Saturday, May 19, 2018

The Patchwork Knight (Chapter 28)

     The gate was repaired, but it wouldn't hold back much more than an angry goat. Sir Kendall had retired to his quarters, he had lost the faith of his men. I had created a story, that I told him to stay behind and only come out if he was absolutely needed. I don't think his men believed it. There were mumblings of him being a coward. His men set up a watch detail, not to protect him, but everyone else in the fort. Two archers were on watch at all times, with 5 men at the ready if anything was a to arise.

     The night was uneventful, but at first light, a call of riders on the horizon went up. I climbed the nearest archer tower to see what was coming. It was riders, and they were coming fast, but from a different direction than the Raiders. It appeared to be a band of 10 riders, maybe more. They carried a banner with them, but in the early morning light it was darkened by shadow. I told a runner to wake everyone up, and tell them to be ready to fight within a few minutes.

     After only seconds, I could hear the fort bang to life. Small pots were clanging to wake the sleeping from their slumber, and shouts of "Riders" were called out. All able men lined up at the gate in a short time. Tired but ready for another fight. They were better armed now, since they took the weapons from the Raiders that had fallen the night before. The weapons were poor quality, but they were better than what the villagers had before.

     "It's the Targen Knights!" exclaimed the other archer on watch. I had turned to watch the men ready themselves and had kept my attention away from the threat that was riding up our trail. When I turned I saw the pale blue flag with the lion and sword sigil on it.

     "Stand down, but hold ready. The Targen Knights are riding up the trail, but it could be Raiders with a banner, until we are sure, we should stay on our toes."

     I climbed down from the tower, and went to the gate. It had been barricaded with a couple of trees that we cut down early in the night to hold the gate since it had been smashed by the Raiders. I helped the men pull the trees away, and opened the gate.

     "Go get Sir Kendall and tell him that the Knights have arrived."

     "Let him wallow in his failure."

     "I told you what had happened.  He is in charge here, and he must meet the Knights when they arrive at the gate. He made the call to them, and he should be here to greet them."

     The man shook his head, but ran off in the direction of Sir Kendall's quarters. I watched as the two men came running back to the gate. Sir Kendall still looked sallow, but he had more energy to him this morning.

     "Pitre, I heard what you told the men. Thank you. I don't know what came over me yesterday. It won't happen again."

     "I don't think they believe the entire story. If you want to retain the men's respect, you need to lift your head and meet these Knights the same we you met me yesterday. It doesn't matter why you held back yesterday, what matters is how you carry yourself from this day forward."

     "Yes, you are right. Where did you learn to be a Knight? You don't wear normal armor, nor do you have any sigil upon you, but you definitely carry yourself like a Knight."

     "I'm no Knight. I was supposed to go to the academy, but my village was attacked by Raiders before I could go. I was the only survivor. My father taught me how to fight, but that is all. I trained for many years on my own, before I rode out to find the Kingdom, and try to accept my place in the academy."

     "That is a sad story, but you are clearly a Knight, maybe not one from the academy, but you saved this fort yesterday. If it wasn't for you, everyone here would be dead, and those Knights would be potentially be riding into an ambush. You are on the right path to the Kingdom, when you leave, if you go the way that those Knights ride from, you will reach the Kingdom, but I'm not sure you will be allowed in the academy."

     "My appointment was from the King himself, why would they not allow me in?"

     "You are too old. The academy is only open to children from year 10 to 16. "

     "I'm only 14 years. When I get to see the King again he will grant me permission."

     "You're 14 years? Are you fooling me? No welp of 14 years can fight like you can, and you are the size of a horse."

     "I promise you, I have only seen 14 years."

     "14 years, and you fight faster and stronger than any fully grown man that I have seen. You don't need the academy Pitre, you need a full suit of armor and a warhorse.

     The riders began to slow, and they wore the full armor of the Targen Knights. This was no troop of Raiders. This was 15 Targen Knights on their warhorses. They came to a full stop about fifteen feet before us. The horses breathed heavy and clopped restlessly. There was a large Knight in the lead, and he dismounted in a single grateful move.

     "Lord Kendall, I am Sir Jacob. We came as soon as we could. The King has moved to the Crystal Palace at the lake in the mountains. He wants all the noble families to make their way there, to hold the Realm."

     "Wait, what are you talking about Sir Jacob. We called for reinforcements. Villages have been burned and razed to the ground. We have refugees and survivors here that need help. Why would the nobles go the Crystal Palace?"

     "The Kingdom is in ruins. It fell two days ago to the Raiders. They came in numbers that haven't been seen since the Blind Wars. The King and Princess Alma are at the Palace with as many people that could leave the Kingdom. Bring what people you have, we will escort you to the Palace."

     "The Kingdom has fallen? I'm supposed to go to the Knights Academy."

     "You, you are a grown man. There is no place at the academy for you. Who are you?"

     "My name is Pitre. I'm from a village in the mountains of the borderlands. I was supposed to go 3 years ago, but my village was destroyed by the Raiders, and I had no way to travel to the Kingdom."

     "Pitre? The same Pitre that nearly beat Princess Alma in the tournament for the Knights Academy?"


     "The King would very much like to see you. We all had reports that you were dead."

     "How would you have reports of my death?"

     "Sir Wallace was sent to retrieve you when you didn't come at the designated time. His troop was attacked. Only one man made it from the attack alive. He reported that they failed to find you, and that the entire borderland mountain villages were burned to the ground."

     "Was Sir Wallace the survivor?"

      "No, it was one of his men Sir Salvor. He was in bad shape when he arrived at the Kingdom. He said that Sir Wallace went down fighting and took 20 Raiders with him. There were only six men in Sir Wallace's troop, and they were attacked by 50 men. The only reason Sir Salvor survived, is because he was thrown from his horse mid battle and knocked unconscious. The Raiders thought he was dead, and simply stripped him of his armor and weapons, and left. He counted the 20 men around Sir Wallace's body, and another 20 men scattered about the grounds. All his brothers were stripped bare and left to be eaten by carrion birds. He somehow found the strength to bury his brothers, and walked naked to an abandoned village a few miles from the fight. He found a small bit of food and clothes and rested there for several days in quiet. Hiding from the random scout party of Raiders. Since the village was abandoned, the Raiders let it stand. It seems that they only destroy things that people are actually using."

     "I can't believe that Sir Wallace is dead. I trained with him the last time I saw him."

     "Sir Wallace spoke of your training. He said that there was a good chance you could beat one of us. He spoke very highly of you."

     "Sir Wallace may have understated his skill. Based on what I saw yesterday, there is no man that can best Pitre."

     "What happened yesterday?"

     "A war party of Raiders attacked the fort. If it wasn't for Pitre and his skill, we wouldn't have survived. Because of him, we didn't lose a man, but the Raiders lost a war party."

     "Is this so?"

     "Yes sir, but I followed Sir Kendall's orders. He led us to victory."

     "Sir Kendall? When did you become Sir Kendall?"

     "I felt it was only proper, since I was in my armor."

     "Ahem, well, is there any word of any more Raiders."

     "We couldn't spare any men to send out scouts. We have had two archers in the towers at all times to watch the trails for riders. That is how we knew you were coming."

     "We need to leave as soon as we can then. Get everyone inside ready to travel. We will do our best to escort you all to the Palace."

     Sir Kendall walked back into the fort and began telling everyone to get ready to leave the fort. There were sounds of excitement and frustration. They had just won a very big fight, and now they were told that they had to leave the place that had kept them safe, but it was the Crystal Palace that they were going to.

     "Pitre, can you fight as he says?"

     "Yes, I have spent my time training. My father taught me the 8 movements before he was killed in the attack."

     "How did you survive?"

     "My father told me to run to a hidden room that he had at his forge in the mountain. Unless you know it's there, you would never find it. I hid there until the next morning, and then walked out to see the destruction of my home. Everyone was either dead or taken. They took all the horses and goats, except a small herd of goats that were up on the mountain. I herded them up and penned them, so that I could use their milk."

     "You have had a hard life Pitre. We can't take you to the academy, because it may not even be standing now, but we will gladly have you with us as a Targen Knight if you can fight as you and Lord Kendall say you can. We will get you to the King and he will have final word on this, but I would gladly have you ride beside me as we go the the Crystal Palace,"

     "It would be my honor Sir Jacob. I will help the others prepare, and I will join you when we ride out."

     I walked back into the fort feeling happy for the first time in a very long time. Finally I was going to be a Knight. I helped load wagons and carts with what we could get in them. I helped the sick and wounded into other wagons. At midday we rode out, and I rode in the rear with Sir Jacob.

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