Thursday, May 17, 2018

I'm Feeling Good About Things Right Now

     I feel like I am almost caught up on sleep. The weekend can't come fast enough. Although, I still have to come up with and idea, and then film said idea, and get said idea edited and then posted in time for Sunday, since I said I was going to post a new video every Sunday. I do have an idea, for what would be a short talking head video, but the weather has been rainy and miserable all week, and there is no end in sight for it. It looks like I'm going to have to do a rainy motovlog in order to get this one done. I'm hoping for a little tiny clearing in the afternoon tomorrow, so that I can get it done, otherwise, I'm going to be doing an oil change, or maybe a Abba Skylift review video. I could do both of those in the lounge. It appears I have options, but options I really don't want to take.

     Speaking of videos, I posted the latest PR video today. It is up and live, so of course, I'm going to share it with you here.

     I used a few tricks that I learned while doing the last video, and I added the drone footage, to give it that little extra something something. I think this is our best video visually, but as I said Tuesday, it has some audio issues. Watching it on YouTube though, those issues aren't as pronounced, so I think it may be ok, and won't be that bad for viewers. Let me know what you think of it, better yet, go to the YouTube channel and tell me there. Don't forget to hit that like button. Also, don't forget that the blog post will be up by the time you read this, so go over to The Pepperoni Report and give it a read.

     Today in my guitar lesson, my guitar teacher and I started working on something that might possible become the theme song for the PR. It is going to be a take on the song that we used for the channel trailer. I need to learn how to play the opening riff, and then we are going to add on to it. Piece by piece until it is built up into a full sounding song. I do have Garage Band on this MacBook, but I really don't know how to use it, so I guess I'm going to learn. I do think it has 8 track capability, so I can conceivably layer and create that full sound. It's going to take multiple riffs from the guitar, and then adding in drums and keyboards, and maybe some other things as well. The fun of this is going to be the learning experience that comes with it. This will either be something I can use for the PR, or it will be a giant failure, either way, I'm going to learn something from it.

     A show that I have been waiting for, is finally going to be available to view tomorrow. 13 Reasons Why season 2 is going to be available on Netflix. I don't know if you remember what I said about this series when I finally watched it, but I thought it was magnificent, but I also had a caveat, and that was to not watch it alone. Especially if you are suicidal or suffer from depression. It has a lot of triggers in it, but don't let that stop your from watching this show. Make it an event with friends and family if you have to. I don't know how they are going to do this season, since the whole point of the first season was to tell the story of one particular character. I'm trying to be very vague here in case you haven't seen it yet. The first season comes to a definite conclusion, and it could have stood alone as a one and done season, but they did hint to a possibility to what the second season could be. Then there is the fact that I saw a headline talking about it, and they gave a freaking spoiler in the title. I won't say it here, but the person that wrote that headline, is a total dick.

     I'm in the middle of Lost in Space right now, but I may have to put that on the back burner to watch 13 Reasons Why. If you are wondering, yes I will not be following my own suggestion, and I will be watching it alone. Why, because I'm an idiot, and then there is the fact that I would never be able to find anyone that would want to watch it with me, so I really don't have a choice.

     Also tomorrow, Deadpool 2 comes out. I'm going to have a really busy weekend viewing wise. I skipped out on the latest Avengers film so far, but I'm not missing Deadpool. This looks like it is going to be way too good to wait until it shows up on TV somewhere. I'll more than likely go see that Saturday sometime. Don't worry, I'm going to do it early, so that I can write the next chapter in The Patchwork Knight. I still haven't made a decision about where or when to move it yet. I'm still mulling over my options, and whether or not to pause writing it while I catch it up on a new platform or what not. I am putting a lot of thought into it. I'm hoping the best course of action will come to me soon. In the mean time, it will stay right where it is, and be posted just as it has been, well not for the whole time, because I moved it to Saturday Knights recently, but you get the idea.

     It's time for bed. I have one more day of work, then I'm free for the weekend, which is going to be full of video making, writing, and tv & movie viewing. I hope your weekend is as full as mine is going to be. Peace in and goodnight.

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