Sunday, May 13, 2018

I Was Creepin'

     There it is, the latest video. I put a lot of work into that one, and I still think I missed some edits on it. For that 2 minute and 23 second video, I shot 34 clips equaling 2 hours of film. It took me two and a half hours to get the edit to where I was accepting of it, and then I set it to release this morning at 6 AM. That's going to be a thing now. You probably saw that in the very beginning of the video. I'm going to commit to posting a new video every Sunday. That means, I'm going to have to get out and get some filming done during the week from time to time, to be able to get it all in on time.

     This week is going to be super tight, since I have to do the PR and have it ready to release fully on Friday. We are shooting that one on Tuesday, and I will try to get the video edit done that night, Wednesday night at the latest. That video will go up Thursday afternoon at 5, with the blog post going up first thing Friday morning. I will have to write that on Thursday after the video goes live so that I can embed it into the piece. I've already filmed the exterior shots that I need. I got all the shots I talked about, and it's more than likely the last shot that I got, that I'm going to use. I got the one with the drone dropping down to reveal the entrance, but it doesn't have the right impact to me, but the final shot does. I start low, and slowly bring it up to get the sign in view, and then speed up as I go ever the building. I think that one has that "wow" factor to it. I'll know for sure when I start putting the video together.

     I've been talking to a friend of mine about The Patchwork Knight. She recommended that I go to this new platform called Medium. It's very interesting. It's an open source platform that allows writers to get paid for their content. I don't have to go that route though. I could put it up without being part of the partner program that they have. I have to do quite a bit of thinking on this one. It would be nice to get a little money for my work, but that really isn't the reason that I started writing The Patchwork Knight. I started doing it, because it is an idea that I've had in my head for a very long time, and it has far exceeded my original intent for it so far. There are also a lot of question that I need to answer if I do decide to move it there. First and foremost is, how to a handle the transfer? Do I post one new chapter every couple of days until I catch up? Do I post it once a week as I have been doing until it catches up? I already know that I'm not going to do a mass dump of every chapter at once. That is a bad idea and could turn readers off of it. The other question I have to answer is, do I stop writing until I get caught up to where I am if I move it over? That isn't out of the realm of possibility. The reason why, is that I have never written like this before. In the past I would sit down every day and write, until the story came to an end, or I did. I have been writing this once every week, and I have been able to maintain my consistency. I haven't felt like the time in between writing sessions has diminished the story that I have set out to tell. I could stop for a while until the story catches up on wherever I put it. That of course brings up another question. What about you? The one who is reading every week. When I take time off to get everything in order, will you still be there when it picks up again, and if you are, are you going to remember what happened previously? Yes, you could simply go back and read it again as I post it, but I personally wouldn't want to go back and reread a story before I completed it the first time. I really need your input on this matter specifically, because this affects you. What are your thoughts on this matter? Can you wait until it is call caught up? Will you stick around while this all comes together? Will you read along as I post it in it's new location? I really need answers to these questions, because in the end, I want to do what is best for you. This is your story as much as it is mine, and I want you to have the most pleasant experience reading it as I can provide.

     I believe I mentioned some time last week about how I need distraction when I write. While I was talking to my friend about all of this other stuff, I mentioned that I had just gotten back from getting writing supplies. That is very much a misnomer. They aren't exactly supplies as much as part of that distraction. Writing is very healthy for me mentally and emotionally, but physically, not so much. When I was writing The Patchwork Knight and Thursday Knights, I couldn't do this all the time. I didn't have the time for it, nor could I just go out and get what I really needed. Here is the list of items that are my supplies. One bottle of Pepsi, a Snicker bar, and a bag of Doritos. See what I mean when I say that it isn't healthy for my physically? No in reality, I don't need any of this, but I am much more focused and my mind does open up a bit more when I have these items with me. I can't say for certain, but I think the mass amount of worthless carbohydrates affect my brain in a positive creative way. Call it a carbo high if you want, but it does allow me to see more possibilities when I'm writing. Take the last chapter for example. In my head when I was planning it, it was going to be another short chapter with not much going on, but as I got into it, it opened up, and more happened, which caused more to happen, so much so that I had to force myself to weave it to a good place to end, so that I wouldn't have too much for you to read. I know that staring at a screen for a length of time, sucks, so I try to keep the chapters relatively short. If this was an actual book, then the paragraph structure and chapter structure would be far greater. My normal chapter would be a sub chapter in a normal book format. See, I really am thinking about your experience while reading it.

     Before I call it a night, I have a bunch of pictures for you. First up, is the burger I had yesterday. I went back to Wayback Burger so that I could get their Double Bacon, and it was worth it. It's still not the best cheeseburger that I've had, but it is worth going for, and since the best I've had it a few thousand miles away, I have to take what I can.

     There it is. Look how beautiful that is. It's fully dressed with lettuce, tomato, pickles, diced onions, ketchup, and mustard. Now, I could have done with out the ketchup and mustard on it, but I wanted it their way. It was good, but I do like an unadorned burger, that means no condiments. With that said, everything was fresh, the patties were handformed, the lettuce, tomatoes, and onions where fresh cut and chopped. The pickles were full of flavor. It was everything I hoped it would be, and I'm glad I had the idea to stop there yesterday. 

     The other pictures stem from my impromptu photoshoot in that little alleyway that I found. Saki was looking good despite being rather dirty from riding through the rain, but I still wanted to get those shots.

      I just couldn't resist.  Plus it was a cool location that I hadn't seen before. I might try and go out there some morning, to get that early predawn light. That would make the headlights stand out and maybe get that morning glow on the clouds behind it. It could be a really great shot. I just have to worry about anyone being in that abandoned building. All the doors have been pried off, and it's pretty wrecked inside. The ceiling has collapsed in places, so it's surely not safe for anybody to stay in, but you never know. When people are desperate to get out of the elements, anything is better than nothing. Oh, that might be a great place to get some drone footage. I could see the damage on the rooftop. More thoughts and ideas. I'll definitely have to keep that in mind for a future video.

     Time to finish my clothes and prepared for Fear the Walking Dead. Peace in and goodnight.

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