Saturday, May 26, 2018

The Patchwork Knight (Chapter 29)

     We rode for the rest of the day. It was slow going with the carts and wagons full of sick and wounded, but we were fortunate enough not to come across any Raiders. We arrived at an old abandoned village. There were no walls, but the buildings were still intact. This must have been one of the villages where everyone left rather than tried to fight. We had remained silent for the ride, for no other reason other than to not call any more added attention to a column of sick and wounded traveling through the countryside.

     We put those who needed help into a large common building. It looked like a gathering hall for the community. After they were settled, the horses were detached from the wagons, then fed and watered.  Although here were plenty of cabins and huts, most of us chose to stay outside under the stars. It was more suited to being prepared for anything or anyone that may arrive. I selected a spot under a tree near the trail. From where I was, I could see both directions, and would be ready if anything came along that trail. Sir Jacob approached me from the village. He was no longer wearing his chain male, but only a pair of trousers and a white tunic with the Targen Knights sigil emblazoned on it.

     "Do you mind if I have a seat?"

     "Please, be my guest."

     "I took some time and talked to the men of he fort. They said that if it wasn't for you, they wouldn't have stood a chance. It was your planning and direction that won the day."

     "I only did what I could to help out. It was Sir, ahem, Lord Kendall that was the real hero."

     "You speak highly of him, but I truly know him. He has leadership qualities, but he lacks courage. If he could overcome that, he might be something some day. You on the other hand. It appears that you have both, and you know when to be humble, so as not to spook the horse."

     "It's true. I saw that he was losing face with his men, and I chose a story that would stop a execution. Those men were enraged that he stayed hidden. I saw his face when I went back to find him. He had a look of pure terror on his face. I told them what I needed to, in order to save his life."

     "You did well, Pitre. It is no wonder to me, now that Sir Wallace spoke so highly of you. He was enthused to say the least on you pending arrival at the Academy, but then all this madness began."

     "Do you know where Sir Wallace's body is lain?"

     "I do not know exactly, but Sir Salvor would."

     "I would like to go there to pay my respects to him some day. He was a very kind and noble man."

     "That he was. He was truly the best of us. He trained me to be a Knight. I wouldn't be half the man I am today if it wasn't for him. When we get to the Palace, I will have you meet with Sir Salvor. I'm sure you will want to hear his story for yourself."

     "I would like that. Very much."

     "I was wondering Pitre. Would you like to spar for a bit? Nothing brutal, just a light round. I would like to see what it is that Sir Wallace spoke about. He said that you were wildly advanced for you age, and that you had improved beyond Princess Alma in only a few months. If what those men over there said was true. You have advanced even further than that."

     "That would be wonderful. I haven't trained or sparred with anyone in years. It was my favorite thing to do, and Sir Wallace was a fantastic swordsman. If he trained you, then you should be as well."

     "Do you mind if we use sticks? No need to draw our blades for a friendly bout."

     "Choose your weapon then."

     We both went of in search of suitable sticks to use as swords. When we did, we both met under the tree again. We squared off, as was traditional in sparring. I stood with my right leg back, and held the stick to my side pointing down. Sir Jacob stood with a similar stance with his sword held in front of him. He lunged forward, and I utilized Movement one to brush his stick away and advance on him. I pivoted to his right, and tapped him on the back of the neck.

     "Was that Movement one? I've never seen it done with such grace. I barely had time to even see you move."

     "I've had a lot of time to practice."

     "You would have had my head in seconds. I'm a good swordsman, but you. You are unworldly. Sir Wallace understated your prowess with a sword. Can we go again?"

     "Of course. On your ready."

     Sir Jacob tried a different tactic. He lunged forward that feigned a strike as he leapt back and to the left. He dropped down and began to sweep his leg. I jumped over his sweep and towards him. Before he could stand I tapped him on his head.

     "Incredible. That is a move that I have one a number of sparring sessions with. There isn't a man over there, that can beat me when I use that move on them."

     A few of the men were taking notice of what was going on, and began walking over to get a closer look.

     "I'm not sure I should ask for this, but could you attack me. I'm less concerned for my safety than I am for my ego."

     "Ready yourself again, and I will attack this time."

     Sir Jacob put his guard up, by this time, a dozen men had made a semi-circle around us. I stood with my right leg back and my side to Sir Jacob. I held me stick down and to my side. Sir Jacob signaled that he was ready. I nodded and began. I made a small leap forward, and as I landed, I pivoted on my left food and sank down. I stepped my right foot behind me and spun. I raised my stick and thrust it straight at Sir Jacob's midsection. I watched as his hand moved too late to block the strike and a pulled short of stabbing him with the sticking. I merely brushed his tunic enough that he would feel the stick. His sword hand continued down. I withdrew my thrust, and spun my stick past my left side and brought the stick up and around and rested it on his neck. There was a roar from the men spectating. Sir Jacob looked at me with eyes full of astonishment.

     "I don't think I even had time to take a breath. Were you holding back with Sir Wallace? That is the only way he wouldn't have told us about your ability."

     "A bit, on my father's orders. Sir Wallace was a fair match for me when I saw him last. I couldn't defeat him every time."

     "I dare say, that you could now. Sir Wallace was remarkable, but I've never seen anything like what you can do. I would have to say, that it is true what those men said they saw you do, during the battle at the fort. You don't need any training to be a Knight. I'd say that you are one. I'm sure that the King would want to see for himself. I am the Commanding Knight with Sir Wallace gone, and if you are up for it, I would like to hold the ceremony right now. What do you say men? Would you like to see a new member knighted into the Targen Knights?"

     Once again, a roar went up from the men.

     "Pitre, will you hand me your sword, and take a knee?"

     I drew my sword and handed it over to Sir Jacob, and knelt in front of him. He held the sword and admired it for a moment.

     "Who made this sword Pitre?"

     "My father made it for me. It is the same sword I used in the tournament. He sharpened it once we returned to the village."

     "It is an impressive weapon. The balance is perfect and it feels like it was meant for my hand even though I know it wasn't. Pitre, do you swear to protect the Realm from all that would do it harm?


     "Do you swear to uphold the laws of your King, and protect his people in times of war?"


     "Do you swear that even in times of peace you will uphold the honor of the Targen Knights, and be a light in the Realm for all to see."


     "Then I Sir Jacob dub the, Sir Pitre of the Targen Knights.'

     Sir Jacob tapped me on either shoulder with the flat of the blade and then tapped me on my head."

     "Rise Sir Pitre. The Realm awaits you."

     I stood and Sir Jacob handed my sword back to me. All the men cheered, and one in the back called out, "He looks more like Sir Patchwork with all those different pieces of armor on him." The crown went hush at the statement. I held my sword up, and declared, "I'm Sir Pitre, The Patchwork Knight.". With that everyone burst out into laughter, and I joined along with them.

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