Sunday, May 27, 2018

A Man And His Wookie

     I nearly forgot that I had to write tonight. My schedule is a little off, since I don't have to work tomorrow due to Memorial Day. As  you may remember, there is a person at work, trying to get me fired. I had set my resolve that I didn't care what happened, and I wouldn't let him get to me. Well, he became his own headache. When he finally realized that he wasn't going to be able to get in to my head, he lost it, and created problems for himself, because he was beside himself with anger. It was great. I highly recommend doing this to someone who perceives you as an enemy. It's a lot of fun.

     You may or may not have noticed, that I did manage to get everything done Friday night. I wrote a chapter of The Patchwork Knight, and also put together a short video, which I believe is rather important. You already have an idea what it is about if you read Thursday nights post, so I won't bother giving you the run down. This was a simple video to make technically, because it is a one take talking video, with a couple of little things added with title boards and that kind of stuff. I didn't do this like my normal videos. There is no music with it, and I didn't do any of the end screen promotions for it. I wanted this video to stand alone. It is not for promoting me or the channel, it is a way for someone to get help. That is the goal, if this video helps just one person, then it did it's job.

     If you know anyone that cold benefit from this video, please pass it on to them, or just the information within it. I don't care about view or minutes watched or anything like that on this video, I just want to get the information out there that can help someone that needs it.

     I got all of this done, so that I would have Saturday free for seeing Solo the latest Star Wars movie. That is exactly what I did. I really liked it. I thought they could have done a little better job writing Lando Calrissian. I enjoyed learning the little ins and outs of Han and Chewies relationship. It's a fun movie and I hope you check it out. They do set up for either a sequel or another potential movie. I'm leaning towards it being another movie and not a sequel, but who knows what the studio will do. The early numbers haven't been promising, so maybe a sequel is out of the picture.

     The friend that I went with, is the same one that told me of that blog platform called Medium. We talked more about it, and I'm still thinking about how I'm going to move The Patchwork Knight over there, and she brought up something I hadn't thought about. That would be maybe posting twice a week. That would bring the time down quite a bit from what is now 29 weeks of posting before I get to where I am now, to half that time. That does change things a bit, but I still have the problem of what do I do in the meantime. Do I stand back and wait for it to catch up and then begin writing again? Do I continue to write it and post it here, or do I write it somewhere else that won't be posted until it is time for it to go up? That last one has the largest potential of working, but since I'm writing in a way that I never have before, I could conceivably bear the burden of a long break before picking it up again. This is why I say that. I would normally write nightly, and for hours each day. This time I am only writing the day that I post it. I don't even think much about it until I sit down to write. Sure there is a little bit here and there, of what the next chapter is going to be, but that is it, and that normally happens on the same day as when I sit down to write. Normally hours before I begin. It is a quandary, but a good one to have.

     The whole reason she wants me to go to this new platform, is for more exposure. She believes I could get more readers on that platform, because is promotes things. That would be a huge help, but what is more important, is to have the support of someone like that. Someone who truly believes in what I'm doing with The Patchwork Knight. That, that is invaluable. If nothing else comes out of this, then that is enough for me.

     It's not raining right now, despite the fact that the news said it was going to be raining all weekend, so I'm going to try to get out and shoot a video tomorrow for next Sunday. This could be a fun one. I told my friend about this idea, and she liked it, so look forward to it this Sunday. If I can't get out tomorrow morning, then I'll try during the week or maybe next Saturday, but I do have to go eat pizza for the PR on Saturday. The burden of a second job, am I right.

     Speaking of the PR.  I just finished the upload and getting the end screen add ons in place, so it is ready for it's Thursday evening release. I'll write the blog post Thursday evening after the video goes live, and it will go up on Friday morning, so you have a lot of things to look forward to at the end of this week. I'm going to go and sit back and get some rest. I think I've earned it. Peace in and goodnight.

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