first week of the 100 Days of Discipline, and I haven't fallen or stumbled yet. I have done my cardio first thing every morning, and trust me doing jump rope the morning after a tough leg workout is not easy. I have only drank water and green tea (mostly water), and I have read every evening. There is still 93 days left, but I think I can do this and get my goals accomplished in that, and will be a healthier person for it.
I still have a long way to go, but I've finally seen that I have come a long way in my journey, and it has been a wild ride. Oh yeah, I went even doucheier in the gym and took the ab selfie. This is a little preview for Sundays photo day of the latest 28, but it shows you what I've done so far, and how I'm finally feeling comfortable with my body.
Now, I'm sure there would be a lot of people that would be happy with that, and I have to admit, I could be content with looking like this for the rest of my life, but that isn't the look of what I see when I see my goals fulfilled, so yes, I still have a long way to go. That being said, it wouldn't be prudent if I didn't promote the website and convince you to go check it out, and share it with friends on social media. Go to and learn how I went from flab to not quite but nearly fab. If I can do it, you can do it, and that is the whole point of my website.
I'm writing this early today, because today is a rest day. I still have a video to make for the TPR which quite possibly could be our last video. I have taken over care of my mom full time, and can no longer get out to do any videos like that. I get gym time in late at night when she is sound asleep and I don't have to worry about her waking up and getting confused on why no one is there. I'm not gone for more than an hour, because I worry the entire time, which does put some added stress on my workouts, but the workouts are stress relievers so it evens out in the end. Despite the fact that I'm not a trained caregiver, I think things are going well. She surprisingly seems in better spirits, but that could just be the way her mind is working this week. In the recent past, she has gotten violent and very argumentative, and I know there will be much more of that in the future as her mental capacity declines. It's not easy, but I'll do anything for my mom, so that she has a wonderful transition into the ether.
Let's talk about dogs. I have two of the greatest dogs on the planet. I'm sure you think your dogs are the greatest, but you would be wrong. I mean, look at those faces.

How can you resist saying that they are perfect. Yes, I had to coax them with a treat to get them to stay for the shot, and yes Morty displaying those classic terrier traits only sat for a second as I got that shot, but still, they are the most perfect greatest dogs off all time, and I will fight you if you say otherwise in my presence.
Just wanted to share my love for my dogs. It's time to dash out of here, and take care of the mom. We have a big day planned of going to Target. That is exciting for me now. I'm getting a few supplies for a keto peanut butter toast recipe that I saw. If it works out, I'll post it up on the website and you can give it a try yourself. There is one problem though, because you have to buy a tub of Quest Vanilla Milkshake protein powder as one of the ingredients. I got mine on sale from Amazon. If it is anything like there Cinnamon Crunch, then it is going to be outstanding. The Cinnamon Crunch protein shake tastes like you are drinking the milk after having Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. Yeah, it is that good. Oh, I'm going to have a product review of a new chip of theirs coming up next week. It's called Loaded Taco flavor, and I've already tried it so I know it is really good. Peace in and goodnight.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Are Goals Really Everything?
I have yet to write the article for Wednesdays post on I just haven't settled on a topic yet. I already have Fridays done. I have time, because I was planning on a 3pm release for Wednesday, so if I get cracking on it first thing in the morning, I will have it done and ready to post by 10am. That's the goal.
Speaking of goals, I thought I could talk about that and how I'm doing on the 100 days, but since I just published that yesterday, it seems a tad early, so that one is out, but I can give you and update here. It is day 6 as of right now, and I'm good on everything except reading. Only because I haven't read tonight, but I will do that as soon as I'm done with this, so it's going well. 6 days is easy though, I have 94 more to go, so anything could happen. I don't want to slip up on this, I think it is an incredible idea, to change just a small thing that can have a huge impact on your lifestyle.
I have been sticking to my 1000 calories or less this week as well. I have been OMAD so far, with the exception of Sunday, and it's been good. It has been 24 hour gaps between meals so far, and tomorrow will start a string of 23 hour fasts. Tomorrow is also my last meal with a large amount of fats. Thursday begins the protein only. Once again, protein only means that they bulk of my meal will be protein, with fat and carbs only being less than 10 grams if I can help it. I also thought about writing about fats. You know, good fats and bad fats, and where you can get the good versus the bad. Still a thought at this point. I'll have it done by my deadline. Then I have to start all over again for Monday.
It's time for Favorite Thing of the Week. Yeah I wrote that write, remember when I said it wouldn't always be FSOTW? Well its time for FTOTW. So here it is. I have been scouring YouTube for fitness videos in hopes to learn more things, and to add to my repertoire of exercises for calisthenics and what not. I came across Strength Side, and he does some pretty wild stuff, that is all body weight oriented. No gym required. Even though these movements seem easy to do, it takes a lot of things to get them done, and he is very good at explaining ways for beginners to have a way to work your way up to the mastery that he has. Give this video a chance and give it a try yourself, especially if you think it is easy peasy.
I have to tell you, I've been doing some of the things I have learned from his videos at home and at the gym, and it has made big difference already in how mobile I am. I don't have the flexibility to do it as well as he does it, but it will come with time. I'm leaning more and more to body weight type of workouts over heavy lifting. I still do the heavy lifting, and I love it, but I find myself more and more doing more low weight high rep, and more body weight oriented exercises, and I'm loving how it is making me feel and look. I'm actually excited about picture day coming up this Sunday. That should tell you something. This is in spite of the fact that I'm nowhere near goal, but as I said, my goal is being stretched and I will hit that 150 milestone, it will just happen a little later.
That reminds me, I'm dropping the time limit for hitting 150. I'm just going to keep on trucking until I do hit it. Then the big decision is what do I do next. Gaining fat is not an option, so I'm not going to be one of those fit to fat and back again. I'm staying fit, for so many reasons which involve a healthy lifestyle. I got this
I'm out. Got some reading to do, and then AGT to watch Peace in and goodnight.
Speaking of goals, I thought I could talk about that and how I'm doing on the 100 days, but since I just published that yesterday, it seems a tad early, so that one is out, but I can give you and update here. It is day 6 as of right now, and I'm good on everything except reading. Only because I haven't read tonight, but I will do that as soon as I'm done with this, so it's going well. 6 days is easy though, I have 94 more to go, so anything could happen. I don't want to slip up on this, I think it is an incredible idea, to change just a small thing that can have a huge impact on your lifestyle.
I have been sticking to my 1000 calories or less this week as well. I have been OMAD so far, with the exception of Sunday, and it's been good. It has been 24 hour gaps between meals so far, and tomorrow will start a string of 23 hour fasts. Tomorrow is also my last meal with a large amount of fats. Thursday begins the protein only. Once again, protein only means that they bulk of my meal will be protein, with fat and carbs only being less than 10 grams if I can help it. I also thought about writing about fats. You know, good fats and bad fats, and where you can get the good versus the bad. Still a thought at this point. I'll have it done by my deadline. Then I have to start all over again for Monday.
It's time for Favorite Thing of the Week. Yeah I wrote that write, remember when I said it wouldn't always be FSOTW? Well its time for FTOTW. So here it is. I have been scouring YouTube for fitness videos in hopes to learn more things, and to add to my repertoire of exercises for calisthenics and what not. I came across Strength Side, and he does some pretty wild stuff, that is all body weight oriented. No gym required. Even though these movements seem easy to do, it takes a lot of things to get them done, and he is very good at explaining ways for beginners to have a way to work your way up to the mastery that he has. Give this video a chance and give it a try yourself, especially if you think it is easy peasy.
I have to tell you, I've been doing some of the things I have learned from his videos at home and at the gym, and it has made big difference already in how mobile I am. I don't have the flexibility to do it as well as he does it, but it will come with time. I'm leaning more and more to body weight type of workouts over heavy lifting. I still do the heavy lifting, and I love it, but I find myself more and more doing more low weight high rep, and more body weight oriented exercises, and I'm loving how it is making me feel and look. I'm actually excited about picture day coming up this Sunday. That should tell you something. This is in spite of the fact that I'm nowhere near goal, but as I said, my goal is being stretched and I will hit that 150 milestone, it will just happen a little later.
That reminds me, I'm dropping the time limit for hitting 150. I'm just going to keep on trucking until I do hit it. Then the big decision is what do I do next. Gaining fat is not an option, so I'm not going to be one of those fit to fat and back again. I'm staying fit, for so many reasons which involve a healthy lifestyle. I got this
I'm out. Got some reading to do, and then AGT to watch Peace in and goodnight.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Latest Update For Another 28 Days
Here are the numbers for this week, and I'm rather disappointed. I weighed in at 164.5, which is only down a pound from last week. It's a bummer, but I'm still losing weight, and that is really all that matters. My ketones this morning where at 0.8, not great but still in ketosis, which I really wasn't worried about. I'm only testing at this point to mark numbers and potential trends.
I have started my week of only protein and fat, and 1000 calories or less. My eating is done for the day, and I clocked in at 985 calories. Pretty good start to the week. I ate that over two meals, but the rest of the week is OMAD with either a 24 or 23 fast between each meal. After Wednesday, my meals will only consist of protein, to starve myself of those fueling fats, so that my body has no choice but to cannibalize my fat stores. Now when I say protein and fat, or protein only, I mean that my intake of carbs and fat on those days will be less than 10 grams. Carbs will be significantly lower than that, probably more like 5 grams. but I will still get around 1000 calories for the day.
At this point, I have no hope of actually hitting my goal, but that doesn't mean the goal is dead, it just gets pushed back to a later date. What is important is that I keep going in the right direction, and experimenting with my eating habits so that you don't have to. Oops, felt like I was writing an article for Anyway, I will be keeping a close eye on my health throughout this whole week. I will test me ketone levels if anythings feels strange. If they get too high, I may have to make a judgment call and make an adjustment for the day. That would mean that I would have to increase my carbohydrate intake for that day. I'm still keeping them low, but I might have to pump it up to 20 grams for a day that I feel I'm in trouble. I made it through the 500 calorie week without incident. I felt miserable, but I made it. I expect this week to go much smoother.
I can give you an update on the 100 days of discipline as well. I'm on day 4 now, and I have stuck to my affirmations. I've only drank water or green tea (mostly water), I have done cardio first thing every morning, I did have an incident yesterday and today, but I'll talk about that in a second. I have also read daily. I still have to read today, which is what I'll be doing as soon as I'm done with this.
Ok, now for those incidents during my cardio. If I failed to tell you, my cardio is jumping rope. I still working on getting better at it, so I tend to do it in sets of 100 reps. Yesterday I did my first 100 without any problems. I walked around for a minute or so, and then began my next set. As soon as I began, my lower latissimus dorsi began cramping up. Not my lower back, but the lower wings. It was excruciating. I stopped for a moment, stretched out a little and walked around and begun again. Same thing, they just started tightening up. I lasted only 10 reps that time. I tried the same thing, stretch and walk. I readied myself and it hit again, but this time it completely locked me up. I had to call it after only 1 full set. I was bummed, but I did get my cardio in, just not nearly as much as I wanted. I relaxed the rest of the day. This morning I went out, first set was great, second set, it started again. I was able to power through it this time, and with each set after it got less and less, but it was there.
My only guess is that it happened because I didn't drink any water before beginning. I have done that mostly in the past as well, but it finally caught up to me maybe, there is also the fact that I believe I forgot to take my potassium supplement the day before. I don't take it during a fasting period, because I take all my supplements at the same time, and usually with a meal. I take my 3000 mg of Omega 3's, 6 mg of Boron, Potassium chloride, and magnesium sulfate. The potassium is key in warding off cramps, so that is why I'm leaning towards the combination of two days without and no water, allowed the cramping. Lesson learned. Potassium and magnesium will not break my fast, so I need to take that every day regardless of fasting or not. No more cramps for me.
I have a new post tomorrow on the website. This one is all about the 100 days of discipline with links and why I think it will help you out, so make sure you check that out, and big favor time. If you could share the website with anyone you know, that would be great. I want this to grow, and I'm having a hard time of getting it to happen on my own, but it is doing ok for now. I just want it to get better. I might offer a t-shirt in the future, and I have an idea for it, I'll run past you before I put it up on the site, so when I'm ready to share the idea, I'll get it to you first.
Oh yeah, if you aren't on the howuketo facebook or Instagram pages, you didn't see that I already have Friday's post done and ready to go. It's my recipe for bacon and eggs. I know what you are thinking, "you just fry up some bacon and eggs, simple". Yes, it is simple, but I have a way that I do them that will blow your mind, so check that post out on Friday morning.
It's thundering out, and I have a panicked Morty, so I need to go comfort him. Peace in and goodnight.
I have started my week of only protein and fat, and 1000 calories or less. My eating is done for the day, and I clocked in at 985 calories. Pretty good start to the week. I ate that over two meals, but the rest of the week is OMAD with either a 24 or 23 fast between each meal. After Wednesday, my meals will only consist of protein, to starve myself of those fueling fats, so that my body has no choice but to cannibalize my fat stores. Now when I say protein and fat, or protein only, I mean that my intake of carbs and fat on those days will be less than 10 grams. Carbs will be significantly lower than that, probably more like 5 grams. but I will still get around 1000 calories for the day.
At this point, I have no hope of actually hitting my goal, but that doesn't mean the goal is dead, it just gets pushed back to a later date. What is important is that I keep going in the right direction, and experimenting with my eating habits so that you don't have to. Oops, felt like I was writing an article for Anyway, I will be keeping a close eye on my health throughout this whole week. I will test me ketone levels if anythings feels strange. If they get too high, I may have to make a judgment call and make an adjustment for the day. That would mean that I would have to increase my carbohydrate intake for that day. I'm still keeping them low, but I might have to pump it up to 20 grams for a day that I feel I'm in trouble. I made it through the 500 calorie week without incident. I felt miserable, but I made it. I expect this week to go much smoother.
I can give you an update on the 100 days of discipline as well. I'm on day 4 now, and I have stuck to my affirmations. I've only drank water or green tea (mostly water), I have done cardio first thing every morning, I did have an incident yesterday and today, but I'll talk about that in a second. I have also read daily. I still have to read today, which is what I'll be doing as soon as I'm done with this.
Ok, now for those incidents during my cardio. If I failed to tell you, my cardio is jumping rope. I still working on getting better at it, so I tend to do it in sets of 100 reps. Yesterday I did my first 100 without any problems. I walked around for a minute or so, and then began my next set. As soon as I began, my lower latissimus dorsi began cramping up. Not my lower back, but the lower wings. It was excruciating. I stopped for a moment, stretched out a little and walked around and begun again. Same thing, they just started tightening up. I lasted only 10 reps that time. I tried the same thing, stretch and walk. I readied myself and it hit again, but this time it completely locked me up. I had to call it after only 1 full set. I was bummed, but I did get my cardio in, just not nearly as much as I wanted. I relaxed the rest of the day. This morning I went out, first set was great, second set, it started again. I was able to power through it this time, and with each set after it got less and less, but it was there.
My only guess is that it happened because I didn't drink any water before beginning. I have done that mostly in the past as well, but it finally caught up to me maybe, there is also the fact that I believe I forgot to take my potassium supplement the day before. I don't take it during a fasting period, because I take all my supplements at the same time, and usually with a meal. I take my 3000 mg of Omega 3's, 6 mg of Boron, Potassium chloride, and magnesium sulfate. The potassium is key in warding off cramps, so that is why I'm leaning towards the combination of two days without and no water, allowed the cramping. Lesson learned. Potassium and magnesium will not break my fast, so I need to take that every day regardless of fasting or not. No more cramps for me.
I have a new post tomorrow on the website. This one is all about the 100 days of discipline with links and why I think it will help you out, so make sure you check that out, and big favor time. If you could share the website with anyone you know, that would be great. I want this to grow, and I'm having a hard time of getting it to happen on my own, but it is doing ok for now. I just want it to get better. I might offer a t-shirt in the future, and I have an idea for it, I'll run past you before I put it up on the site, so when I'm ready to share the idea, I'll get it to you first.
Oh yeah, if you aren't on the howuketo facebook or Instagram pages, you didn't see that I already have Friday's post done and ready to go. It's my recipe for bacon and eggs. I know what you are thinking, "you just fry up some bacon and eggs, simple". Yes, it is simple, but I have a way that I do them that will blow your mind, so check that post out on Friday morning.
It's thundering out, and I have a panicked Morty, so I need to go comfort him. Peace in and goodnight.
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Discipline Is Key
I tried something new with the TPR and I think it backfired. I tried posting the latest review at noon instead of 5, and it is doing poorly. When I say poorly, I mean really bad. Oh well, live and learn. Here is the video for you to check out though.
I started another 24 hour fast, and this will be my last one for at least a week. Next week is the final week of my 28 days, and I'm doing about 4 days of just protein and fat, and then finishing it off with protein only days. I want to starve my body of fuel burning fat, so that it freaks out and has to pull from my fat stores.
Here is the thing about your body. It adapts rather quickly, and even though I am fat adapted (there is that new fancy term again), my body has gotten used to having fat coming in to burn as fuel, so it doesn't take from my own stores. That is why I need to starve my body of it's fuel sources. Your body will take from three sources, carbohydrates, which has for most of time, been the preferred and recommended way of eating, fats from the foods you eat when carbs are not available, and your fat stores when neither of those are available. Well, there is one other source, but we don't want to get to that point, because that is the body cannibalizing itself and taking not only from fat stores but your muscle and soft tissue. Let's not get to that point. I know, I should be saving this stuff for, but if I save everything for there, there will be nothing to write about here. I will eventually do an article about all this stuff there, but now is not the time.
Oh, I should mention the schedule for For right now, I plan on putting up a blog on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Tomorrow is my recipe for Keto jambalaya, and I even give you a suggestion if you want to make it vegan, so check that out tomorrow morning at 8. You can always sign up for the blog and it will send a notification to your email with a sample of the blog itself. I have a few people signed up for the email list, and I will send out an email when the new post goes up, so that is also a way to know about it.
I'm still trying to come up with a way to do the videos for the website, but I'm getting closer to a finalized idea. I want them to be fun, but informative, so I have my work cut out for me.
I still feel like I haven't lost any weight this week. I have cheated a bit and weighed myself unofficially, and I have lost a pound, but who knows if that will stick for Sunday's weigh in. I do still feel that I'm looking better regardless of my lack of weight loss. That means my body is reorganizing itself. It is shifting fat to other places, and I'm possibly gaining muscle, which will cause me to actually gain weight as I lose fat. Yes, that is possible, and don't believe anyone that tells you that it's impossible. I've done it once before in my life. I gained 16 pounds of muscle while losing 5% body fat. That was way back in my 20's, so to do it now is quite incredible.
That reminds me, I watched a video this week talking about ketones, and how there has been some groundbreaking research that has come out recently, saying that ketones actually alter your hormones, and basically change your whole body at a cellular level. Basically, when you go into ketosis, you are fundamentally changing the structure of how your body works. Fat adapted is not just you burning fat as fuel, but you are changing yourself in a way that your body becomes younger. Once again, this is all on a cellular level, and won't make you look younger, but once again, remember that your outward appearance is based on your internal feelings. Feel younger, look younger. People tell me that I'm looking younger, and I won't argue, but I don't feel that I look any younger, I'll just take the compliment, but it is all a realist of my internal being.
Speaking of changing things. I got an email from a company that I have purchased something from in the past. They are quite helpful emails, not the typical, hey buy our product. I tend to find those emails annoying, since I already bought your product. This company of course wants you to buy more of their product, but they also put out helpful tips on how to use their product, and little bits of encouragement. Well anyway, they CEO of the company sent out this email because he found that his health was being put on the back burner, and he saw a 100 day challenge. His concept for it, was to keep it real simple so that you could achieve your goals. Come up with 3 affirmations, and make them super easy, but make them so that if you do it for 100 days it will change your life. I decided to join in. My 3 are: Drink only water or green tea, Hit the cardio first thing every morning, and read daily. Three simply easily attainable goals. Day 1 is down, and I have so far done all three.
He formed a Facebook group that you can join, but it's not a must. It's there for encouragement from all the other people in the group, and it's a place for you to post your achievements. I plan on writing a post about this for, but for now, if you want to join this group and jump into this, or if you just want to take a look at it and see what other peoples affirmations are, the link is right here, 100 Days of Discipline. Check it out, and it might help you on your journey to changing some habits you don't want anymore. My biggest is to give up the soda. I moved to diet sodas fairly easily, but I'm finding myself drinking more and more of them, and I want to really cut it out. So for the next 100 days, which will take me to Nov. 29th I will be drinking only water and green tea. I'll be doing the other things as well, but that's the biggie for me.
That's all I have for tonight. If you do join that group and start doing the 100 days, let me know what you are doing, so I can be one of those ones that is encouraging you to meet your daily goals. Peace in and goodnight.
I started another 24 hour fast, and this will be my last one for at least a week. Next week is the final week of my 28 days, and I'm doing about 4 days of just protein and fat, and then finishing it off with protein only days. I want to starve my body of fuel burning fat, so that it freaks out and has to pull from my fat stores.
Here is the thing about your body. It adapts rather quickly, and even though I am fat adapted (there is that new fancy term again), my body has gotten used to having fat coming in to burn as fuel, so it doesn't take from my own stores. That is why I need to starve my body of it's fuel sources. Your body will take from three sources, carbohydrates, which has for most of time, been the preferred and recommended way of eating, fats from the foods you eat when carbs are not available, and your fat stores when neither of those are available. Well, there is one other source, but we don't want to get to that point, because that is the body cannibalizing itself and taking not only from fat stores but your muscle and soft tissue. Let's not get to that point. I know, I should be saving this stuff for, but if I save everything for there, there will be nothing to write about here. I will eventually do an article about all this stuff there, but now is not the time.
Oh, I should mention the schedule for For right now, I plan on putting up a blog on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Tomorrow is my recipe for Keto jambalaya, and I even give you a suggestion if you want to make it vegan, so check that out tomorrow morning at 8. You can always sign up for the blog and it will send a notification to your email with a sample of the blog itself. I have a few people signed up for the email list, and I will send out an email when the new post goes up, so that is also a way to know about it.
I'm still trying to come up with a way to do the videos for the website, but I'm getting closer to a finalized idea. I want them to be fun, but informative, so I have my work cut out for me.
I still feel like I haven't lost any weight this week. I have cheated a bit and weighed myself unofficially, and I have lost a pound, but who knows if that will stick for Sunday's weigh in. I do still feel that I'm looking better regardless of my lack of weight loss. That means my body is reorganizing itself. It is shifting fat to other places, and I'm possibly gaining muscle, which will cause me to actually gain weight as I lose fat. Yes, that is possible, and don't believe anyone that tells you that it's impossible. I've done it once before in my life. I gained 16 pounds of muscle while losing 5% body fat. That was way back in my 20's, so to do it now is quite incredible.
That reminds me, I watched a video this week talking about ketones, and how there has been some groundbreaking research that has come out recently, saying that ketones actually alter your hormones, and basically change your whole body at a cellular level. Basically, when you go into ketosis, you are fundamentally changing the structure of how your body works. Fat adapted is not just you burning fat as fuel, but you are changing yourself in a way that your body becomes younger. Once again, this is all on a cellular level, and won't make you look younger, but once again, remember that your outward appearance is based on your internal feelings. Feel younger, look younger. People tell me that I'm looking younger, and I won't argue, but I don't feel that I look any younger, I'll just take the compliment, but it is all a realist of my internal being.
Speaking of changing things. I got an email from a company that I have purchased something from in the past. They are quite helpful emails, not the typical, hey buy our product. I tend to find those emails annoying, since I already bought your product. This company of course wants you to buy more of their product, but they also put out helpful tips on how to use their product, and little bits of encouragement. Well anyway, they CEO of the company sent out this email because he found that his health was being put on the back burner, and he saw a 100 day challenge. His concept for it, was to keep it real simple so that you could achieve your goals. Come up with 3 affirmations, and make them super easy, but make them so that if you do it for 100 days it will change your life. I decided to join in. My 3 are: Drink only water or green tea, Hit the cardio first thing every morning, and read daily. Three simply easily attainable goals. Day 1 is down, and I have so far done all three.
He formed a Facebook group that you can join, but it's not a must. It's there for encouragement from all the other people in the group, and it's a place for you to post your achievements. I plan on writing a post about this for, but for now, if you want to join this group and jump into this, or if you just want to take a look at it and see what other peoples affirmations are, the link is right here, 100 Days of Discipline. Check it out, and it might help you on your journey to changing some habits you don't want anymore. My biggest is to give up the soda. I moved to diet sodas fairly easily, but I'm finding myself drinking more and more of them, and I want to really cut it out. So for the next 100 days, which will take me to Nov. 29th I will be drinking only water and green tea. I'll be doing the other things as well, but that's the biggie for me.
That's all I have for tonight. If you do join that group and start doing the 100 days, let me know what you are doing, so I can be one of those ones that is encouraging you to meet your daily goals. Peace in and goodnight.
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Rock Rock Holly Rock, Everybody Wants To Holly Rock
Let's get to the Baby Girl Gauge update right away. She had her first treatment for heart worms yesterday, and my biggest fear was her anxiety when she was in the car. I wasn't sure how I could control it, but I found a way. It took a little work on my part, but I managed to keep her in the front seat, and was able to get her focus off the obsessive window licking that she does. She was still anxious, but not so much that she was exhausted after the car ride. The next fear was of course how her and Morty were going to interact. I wasn't so much afraid of that situation, because Morty can be redirected on command. It takes a few commands to do it, but he will eventually walk away and go to another room. With that said, there has been no incidents of play time yet. Let me tell you, pitbull play isn't like normal dog play. If you haven't been around them, you would think they are trying to really hurt each other, but it all comes from pittie love.
I made it through the 48 hour fast, and came out on the other side feeling fantastic. I think I've finally found my stride with entering and exiting these fasts. I will of course write about it on the new blog site. I have to save most of the Keto stuff for over there now, so make sure you check out the site and subscribe to the blog. I have some pretty good plans for articles coming up. I'm still working on just how to do the videos. I have too many ideas in my head right now, and can't fall on just one. I'll work it all out, and then get a video up as soon as possible.
I do have a new post going up tomorrow morning, so keep an eye out for that. It's going to be about the difference between dieting and changing your lifestyle. Let me give you a little preview, lifestyle change is better. You still have to read the blog if you really want to know how much better and why though. I am going to proofread the latest one as soon as I'm done with this, just to make sure it is perfect. I ran into some problems with the last one, because accidentally launched it before it was ready, so I had to scramble and make corrections after it was live. Which sucked. I want everything to go out on time and perfect. No more mistakes.
It's that time again, Favorite Song of the Week, and this is from the OG favorite of mine. Do you know who it is? If you don't, you really haven't been paying attention. It can be from no other than the indelible Purple One himself The master of the Minneapolis sound. The Kid, TAFKAP, o(->. Do you know who it is now? This is from the latest release from his estate called Originals, and this is a song he wrote for Sheila E, you will even hear him say "My name is Sheila E." in the song. Proof that he didn't write it and then change it to suit her needs. He wrote it for her, and it's a slammer. Here is Prince with Holly Rock.
I love the animation in it as much as I love the song. If you haven't gotten that album, I highly suggest that you do. There are a lot of songs that you will remember from other artists, and they are all songs that Prince wrote specifically for them, with the exception of Nothing Compares 2U. He wrote. He released that as a B side long before Sinead O'Conner did her version of it, but his original version is on this album.
Ok, I need to go proofread now and then hit the sack. Peace in and goodnight. Oh yeah, here is a picture of BGG and Morty, just because.
I made it through the 48 hour fast, and came out on the other side feeling fantastic. I think I've finally found my stride with entering and exiting these fasts. I will of course write about it on the new blog site. I have to save most of the Keto stuff for over there now, so make sure you check out the site and subscribe to the blog. I have some pretty good plans for articles coming up. I'm still working on just how to do the videos. I have too many ideas in my head right now, and can't fall on just one. I'll work it all out, and then get a video up as soon as possible.
I do have a new post going up tomorrow morning, so keep an eye out for that. It's going to be about the difference between dieting and changing your lifestyle. Let me give you a little preview, lifestyle change is better. You still have to read the blog if you really want to know how much better and why though. I am going to proofread the latest one as soon as I'm done with this, just to make sure it is perfect. I ran into some problems with the last one, because accidentally launched it before it was ready, so I had to scramble and make corrections after it was live. Which sucked. I want everything to go out on time and perfect. No more mistakes.
It's that time again, Favorite Song of the Week, and this is from the OG favorite of mine. Do you know who it is? If you don't, you really haven't been paying attention. It can be from no other than the indelible Purple One himself The master of the Minneapolis sound. The Kid, TAFKAP, o(->. Do you know who it is now? This is from the latest release from his estate called Originals, and this is a song he wrote for Sheila E, you will even hear him say "My name is Sheila E." in the song. Proof that he didn't write it and then change it to suit her needs. He wrote it for her, and it's a slammer. Here is Prince with Holly Rock.
I love the animation in it as much as I love the song. If you haven't gotten that album, I highly suggest that you do. There are a lot of songs that you will remember from other artists, and they are all songs that Prince wrote specifically for them, with the exception of Nothing Compares 2U. He wrote. He released that as a B side long before Sinead O'Conner did her version of it, but his original version is on this album.
Ok, I need to go proofread now and then hit the sack. Peace in and goodnight. Oh yeah, here is a picture of BGG and Morty, just because.
Sunday, August 4, 2019
It Has Been Rough
I have something to correct, and the reason for the correction, but first, let's get into the update. I weighed in this morning at 165.5 lbs, that is only a loss of a half a pound. A little disappointing to say the least, but it's all part of the process. I checked me Ketone levels and they came in at 1.3, but that was the same time I did it last week, so I'm going to check again right now, and give you the latest number. Current reading is 2.2. Which I figured would be higher, since I'm 24 hours in on a 48 hour fast, we will get to the fast in a minute.
Now it's time for the correction. I posted a link for a potential site that I was working on, and it turns out that the site was private until I signed up officially and started paying, so it wasn't available for anyone to see. Well, I did a real quick turn around and went to a different builder and now have my own website and domain name. The name did change slightly and I have everything moved to that new name. I'm still learning the site and how to create it, so I'm not sure if it has everything I want, but it's a pretty good start. This time, when you click on the link you will actually see the site, so without further adieu, I give you this time it is all there. I'm hoping that you will sign up for the blog. It should deliver each blog post straight to your email, or possibly just a notification that the blog post is up. I have two posts up at the present and I'm going to write one for tomorrow as soon as I'm done writing this. I just need to find an old picture of me looking as fat as I didn't really think I was.
I also need to move the latest part of the Violet Dahlia over to Medium. It's been a rough weekend. My mother's mental health is deteriorating at an alarming rate, and she no longer knows who I am. I am the guy that works at the facility she is staying at. I have to stay with her just about 24/7 at this point, and it is taking a toll on me. I nearly had a breakdown this morning, but I'm blaming that on the situation and the fast being involved, but I will get through this, as I do with everything. I don't know what else to do. I'm alone in this, but that is the way I've felt most of my life. I've always found ways to get things done, and I will do it this time too.
I guess I should get back to the new website and stop feeling sorry for myself. Right now it seems like it is mostly food related, and that is a big part of it, but I have some pretty lofty plans for this site. I want to give you recipes for healthier eating, workout advice on how to be more efficient in what you do when working out, information about different aspects of being healthier, and products that I'll review, and more than anything, a community that I can learn from as well. I want to hear what other people are doing that they find to be successful to them, so that I can try those things out as well. I've been a healthy scientist of sorts lately, trying and experimenting with different ways of eating and losing weight. I've been very successful at it so far, and I have a lot of useful information to share, and I'm sure others do as well.
Baby Girl Gauge starts her heart worm treatments tomorrow, so I have to wake up a little earlier and get her there on time. She is going to have surgery on her ears, to take care of the canals, but that will come after the heart worm treatment. It should be 2 or 3 months before she can have that ear surgery, and then she will be fully relaxed and chill. The dermatologist liked how well she was already doing, but since the swelling didn't go down, surgery is the only way to go. I just want her to be healthy, happy, and comfortable. Then she will be officially in her fur-ever home.
I mean, look at that face, how could you now want happiness for her? Ok, I have a few more things to get through with writing tonight, and even though it is only 5 pm when I'm writing this, it's going to take some time, and I hope that I don't mess up and accidentally publish the new blog post like I did Friday. Friday's late post was supposed to be scheduled for Monday, but when I was updating it and fixing things, I saw a button that said update, and one that said save for later. I hit update, and it published the post. everything was fixed so it went out looking good, it was just 3 days too soon. I should have hit save for later. I have a lot to learn about this one. Wish me luck, and remember to go check out the site and sign up for the blog. Peace in and goodnight.
Now it's time for the correction. I posted a link for a potential site that I was working on, and it turns out that the site was private until I signed up officially and started paying, so it wasn't available for anyone to see. Well, I did a real quick turn around and went to a different builder and now have my own website and domain name. The name did change slightly and I have everything moved to that new name. I'm still learning the site and how to create it, so I'm not sure if it has everything I want, but it's a pretty good start. This time, when you click on the link you will actually see the site, so without further adieu, I give you this time it is all there. I'm hoping that you will sign up for the blog. It should deliver each blog post straight to your email, or possibly just a notification that the blog post is up. I have two posts up at the present and I'm going to write one for tomorrow as soon as I'm done writing this. I just need to find an old picture of me looking as fat as I didn't really think I was.
I also need to move the latest part of the Violet Dahlia over to Medium. It's been a rough weekend. My mother's mental health is deteriorating at an alarming rate, and she no longer knows who I am. I am the guy that works at the facility she is staying at. I have to stay with her just about 24/7 at this point, and it is taking a toll on me. I nearly had a breakdown this morning, but I'm blaming that on the situation and the fast being involved, but I will get through this, as I do with everything. I don't know what else to do. I'm alone in this, but that is the way I've felt most of my life. I've always found ways to get things done, and I will do it this time too.
I guess I should get back to the new website and stop feeling sorry for myself. Right now it seems like it is mostly food related, and that is a big part of it, but I have some pretty lofty plans for this site. I want to give you recipes for healthier eating, workout advice on how to be more efficient in what you do when working out, information about different aspects of being healthier, and products that I'll review, and more than anything, a community that I can learn from as well. I want to hear what other people are doing that they find to be successful to them, so that I can try those things out as well. I've been a healthy scientist of sorts lately, trying and experimenting with different ways of eating and losing weight. I've been very successful at it so far, and I have a lot of useful information to share, and I'm sure others do as well.
Baby Girl Gauge starts her heart worm treatments tomorrow, so I have to wake up a little earlier and get her there on time. She is going to have surgery on her ears, to take care of the canals, but that will come after the heart worm treatment. It should be 2 or 3 months before she can have that ear surgery, and then she will be fully relaxed and chill. The dermatologist liked how well she was already doing, but since the swelling didn't go down, surgery is the only way to go. I just want her to be healthy, happy, and comfortable. Then she will be officially in her fur-ever home.
I mean, look at that face, how could you now want happiness for her? Ok, I have a few more things to get through with writing tonight, and even though it is only 5 pm when I'm writing this, it's going to take some time, and I hope that I don't mess up and accidentally publish the new blog post like I did Friday. Friday's late post was supposed to be scheduled for Monday, but when I was updating it and fixing things, I saw a button that said update, and one that said save for later. I hit update, and it published the post. everything was fixed so it went out looking good, it was just 3 days too soon. I should have hit save for later. I have a lot to learn about this one. Wish me luck, and remember to go check out the site and sign up for the blog. Peace in and goodnight.
Saturday, August 3, 2019
Violet Dahlia (Part 4)
The salt air hit me like a heavyweight taking a dive in the ring. There was also that putrid smell of rotting fish from the trolling boats that cleaned themselves out before hitting the morning waters. The city was sleeping but the dock was wide awake. People everywhere and the perfect place to hideout if you wanted to avoid the coppers. A dark and seedy look was adapted by everyone in a way to avoid eye contact with anyone. No one wanted to be bothered on the docks and that was going to make my life hard, but I had an in. I helped a dock foreman out of a sticky situation once, and every since, he always had a smile and a bit of information when I needed, and I was in desperate need of some information right now.
"Hey Pauley!". Yeah, I know his name is Pauley too, what can I say, it's popular name.
"How's it hanging Sly?"
"You know, it's still there and that's all that matters. I need a little low down and dirty if you will."
"I'll help out any way I can, but the air has been thin lately, and the birds aren't singing."
"I think I know why. This particular bit of info has to do with the dirtiest of the dirty."
"You need dirt on Marcus?" He said in a hushed tone.
"Not necessarily on him, but who he hired to kill his wife."
"That is the one bird that has been singing loud and clear. The word is out the he wants someone for a hit. Low price gets the job, is what I'm hearing, and there is a grifter that just rolled off a boat that was looking for "work", if you know what I mean."
"I believe that I do. Do you know where this grifter is shacking up?"
"He's been staying right here along the docks. If you head to the north end and find the darkest spot, you'll find him. Navy peacoat, and a fedora, with a scruffy beard of red."
"The darkest spot you say. Sounds inviting. Thanks Pauley, you need to stop by the diner some time and I'll buy you dinner."
"I'll just have to take you up on that some time. Good luck Sly, this guy doesn't seem like one to answer too many questions."
"You know me Pauley, I'm a charmer."
With that I walked to the north end of the docks. The docks ran three miles along the bay, and ht north end was on the whole other end, so I better loosen up my legs, it's going to be a long walk.
"Hey Pauley!". Yeah, I know his name is Pauley too, what can I say, it's popular name.
"How's it hanging Sly?"
"You know, it's still there and that's all that matters. I need a little low down and dirty if you will."
"I'll help out any way I can, but the air has been thin lately, and the birds aren't singing."
"I think I know why. This particular bit of info has to do with the dirtiest of the dirty."
"You need dirt on Marcus?" He said in a hushed tone.
"Not necessarily on him, but who he hired to kill his wife."
"That is the one bird that has been singing loud and clear. The word is out the he wants someone for a hit. Low price gets the job, is what I'm hearing, and there is a grifter that just rolled off a boat that was looking for "work", if you know what I mean."
"I believe that I do. Do you know where this grifter is shacking up?"
"He's been staying right here along the docks. If you head to the north end and find the darkest spot, you'll find him. Navy peacoat, and a fedora, with a scruffy beard of red."
"The darkest spot you say. Sounds inviting. Thanks Pauley, you need to stop by the diner some time and I'll buy you dinner."
"I'll just have to take you up on that some time. Good luck Sly, this guy doesn't seem like one to answer too many questions."
"You know me Pauley, I'm a charmer."
With that I walked to the north end of the docks. The docks ran three miles along the bay, and ht north end was on the whole other end, so I better loosen up my legs, it's going to be a long walk.
When Pauley said the darkest spot, I just thought it would be an alley along the pier with no lights. The darkest spot was an old abandoned pier that hadn't been used in several years due to a storm that damaged it. The opening was boarded up and the slats along the floor were broken and tattered. It was a risk to look at it much less try and walk along it. Then there was the matter of the lack of lights. Dark was an understatement, abyss would be more appropriate. I held my hand up in front of my face to see if I could see it. I couldn't. This guy definitely didn't want to be bothered, but I had a job to do, and I wan't going to let a little blanket of darkness and a spooky dock slow me up.
"We don't like no gumshoes around here."
It was a gruff and gravely voice from out of the darkness.
"We? There is more than one lunatic out here on this old rickety pier?"
"We don't like answerin' no questions either."
"That was a pretty tame question. Look, I'm looking for a grifter the just came into town. Heard he offered to take up a contract of Mr. Dahlia."
"We don't like answering' no questions, and we is losing our patience."
"I get it now. It's the royal we. Ok my friend. I'm just here on behalf of the little lady that you are supposed to kill. Is there anyway I can talk you out of the deal?"
"You gots money?"
"Not on me, but I can get my hands on some of the price is right. How much did you offer to take for the stake?"
"I told that slick sleeve the I'd take the hag out for C note."
"A C note? Really?"
"Yeah, you gotta problem with that?"
"No, no problem at all. It's just that, normally people ask for much more money."
"I don't have a high cost of living, so's I don't needs much. If you can get me more, I'll bolt out on the next boat."
"I have a little bit of cash on me right now, what would you say about three hundred."
" You gots yourself a deal gumshoe. Leave the money at the opening to the pier. Theres a rock by the post, put it under that, and I'll be out of the hags hair."
"But, I'm right here, I could just hand it to you."
"Leaves it at the rock."
"What ever you say mate. I'll take my leave now and put you the three hundy under the rock. It was a pleasure doing business with you."
The early light of dawn was starting, which made it easier to find my way back to the opening of the pier. I found the post and the rock and put the money underneath. I thought about hiding out and watching to see the grifter pick up his haul, but I was tired, and I still had work to do. I may have stopped him, but that wouldn't call off the hounds.
Thursday, August 1, 2019
What, A Website. Not Yet, But It's Coming
Ok, I have a couple of links for you. I have put things in motion for the blog/website that I want to do. Right now it is called How I Keto, but I'm having trouble getting that URL as well as other things, so there might be a name change in the next few days, for now though, it is How I Keto. The plan is for it to be a place where I can share my experiences in this whole ketogenic world, and what I want most, is to hear from other peoples experiences, and I can give those ideas a try. I'll be a guinea pig as it where. Anyway here are the first things that I have done. First is the Instagram you can find it and follow me right here. Second is the Facebook page, you can find that and follow me right here.
I do have a YouTube page that is just about ready to go, but they have changed the process of starting a new channel and it is a bit frustrating, so it's going to take some time before that is ready to go. I have a few more things to do before I can officially launch the website. There is a temporary URL that is working, but that will of course change when I get a domain. If you want to take a look at it, and what it has potential to be, you can go there through this link. I just checked the link and it appears blank. I don't know what that is all about, but there is supposed to be a blog post and a picture up there on the site right now. I'll figure it out eventually. I'm really hoping you will be able to see that, and its not some scam by squarespace to get me to upgrade right away. They offer a free 14 day trial and I plan on getting every second out of it before I "Upgrade".
I can give you a little 28 days again update. I'm feeling freaking phenomenal. Still not getting much sleep, but my body doesn't seem to need it right now. I don't feel like I've lost any weight this time, but I felt like that last time as well. My body is changing in appearance, and that is always a good sign, well, as long as it's changing in the right way, and it is. I did start another 24 hour fast today right after having two slices of pizza while doing the TPR. I stuck to my guns this time and only had 2, that put my calorie intake for the day under 1000, and my carbs only hit 31. Still put me over my carb mark, but still pretty good. I would have rather had cleaner carbs, like spinach or asparagus or something like that, but TPR is still a thing I have to do.
I was talking to a friend yesterday about clean eating, and pizza came up. I still like pizza don't get me wrong, but I find it to be a nuisance. It is there to foil all my plans. I'd honestly rather not eat it at this point, and just admire it from a far and think of the glory days when I ate it, but I'm still doing TPR, so I just have to be strict when I'm around it, and do something like I'm doing now, and that is begin a fast right after it.
Now, that isn't the ideal way to go into a fast. It is far superior for your body if you eat a clean meal before going into a fast. The cleaner the better. Your body doesn't have to fight impurities and it can get to resting a lot sooner, especially if you are fat adapted. I don't think I've used the term fat adapted on here before. I should explain it. This is me getting ready for that whole blog on a website thing. Being fat adapted simply means that you have converted your body from burning carbohydrates for a fuel source, to burning fat as a fuel source. That is the whole purpose of going to a ketogenic lifestyle. I know, I'm using bigger words like ketogenic tonight, once again practicing. I will say this in my blog as I've said it here. A keto diet isn't for everyone, but you should look into it and give it a try if you have had trouble with other lifestyle eating choices. The proof that it works is in my words and the photos I've take of myself, which reminds me, I have to do a photoshoot for that site. This is going to be mortifying. I will of course be my own photographer, but still, I'm not looking forward to that. I have lost 45 pounds to this point by going Keto, and I'm not stopping. No, no yet, just period end of sentence, I'm not stopping.
Oh yeah, another mortifying thing about this whole idea, I will have to film myself working out. That is going to be laughable at best, but it will show you that I am doing what I say I'm doing. You will see me lifting, doing some HIIT training, and my favorite, jumping rope. I really need to get better at jumping rope. That is where the beauty of editing comes into play. I will try my best to make myself look good, but still using real footage, I'll just cut before I fall flat on my face.
I nearly forgot. This is the logo I created. If the name changes I will have to change the logo as well, but that is an easy fix.
Ok, time for my nightly fight with myself to try and get some sleep. Wish me luck and I hope that I will have a website link for you the next time we speak. Oh yeah, don't forget about the Violet Dahlia, it will be up right here on Saturday morning. I only have it half written so that is my main focus tomorrow, but it will be done. Peace in and goodnight.
I do have a YouTube page that is just about ready to go, but they have changed the process of starting a new channel and it is a bit frustrating, so it's going to take some time before that is ready to go. I have a few more things to do before I can officially launch the website. There is a temporary URL that is working, but that will of course change when I get a domain. If you want to take a look at it, and what it has potential to be, you can go there through this link. I just checked the link and it appears blank. I don't know what that is all about, but there is supposed to be a blog post and a picture up there on the site right now. I'll figure it out eventually. I'm really hoping you will be able to see that, and its not some scam by squarespace to get me to upgrade right away. They offer a free 14 day trial and I plan on getting every second out of it before I "Upgrade".
I can give you a little 28 days again update. I'm feeling freaking phenomenal. Still not getting much sleep, but my body doesn't seem to need it right now. I don't feel like I've lost any weight this time, but I felt like that last time as well. My body is changing in appearance, and that is always a good sign, well, as long as it's changing in the right way, and it is. I did start another 24 hour fast today right after having two slices of pizza while doing the TPR. I stuck to my guns this time and only had 2, that put my calorie intake for the day under 1000, and my carbs only hit 31. Still put me over my carb mark, but still pretty good. I would have rather had cleaner carbs, like spinach or asparagus or something like that, but TPR is still a thing I have to do.
I was talking to a friend yesterday about clean eating, and pizza came up. I still like pizza don't get me wrong, but I find it to be a nuisance. It is there to foil all my plans. I'd honestly rather not eat it at this point, and just admire it from a far and think of the glory days when I ate it, but I'm still doing TPR, so I just have to be strict when I'm around it, and do something like I'm doing now, and that is begin a fast right after it.
Now, that isn't the ideal way to go into a fast. It is far superior for your body if you eat a clean meal before going into a fast. The cleaner the better. Your body doesn't have to fight impurities and it can get to resting a lot sooner, especially if you are fat adapted. I don't think I've used the term fat adapted on here before. I should explain it. This is me getting ready for that whole blog on a website thing. Being fat adapted simply means that you have converted your body from burning carbohydrates for a fuel source, to burning fat as a fuel source. That is the whole purpose of going to a ketogenic lifestyle. I know, I'm using bigger words like ketogenic tonight, once again practicing. I will say this in my blog as I've said it here. A keto diet isn't for everyone, but you should look into it and give it a try if you have had trouble with other lifestyle eating choices. The proof that it works is in my words and the photos I've take of myself, which reminds me, I have to do a photoshoot for that site. This is going to be mortifying. I will of course be my own photographer, but still, I'm not looking forward to that. I have lost 45 pounds to this point by going Keto, and I'm not stopping. No, no yet, just period end of sentence, I'm not stopping.
Oh yeah, another mortifying thing about this whole idea, I will have to film myself working out. That is going to be laughable at best, but it will show you that I am doing what I say I'm doing. You will see me lifting, doing some HIIT training, and my favorite, jumping rope. I really need to get better at jumping rope. That is where the beauty of editing comes into play. I will try my best to make myself look good, but still using real footage, I'll just cut before I fall flat on my face.
I nearly forgot. This is the logo I created. If the name changes I will have to change the logo as well, but that is an easy fix.
Let me know what you think. I'm thinking about getting rid of the "Keto Over 40". It may limit my audience, if people thing that you can only follow what I'm doing if you are over 40. The fact is younger people have a simpler time with Keto, but if they follow what I'm doing, they will have just as good and maybe better results. The biggest difference is, that steak is good, but it's not the best option for someone over 40. Your gut bacteria has a tougher time breaking that down, so you need more easily digestible proteins. Plus you have to eat a few more cruciferous vegetables, which is fine by me, as long as that carb count is low. Then again, a cup of cauliflower is only around 6 net carbs. Just looked it up, it's only 2 net carbs. 5 total with 3 grams of fiber, subtract the fiber from the total and you get the net. If there are any added sugars that are indigestible, those are taken out as well. See Keto is easy.
Ok, time for my nightly fight with myself to try and get some sleep. Wish me luck and I hope that I will have a website link for you the next time we speak. Oh yeah, don't forget about the Violet Dahlia, it will be up right here on Saturday morning. I only have it half written so that is my main focus tomorrow, but it will be done. Peace in and goodnight.
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