Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The Enigma Of Sadness

     The latest video for the PR is uploading as I write this. It will go live on Thursday at 5 PM New York time. I think this is our best video, visually, but we ran into some audio problems. There is a strange hum on the second part of the video, and it muffles my voice in particular. I have a slight idea what it is that caused this, but I can't be certain. On the suction cup mount that we use for that camera, there is a mount that I can click the GoPro Session into. On that mount, there is a small rubber, let's call it a gasket, that keeps everything in place. It's possible, that I didn't put that gasket in place, and that left it less then snug, and that could have created some sort of vibration. I guess I will only really know when we do the next review. I will make a conscious effort to make sure that I put that gasket in place. If it doesn't make that sound, then that was the culprit.

     It's been a long couple of days. I'm really burying the lead on this, by writing about the PR first. Sunday night, going into Monday morning, I had a family emergency. I won't go into details, because it isn't my story to tell, but I can tell you, that I was in the Emergency Room from 2:30 to 6:30 in the morning. That alone caused me to call out of work. I then had to make a doctor appointment for my family member and get them there to really find out what was wrong. The ER shipped them out after it wasn't what we thought it was with a prescription for a high powered pain killer. I decided not to fill that prescription. It just seemed to me, like it was going to cover up whatever the problem was. When we got to the doctors office, I asked about that and told them what I thought, and they told me I was right. It wasn't needed, and it could have created worse problems, due to dizziness, and a possible fall. This is the problem with ERs. It seems sometimes, that they think you are simply there to get prescriptions for pain killers so you can get high, and they seem more than willing to prescribe them. I don't know if it is because of some big pharma kickback, or what, but this happened to me years ago. I had to go to the ER, because I got glass in one of my eyes. They flushed it out, and then gave me a prescription for Vicodin. Vicodin is a very powerful pain killer. I told the doctor that I was fine and didn't need it, but he insisted that I take it. I did, and as I was walking out of the exam room, I balled it up and threw it in the garbage as I walked out. I wanted nothing to do with that stuff. It was kind of the same thing this time. The good news is, that my family member is doing much better without the painkiller. It truly wasn't necessary.

     Because of the lack of sleep from that night, I think I'm still behind. I'm really tired right now, but it is that tired where you can't really go to sleep. I really dislike that, but as soon as I'm done here, I'll give it the old college try.

     Since I'm tired, and I really don't have much to say, let's just get to Favorite Song of the Week. I have been using this band as my wake up music for the past week, and the one song that they are known for, is the song I've chosen for you tonight. I say they, despite the fact, that I really didn't know anything about he artist that created this song, back when it was a huge hit. That is due to the fact that the people responsible for it, didn't want to have their names on the album, so that people could come up with their own interpretations, that is their own words, give or take a word or two. They wanted it to be a project that transcended any preconceived notions, about what it should be. They mixed all kinds of world beats, with Gregorian chants, and jazzed up with some solid dance drum tracks. It was a massive hit for the single off the first album titled MCMXC a.D. I can remember buying the cassette tape, and loving the uniqueness of the sound. It was a whole new world to me, and even though I haven't listened much until lately, it is one of those albums I can always go back to and enjoy. Since the artist really didn't want their names on the album, and they went under pseudonyms, I'm only going to use the name that the group project was called. Here is Enigma with "Sadness (Part I).

     That song is just as good today, as when it came out. It just relaxes me, and when it comes on in the morning to wake me up, it's like a gentle nudge. Look up the album and give it a listen, whether it be for the first time, or just refreshing an old memory. Peace in and goodnight.

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