Thursday, May 3, 2018

It's How You Handle Making A Mistake That Matters

     I guess I should start with a update. There actually is one tonight. I finally got my first response, it only took about 30 messages or so. That's 30 messages to different people, not all to one. If that was the case, then I would understand getting no reply. My first response was non other than a polite rejection. I have to give her credit for being polite enough to respond where others hadn't. I'm starting to think that honesty is not the best policy when it comes to writing your profile, but I don't know of any other way to do it. I guess I could do it like most of the profiles I see from women; I have a good sense of humor, I like kids, I'm very close to my family, and I like dogs. How does that sound? That is literally what, I'd say 60% of the profiles I see are. A good portion of the rest of them are, I'll feel this out later. Is that really the way to go?

     Enough of that. I want to tell you about the experience I had on Tuesday when we did the PR. We were of course going to a place that we had been to before. We walked in, and the place was somewhat empty, which is what we had hoped for. We got a table near the back, and set up our stuff. I had my notepad, camera equipment, and an appetite. I picked up early on, that we were getting some tentative attention. I told my partner that I thought they knew who we were. They seemed to be going above and beyond, which is kind of normal there, but there was a slightly different vibe to it. We ordered our pizzas, and there was a slight mistake with my partners pizza. Instead of meatballs on it, there were mushrooms. The server realized the mistake and immediately fixed it. It took some time to get a new pizza out, but they boxed the mistake up, and brought it to the table. We thanked them, and said it was necessary. A runner then brought a small plate of mini meatballs. Let me tell you, there meatballs are fantastic, we have had them before. My partner said that we didn't order it, but the runner said that it was a gift. That is when I knew for sure, they knew what we were doing.

     Once the new pizza came out, with the right toppings, the owner came up to our table, to apologize once again for the mistake, and asked us if we were reviewing them. That's when I brought the business card. He said he knew it, and then started talking to us about a specialty pizza, that isn't on their menu. He asked if we had had it, and we of course hadn't since we have only ordered off the menu. He then said that he would rectify that, and get one out to us. We said it was unnecessary, but 15 minutes later, we had a Buffalo Chicken Wing pizza sitting in front of us. It was really good.

     Mistakes happen, and we weren't upset by it. It wasn't going to affect the way we reviewed them. This is the place that inspired us to do the PR, and this was the pizza that we judge all others by. That being said, it is how a mistake is handled that makes or breaks the situation, and they couldn't have handled any better. They showed class and poise throughout. That little mistake actually made our experience there better. Oh, I need to put that in the blog post. That goes live tomorrow by the way. The video is already live. I've decided that I'm going to post the video 24 hours before the blog goes live from now on. I'm hoping that it will give the video a little push in the right direction. We have been getting more views on the blog than the video, and that seems really odd, considering that I embed the video in the blog. Oh well, I bet you are wondering if I'm going to post the video here for you to see. Of course I am. I put the time into it, so I may as well show it off. This is our review of the place that inspired us to do this, Zarrella's. Yeah, you've seen me write about that place before. Now you can see what their pizza looks like, and how we are unable to walk after eating there.

     The blog post is going to look different this time. The reason for that is that I'm not asking my partner for the stuff that he should have already provided me with. I'm hoping that he will get the hint that he has a job to do, and needs to do it before the deadline. When it goes up tomorrow, see if you can tell what looks different about it.

     I'm going to try and get that video done that I've been hinting about for the past two weeks. I'm not sure the weather is going to cooperate though. The forecast is for storms all weekend, I'm hoping they will hold off until later in the day. I'm going to force myself to wake up early on Saturday to get this done. If I do, I should have it up by Saturday evening. I will of course post it here on Sunday night. I will have limited time to edit on Saturday, because I will be writing the next chapter of The Patchwork Knight, and I think I need to start even earlier in the day than I did last week, so that I don't bump up against that 7 o'clock deadline again. I tried that last week and still came close to it, so I'm thinking that if I give myself more time, I will simply write longer. I'll see on Saturday.

     I have to work tomorrow, so I need to get to bed. Peace in and goodnight.

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