Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Hey, Do You Remember When?

     Since there hasn't been a mass shooting that I've heard of today, we can get to the normally scheduled program. That means you are going to have to sit through my newest video. It's a new series that I came up with. I'm not completely sure how many of these I will be able to do, but I'm hoping to get maybe ten out of it. This is the first one in the series.

     I'm going to use the music in that video, in every one of the successive videos in the series. I haven't decided where I will go next. There are several places right in that area, that I can do. I may go to another part of the area first before I go back there. There are plenty of places right here in good ol' Rock Vegas that I can hit. I am going to keep them all short, right around the 5 minutes mark at most. My hope is that you get a little idea of what it was like growing up where I live. Just a little look back to a simpler time.

    I started watching the second season of 13 Reasons Why, and I'm really liking it. I was wondering how they were going to do it, when I heard that Katherine Langford was going to be back, but they are making it work. I saw a headline that spoiled what is going to happen, but it is what I thought it would be, and don't worry, I'm not going to spoil it for you. I will say this though. they are telling the same story, form a different perspective, which is a pretty inventive idea to do a second season, but I think they will go to the well too many times if they try this for a 3rd season. I think 2 is all we are going to get out of this series. I'm up to episode 9, and if it's like the first season, there will be 13 episodes, so I have some more to go. I'll watch them this weekend.

     Speaking of seasons of series on Netflix. I am happy to announce, that I got a notification today, that season 4 of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is coming on May 31. I am so happy that they did another season of that show. I hadn't heard anything, and thought that they were thinking about cancelling it, but it's coming back. I can't wait for this one. I need more Kimmy and more Titus Andromedon.

     I went out on Sunday and watched Deadpool 2. It was hilarious. They pulled off the thing that everyone said they couldn't do. The made a great sequel to a movie that all the critics said, would just be a remake of the first one with slightly different gags. Yeah, they have some of that, but the brilliance of the Deadpool character, is that he is the only comic book character that realizes he is a comic book character. He shatters the fourth wall, and because of that, he can make fun of himself, and everything within the genre. That wall being down, opens up doors for things that any normal movie can't do, and I'm truly hoping that they do a 3rd one. The movie has tons of cameos in it. Not just big A-list stars, but also A-list nerdy stars. I'll tell you all of them if you want, but I won't do it here. I even pegged one of the stars that the director and producer were proud that no one figure out during advanced screenings. Ok, I didn't know exactly who it was, but I recognized the voice as being familiar, and new it was someone that was big. I looked it up as soon as I got home to confirm my suspicions, and was right. You don't have to stay to the very end of the credits, but there is a small scene that might be the best part of the movie, that falls right after the opening of the end credits. They even threw cameos in that part of the movie too.

     I guess I should mention that I got another response on Match. It was another polite rejection, but at least it was a response. The weird thing about it though, is that she took another look at my profile a day later. Maybe it was just to confirm her lack of desire to go on a date with me. Oh well, I only have a couple more months of this before I delete that profile.

     The PR is going to be back in action again tomorrow, but this time, I will have a week and a half to get everything done. I'm pretty excited about that. I think I will upload the video to the computer tomorrow night, and then not even touch it until Sunday. I think I mentioned that I'm going to see Solo this Saturday, so I have to get a few things done at other times this week. Maybe I didn't mention that, since I dealt with the names of the victims on Sunday. Anyway, going to Solo, can't write that day because of it, so The Patchwork Knight is going to be written on Friday night, and I will post it before I leave for Orlando. Oh yeah, I'm going to Orlando to watch the movie with a friend of mine, and one of those theaters where the seats recline and stuff. It's going to be amazing. I still have to get a vide together for Sunday. I guess I could do another Remember When, but I think It's too early for that. The other problem is all the rain we have been getting. We are scheduled for rain for the next two weeks. There are moments where it is clear, which is how I got the video done on Saturday for the one you saw above. I'm going to need to put something together. I might get to get it done on Friday too, but I'm thinking I might do it before that. I don't know, I'll just wait and see how things work out.

    This is where I would normally have Favorite Song of the Week, but to be honest, I don't have a FSOTW this week. Nothing is really standing out to me this week, so I'll give you a break from it for a week. Please watch that video up there, and maybe share any old fun memory you have. Leave it in the comments below, or do it on the YouTube page. I still need subscribers, comments and likes over there. Any little bit helps out. Although I'm going to keep making videos that I think are fun regardless of if I get subscribers or views. The whole reason I started, was to show you what I couldn't fully explain, and the new series is a great example of that. I could tell you those stories, but I think seeing where they took place, and what has become of those places now, makes it a little more interesting. Reading about it is one thing, but my hope is that seeing it and how things have changed, has an impact, big or small, as long is it's an impact.

     I am now yawning like an open cave, so I better head of to sleep. Peace in and goodnight.


  1. Deadpool was so good. I heard a rumour they are making an X-Force movie. I really hope they do!

    1. I have heard the same rumor, and I saw someone ask Terry Crews about it, and he wouldn't confirm nor deny, that he might be a part of it.
