Sunday, May 20, 2018

Thoughts And Prayers Have Failed. It's Time For Something New.

Glenda Perkins

Cynthia Tisdale

Chris Stone

Aaron McLeod

Kimberly Vaughan

Shana Fisher

Angelique Ramirez

Christian Garcia

Jared Black

Sabika Sheikh

     Those are the of the fallen from Houston, Texas. Once again I'm writing names that need to be remembered, when the media is posting the name of the vile that is responsible for them no longer being on this earth. Don't worry though, thoughts and prayers will once again go out from our politicians in an effort to stop the next mass shooting. That plan of action has worked so well since Sandy Hook. They continue to get their money from lobbyists, and more and more people die daily. 

     This is the 22nd school shooting this year. Not since Sandy Hook, or since records have been kept, This is the 22nd school shooting this year, and we are only 20 weeks into this year. If we keep at that average, then there will be about 60 school shootings before the year is out. Is that what we want as a nation. We shouldn't be accepting 1 school shooting a year, much less 60. Lobbyist for gun manufacturers will say that we need more guns in schools, and the politicians will take the millions that they hand out, and no laws will go in to affect to enact common sense gun laws. After Sandy Hook 96% of the country wanted universal background checks, but the politicians voted against what he people wanted. They should no representation for their constituents, they only showed representation for their own bank accounts.

     I should be writing fun little blog about what I did this weekend, and my reviews on what I watched, and post the video that I made, but instead, I am once again listing the names of people who were killed in another mass shooting. In honor of them, this piece tonight is only in service to them, there will be no fun update, no reviews, and no video for you to watch. This is a call for you to contact your local officials, and tell them that you want them to do their job, and put forth some kind of bill that will change things for the better. Something that will attempt to end these senseless shootings. Something that will save lives. These adults and young students didn't need to die this week. They should be preparing for what they are going to do for the summer with their families. They should be thinking about what the next school year has to offer them. They should be having fun and living their lives, instead, because of the failure of politicians to do anything. Let me say that again, the failure of these politicians to do ANYTHING. They have sat back, they have taken tax payer and lobbyist money, they have lined their pockets and increased their bank accounts, and they have let more people die. Contact them, and tell them what you want, and if they don't do anything once again, find out when they are up for reelection and vote them out.

     They need to know that their jobs aren't permanent, just as the lives of the people that they let die weren't. They need to know, that the money train stops when they don't do their job. They need to know, that they will become pariahs in their own communities for their failures. If they fail to act this time, then their time as public officials is over. Don't worry, they can go to work for those very lobbyist that paid them those handsome sums for votes that went their way. They have failed this country, they have failed all those victims, and they have failed you. You may be the next victim of gun violence, and I'm sure that the politicians will say thoughts and prayers for you, but once you are the victim, do those thoughts and prayers mean anything? Peace in and goodnight.

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