Thursday, May 10, 2018

I Have What Could Be A Brilliant Idea

     I have an idea, but I would like your help on whether or not I should implement this idea. I can't believe it took until today to even think of this. As you know, I've been writing The Patchwork Knight and posting it here, first on Thursday Knights, and now on Saturday Knights. Here is the idea. I could move everything to it's own blog. It came to me today, I could simply start a new blog page, and move everything over there. It would take some time to do it, but it can be done.

     Here is where your help comes in. Would you be up for going to a slightly different location to read it? I of course would post a link once I have it up, so that it would be easy to find, and I would add the email subscription to it, so that you could everything through email. The benefit is, that it would be stand alone, and you wouldn't have to weave your way through different posts to find it. It would all be in it's own location with it's very own name. It's very easy for me to keep posting it on here, rather than creating a new blog for it. I would have to take each chapter and copy and paste it into the new blog. I would have to do that 26 times as of right now. I wouldn't be able to get everything done for this Saturday's post, so 27 times is for certain. I really want to know what you think about this idea. Let me know in the comment section below.

     I have been so exhausted this week, so I'm greatly looking forward to this weekend. I do have to go out and shoot the external shots for the next review for the PR. I think I will have to do that on Saturday morning, because storms are supposed to be coming again. Little update on last weeks storms. Not a single drop of rain fell at my house. I'm doing the external shots separately this time, because I'm going to use the drone for this one, so I'm going to go in the morning when no one is there. One reason is, that I don't risk wrecking into someone's car, but mostly because, I don't want anyone bothering me while I'm flying the drone. I have a clear idea of how I want the shot, but I'm going to shoot several possibilities. The one in my head, is the drone flying done from above, and slowly revealing the sign and then backing up to reveal the entrance. I think that could be really dynamic. I will also do the shot I normally get, but with the drone. Low to high and focus on the sign, and then I will try one where I fly in from a distance to focus on the front entrance. I really want the first shot, and I think that will be the one, but I want the other ones to have options. I might get them all done, take a look at them, and like another one, but my first instincts are generally right. I guess you will know when we post the review on the 18th.

     I got another big compliment on my videos today. This one came from my guitar teacher. He said he has been watching all of them lately, and was blown away by my channel trailer for the CS. I had to tell him that that was an old one, and that I thought I could do better now. He said that it was really good, and I shouldn't try and improve on that one by redoing it. I had to explain that I wouldn't redo that one, but I would improve on the concept of it. I do have an idea, but it's going to take a lot of work, and I'm going to need help to do it. I can't do this one on my own, no matte how hard I try. I need someone else to fly the drone, in order to get the shots I need. I have a friend that is up for the challenge, but we haven't scheduled time for me to teach them how to fly yet. It will happen. In the meantime, I need to get off my butt and start filming other footage for it.

     Keeping this one short and sweet tonight. I do plan on creating a video to post on Sunday, but I'm still not set on the idea for it yet. It's going go be a surprise to me. I mentioned I have a few ideas. It could be one of those, or maybe something else will come to me. Either way, I will get that drone footage of the next PR location, on Saturday morning. I just hope someone doesn't think I'm trying to break into the place or something like that. I should be able to get all the shots I want in about 15 minutes, so if I can get in and out of there, I shouldn't have any problems with anyone thinking something weird is going on. I already have my story ready, and my business cards will be on me so that I can prove that I'm there for a reason. That's it for tonight. Peace in and goodnight.

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