Tuesday, May 8, 2018

You Have To See This One.

     Today was exhausting, not just from a physical stand point, but also from a mental one. I laid down on the couch at one point, and fell asleep for two hours. I haven't done that in years. Even after those two hours, I'm still tired and am greatly looking forward to going to bed.

     I hit a little bit of a breaking point today with my partner in the PR. I checked the Facebook page (yes I can see the page without actually being on Facebook), and I saw no listing of the latest post. Nothing since three weeks ago when he posted the link to Mamma Rosa's. I asked him when he posted, and he said he did it the day of and the day after. I sent him a screen shot of the page and asked why I couldn't see it. Turns out, he posted it on his personal page and not the PR page. Then he was trying to tell me that we don't have to stick to our schedule because there is no rule saying that we do. True, we don't have a rule that says that we have to post a new review every two weeks, except that is the schedule we agreed upon. It is hard enough to get viewers, but even harder to retain them if we aren't consistent. I feel like I'm the only one that is putting effort into this, and I think he got the point today. He said that he is committed to this project now, which is really something that he should have been 4 months ago. I will see if he keeps this renewed vigor for the project.

     I'm going to be up against the wall for the next review, since we can't do it this week, and have to do it next Tuesday. I will have to edit the video and right the piece in a couple of days again. I told him that I'm not going to continue to do that. As of right now, we are scheduled to get the tasting part done on the off week. That means the week that a review isn't going to be posted. Right now it looks like things are good for that. I'll keep you posted if that changes. Looks like I'm in for 4 more, before I have to reevaluate if I'm going to consider doing this. If he can live up to his promise and do what he said he will, this will be a breeze. All I want is for him to do the stuff he is supposed to do. Pictures, the rating portion, his part of the reheat update, and to keep up with the Facebook page. I will do everything else, and oh, I'm still going to take care of everything on this one, as far as pictures and what not. I want this one to be perfect. I'm even planning on breaking out the drone for the exterior footage of this one. I'm going to film that part this weekend when the place is closed, so that I can get shots without cars blocking things.

     On a positive note. I got another great comment on how good the videography is. When I see those comments, I have a ton of pride for them, but I don't respond in a way that only puts the attention on me. Even though I do all of that stuff, I still see it as a team effort, and I respond as if it is both of us. Still, not too bad for someone who has had no training in this at all. I think I have a decent eye for what a shot should look like, and I try to make it look like something that might be somewhat professional. If I come close, than I am good with that, and if people take notice of it, and appreciate it, even better.

     I need to come up with an idea for my next CS video. I have nothing right now, but I want to put one together this weekend. Do I come up with some topic, do I try to make a fun music type video, what do I do? Since I'm going to have the drone out for the next PR, do I do a drone video, and if I do, should it be drone only type of stuff? What do you want to see? I could do another hunt for photo spots video. I do have some location that I would like to photograph Saki at. They are all abandoned old buildings with character. I will hold onto that one as a safety net, if I can't figure something else out.

     Remember my bartender. It's been a while since I talked about her right? There is a good reason for that, I haven't heard from her since I tentatively asked her out to dinner. She went full ghost on me it appears. I don't believe in contacting people over and over to try and pressure them into something, so I haven't contacted her and left it up to her, to contact me. Probably a big misstep on my part, but it is what it is. Anyway, I found her on Match. I was looking at the matches on there, and there she was. I messaged her, and told her that the offer still stood. That was a few weeks ago. This week I saw that she finally read the message. She didn't write back. It doesn't bum me out, that she in essence is turning me down. What bums me out, is that I thought that we were friends. I was honestly hoping to just catch up with her, and see how she was doing. If it were to turn into dating, then I would be ecstatic with that, but I would be happy with just sitting and talking with her over a meal. Do you think it would help if I told her that, or would that just seem pathetic and make things worse? This is my problem, I never know the right thing to do. I'm completely oblivious when it comes to stuff like this. It's more than likely that I will never hear from her again. This goes back to that, if they are in my life now, they won't be for long thing. This is a direct example of that.

     Let's get to something way more important that all of that, and that would be Favorite Song of the Week. I'm not most being facetious about this, I do thing this song is way more important than all of that. This song was released Saturday night, and it was to coincide with this artist's appearance on SNL. He was both the host, under his real name, and the musical guest, under his alias. Yes, he has two names. He is also playing Lando Calrissian in the new Star Wars movie, Solo. His name for music is one that has a unique story. It's an odd name, and I heard an interview with him a few years ago, that he put some information in a Wutang Clan name generator, and this is what popped out, so he went with it. I also thought I heard that he was retiring the name, but I'm glad he didn't, because this new song is amazing. I have never purchased a song faster than after I heard this song. As soon as it was over, I was looking it up to purchase and download. I've listened to it a few dozen times, and watched the video at least 5 or 6 times so far. This video is a work of art, and it looks like it could have been shot in one take, which is ever more impressive when you see everything that is going on, and I don't believe I've still seen everything that is going on. I saw a suggestion on Twitter, and I tried it, so I'm going to give this suggestion to you as well. Watch the video once with the sound on. Listen to the lyrics, and what he is saying in them. Once you have done that, play it again with the volume off, and concentrate on what is going on behind and around him. You might be amazed at the story behind the story, and it is layers upon layers. There is so much going on in this video that it may take a hundred views before you finally get it all, and even then the interpretation may not be what he intended. I have seen several so far, and maybe that is what he really wants. He wants it to be interpreted by the person watching it, and figure out what it means to them, and maybe start a dialogue with other people about what it means to them and to other people. That is just my take on it. Let me know what your take is. His real name is Donald Glover, and when he is singing and rapping, he is Childish Gambino, so here is Childish Gambino with his newest song, "This is America".

     I can tell you this with certainty, if you are only focusing on the upfront violence in this video, you are missing the point of it. That is why you should watch it with the sound off, and focus on the other things around and behind him. I have my own ideas of what it means, but I want to hear yours.

     I'll see you Thursday night. Peace in and goodnight.

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