Thursday, May 31, 2018

Just One Of Those Days

     Oh what a day. I kept having one thought go through my head at work. I want to quit. That was the thought. I just wanted to quit. I felt like I was done, and I can't do it anymore, but I stuck in there and finished the day. Will It feel like that tomorrow? Probably, I don't see anything changing from today to tomorrow. We added another employ, so I have now lost 35 more minutes to my day to get things done. That is the length of time I have to give out breaks to this person, that is on top of the other people I have to give breaks to as well. It's great that we are busy, and that we are working, but my workload has increased dramatically. I don't even get to take a break to eat my lunch now. I just take it and sit and watch over a machine while I eat. I have to get up constantly to take care of what is going on with that machine, and try to get my lunch in while I'm doing it. If I don't do that, and take a break, there is a very good chance, and when I say a good chance, I mean a 100% chance, that something will go wrong with the machine. I can eliminate that problem from happening, by sitting there while I eat. It saves me one less problem, but it also takes away any time I would have to just sit and relax while I eat. No one notices this, because I don't complain, but I'm quickly approaching a breaking point. I'll just have to see how long it lasts before I snap.

     To top of the bad experience of the day. I had to stop at the bank to get some money out to pay for my guitar lessons. I pulled up to the bank, got out of my car and walked up to the ATM. I slide my card in, and I hear someone yelling at me, "Hey you, I know you heard me." I turned to see a guy that had just pulled his truck up. I asked him what he was talking about. He told me that he was waiting for the ATM and that I jumped in front of him. He was in a truck parked 50 feet away, how was I supposed to know he was waiting for the ATM? I told him I didn't hear him, and that I would just cancel it out, and he could go ahead. He wanted to complain more and told me not to, but it was too late, I already pulled my card out, and walked away and stood and waited for him to take his slow walk up to the ATM and then take his time, all the while still complaining that I had, "busted in on him". I wanted to just tell him to let it go, and that he got what he wanted, but I just sat back and kept my mouth shut. I didn't see any reason to create a scene over an ATM machine. He drove off still mad, despite that fact that I basically rewarded him for being lazy and not standing in line, all because it was raining. If I still drank, this would have been a good day for it.

     The latest video for the PR is up and running, and I just published the blog. I didn't feel like waiting until the morning, so I just hit publish on it. I did the proofread and fixed a couple of small errors and put it up. I realized I forgot one element in the video. I usually put the address of the location in the video, and I forgot to do it. I'll have to remember that in the future. I did post links for the place in the blog, so it can be found if you put a little extra work into it. I doubt anyone wrote down the address from the video anyway, but it is a nice feature to have in there. It looks a little more professional.

     We are going to have a drive for the next location. This will be the furthest we will go, as far as I know. It's at the very end of the county, and it's beachside. I just looked up their website and their Facebook page, let's see if my partner does his job, and does his research for the place.

     That reminds me. I was proven right today about something. I have been telling my partner to post our videos and/or blogs on the Facebook pages of the places we have gone to, if they have one. He has failed to do this for any of them. One of our locations, posted it themselves today. How do I know this? Well, remember when I said I was just going to not look at the numbers anymore? I have been doing that for a little while now, and today was the first time I saw the numbers for the PR. I noticed a huge uptick in traffic, and wanted to know why. I looked at the posts, and there it was, one of the locations had all the numbers going to it. I checked their webpage, and there was nothing there. I checked their Facebook page, and there it was, a link to our little blog. They posted our review, and our traffic skyrocketed. I told my partner that this would happen, but he fought me on it for some reason, and now he sees I was right. I kept telling him, that those places have a built in audience that will look at something they post. If he posts it on their page, they will share it so that everyone that follows them can see it. If we keep doing that, we will eventually get subscribers, and that is what we want in the long run. He always fails to see the full picture. I say full, because, It think he sees the big picture, but he only focuses on the end result, and not everything it takes to get there. Its a, can't see the forest for the trees sort of thing. It's there, he knows its there, he just doesn't want to see any of the details surrounding the thing that's there. I'm fretting over all the details, and I'm going to stop doing that. He is going to have to start seeing them. I'm just going to look at it like this from now on, I'm production, I don't worry about anything else. I film, I edit, I write, and I do that little intro thing on the other side of the camera.

     Enough about that. I have a ton of things to watch this weekend. Kimmy Schmidt has a new season. Trollhunters has a new season. The final episode of David Letteman's show has Howard Stern as the guest. I still need to start on Santa Clarita Diet's new season. I need to get Clone Wars into my queue and start watching it. When will I have the time to get all of this viewing pleasure in. I think there is even more, that I haven't remembered, but when I go on Netflix tomorrow night, I will figure it all out. Oh yeah, I have to write a new chapter for The Patchwork Knight at some point, and since I'll be doing the PR on Saturday, I may have to do that tomorrow night, or maybe Saturday morning. Morning sounds like a horrible idea, but who knows. I don't think I will have the time to hit the deadline if I try to do it after the PR. Lately, my partner has wanted to just lounge around these places, and I just want to get out, and start working on edits or writing. I'm not hanging out on Saturday, I have a lot of stuff to get to.

     That's it for tonight. If you want to see the video, it's on YouTube. If you want to read the blog, well you know where that is too. See, I'm just production, I can do this. Peace in and goodnight.

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