Thursday, May 24, 2018

Within A Millisecond Of A Moment

     I walked out the door into a day that was framed by a clear blue sky. I had resolved myself to believing that no matter what the day would bring, I would be good. That was until that car pulled out in front of me.

     Before we get to that moment, we have to go back a little, to why I had that resolve. There is someone at work, doing their very best, to get me fired. I doubt they will be able to do it, because my work ethic and record is rather excellent, but anything can happen. Why are they trying to get me fired? It's simple really, I called them out for being late, and they got upset about it, so much so, that they are now sabotaging me. I saw through their little plan, and covered my tail, so that it will take a great deal of work on their part to make it happen. I wish them luck. That is why I had that resolve.

      The day was clear, and the rain that was supposed to be here for the next two weeks, was nowhere in sight. That meant that Saki and I were going to ride. I loaded up my backpack, and pulled Saki into the driveway. The weather was perfect. I was a half mile or less from work, when I saw a car slowly pull onto the road I was traveling down. I was coming to a stop sign, so there was no worry yet. The car had ample room ahead of me. I was three car lengths away from it, when it turned off that road, towards another one. I didn't need to slow down, since they were turning off, and I was in the clear. The car was on the other side of the road as I approached the rear corner of it. At the very last second, the car abruptly turned back and into my lane. I had to panic brake, and I had to do it fast. I stomped on the rear brake, and then grabbed the front. As I was doing all of that, I also had a hand full of clutch, and was downshifting. The rear tire came off the ground as I gripped that front brake as hard as I could. The car must have noticed their mistake, and was starting to veer to the side they had just came from. The bike was stopping in time, and only a foot or so away from where the car would have been had it not turned away. The rear tire came down hard, but somehow I never had to put my feet down. I balanced the bike on two wheels, as I saw a guy poke his head out the window and then wave me by. I tried to go, but I had shifted into neutral, which is probably why the bike didn't stall on me, even though I had the clutch gripped tight. I quickly shifted into first and took off, looking back at them wondering how the decided that sudden turn was a good idea.

     It was at that moment, that I knew, no matter what my resolve was, today was going to suck. I was going to stick with it though. I wouldn't let whatever was going to happen to get me down. That person, tried everything to get under my skin, but I laughed it all off. I laughed it off so much, that they got upset instead. That did make things a little better. The day was plagued with problems, with a single machine. It was acting up so much, that I'm exhausted from the effort I had to put in. Swinging a hammer is not fun when you are doing it for a half hour straight, and then having to do it again for another half hour straight a few hours later. My shoulder has had it with me, and it is ready for a long Memorial Day weekend. I have one more day of work this week, and it appears that it should be similar to today. I'll get through it, and I'll probably make that person upset again, which will make my day a little better again.

     I did manage to finish 13 Reasons Why last night. The last episode for this new season, was remarkable. It was just brilliant all around, and they set up a third season flawlessly. I won't say what happened, but they resolved the issue of going to the well too many times. They changed the well. It was an ending that I didn't expect, and that is something that I normally can't say. I'm pretty good at reading where something is going to go. It could be the writer in me, and seeing things from that perspective, or it could be that too many movies and shows are formulaic. Whatever it is, it doesn't happen often that something can catch me off guard, and they did it. Bravo to the writers and performers of 13 Reasons Why. You put out another incredible season. As I've said every time I've talked about this. Watch it, but don't watch it alone, especially if you suffer from depression or suicidal thoughts. This season didn't have the normal triggers, for me, but the last two episodes did, and I could feel some old feelings come creeping back into my head, that is another reason why I had that resolve this morning. I wasn't going to let those thoughts drag me down either, and they didn't. I won this round.

     Tomorrow I write the next chapter of The Patchwork Knight, so that I'll have it ready for a Saturday release, as I spend the day in Orlando watching Solo. I also plan on doing a motovlog to get ready for the Sunday morning release, I'm hoping that the weather will hold like it did today. If so, I will get it in after I go to the bank. I'll tell you what I'm going to talk about in this one. I'm going to talk about 13 Reasons Why. It will be a little about what I wrote above, with a little more added to it. I also want to highlight the suicide prevention hotline, so that I might be able to help someone out, if they are feeling on the edge. I'm going to keep it short like the latest videos have been, but I want this one to have a deeper message in it. I hope that you enjoy it when you see in after it goes live.

     That's it for me, with the exception of what to title this. By now you will already have read it, but trust me, I have no idea what I'm putting up there. I'll give it a go once I've previewed what this looks like on the blog page. I need to go rest this shoulder now. Peace in and goodnight.

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